1) What are the functions of law? (exclude wrong line)
   a) maintaining of social control
   b) regulating of moral relations
   c) protecting of public order
   d) bringing out justice in society
2) What is legal practice?
   a) rule of behavior approved by the state
   b) solution of a state organ in a particular case
   c) will of state that executed documentally
   d) agreement between a few states, international organizations or other subjects of law
3) What is precedent?
   a) rule of behavior approved by the state
   b) solution of a state organ in a particular case
   c) will of state that executed documentally
   d) agreement between a few states, international organizations or other subjects of law
4) What are the normative legal acts?
   a) rule of behavior approved by the state
   b) solution of a state organ in a particular case
   c) will of state that executed documentally
   d) agreement between a few states, international organizations or other subjects of law
5) What is law treaty?
   a) rule of behavior approved by the state
   b) solution of a state organ in a particular case
   c) will of state that executed documentally
   d) agreement between a few states, international organizations or other subjects of law
6) What are the sources of law?
   a) law treaty
   b) normative legal acts
   c) precedent
   d) legal practice
   e) all answers are correct
7) What is the main principle of Romano-Germanic law system?
   a) idea of social control through moral education
   b) to provide all citizens with accessible and written collection of laws
   c) it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions
   d) honor, responsibility and duty
8) What is the main principle of Common law?
   a) idea of social control through moral education
   b) to provide all citizens with accessible and written collection of laws
   c) it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions
   d) honor, responsibility and duty
9) What is the main principle of Chinese law?
   a) idea of social control through moral education
   b) to provide all citizens with accessible and written collection of laws
   c) it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions
   d) honor, responsibility and duty
10) What is the main principle of Japanese law system?
   a) idea of social control through moral education
   b) to provide all citizens with accessible and written collection of laws
   c) it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions
   d) honor, responsibility and duty
11) Legal norms are…
   a) solutions of state organ in a particular case
   b) form of legal liability of citizens and officials for committing an offense
   c) measure of state compulsion assigned by a court's judgment
   d) generally binding rules of conduct issued by the state authority
12) Basic aspects of legal norms (exclude  wrong line)
   a) they are issued by competent state authority
   b) they are properly published
   c) they regulate peoples conduct
   d) they are binding for the indefinite number of people and indefinite number of cases
   e) there are some territorial exceptions
   f) they are enforceable by the power of the state
13) Prohibitive legal norms:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) they contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
14) Conflict legal norms:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
15) Injunctive legal norms:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
16) Derogatory legal norms:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
17) Entitling legal norms:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
18) Legal definitions:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
19) Declaratory legal norms:
   a) determine duties of legal subjects
   b) determine prohibitions
   c) determine entitlements of the legal subjects
   d) express ideological, political or ethical principles
   e) define some notions used in the process of realization of law
   f) contain repeal of a normative act or its part
   g) contain criteria for the choice between the norms of two countries
20) What are the main concepts of civil law?
   a) president and prime minister
   b) constitution and legal norms
   c) state and constitution
   d) president and state
21) What is legislative branch of power?
   a) system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state
   b) kind of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws
   c) part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state
22) What is executive branch of power?
   a) system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state
   b) kind of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws
   c) part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state
23) What is judicial branch of power?
   a) system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state
   b) kind of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws
   c) part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state
24) What is the main principle of fundamental classification of constitutions?
   a) separation of powers
   b) codification
   c) power structure
   d) precedent
25) Types of constitutions:
   a) legislative, executive and judicial
   b) injunctive, prohibitive, entitling
   c) declaratory, derogatory, conflict
   d) codified, uncodified
26) Codified constitution normally consist of a:
   a) ceremonial preamble and several articles
   b) injunctive, prohibitive, entitling legal norms
   c) ceremonial preamble and legal definitions
   d) legislative, executive and judicial parts
27) What are the 3 basic areas of public law?
   a) family law, labor law, criminal law
   b) constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law
   c) international law, information law, labor law
   d) civil law, constitutional law, administrative law
28) Individual subjects of administrative law:
   a) citizens, foreigners and stateless persons
   b) associations, organizations, businesses and administrative bodies
   c) executive authorities
29) Collective subjects of administrative law:
   a) citizens, foreigners and stateless persons
   b) associations, organizations, businesses and administrative bodies
   c) executive authorities
30) What is administrative responsibility?
   a) area of the law that deals with family-related issues and domestic relations
   b) a socially dangerous act, committed with guilt
   c) form of legal liability of citizens and officials for committing an offence
   d) measure of state compulsion assigned by a court's judgment
31) What are the characteristics of administrative offence? (exclude wrong line)
   a) act in the form of an act or omission against the state or public order
   b) continuation of wrongful conduct, despite the demand of authorized persons
   c) public harmful acts
   d) guilt in the form of intent or carelessness
   e) punishment in the form of administrative responsibility
32) Select one of the principles of Presumption of innocence.
   a) continuation of wrongful conduct, despite the demand of authorized persons to terminate it
   b) committing an administrative offence in a state of alcoholic intoxication
   c) a person shall be administratively liable only for those administrative offences, in respect of which his guilt has been established
   d) an administrative offence shall be deemed willful, when the person who has committed it realized the wrongful nature of his action (omission)
33) What are the elements of an administrative offence?
   a) object, objective side, subject, subjective side
   b) individual and collective subjects
   c) object, subject
   d) offender and his actions
34) Types of administrative punishments: (exclude wrong line)
   a) administrative fine
   b) warning
   c) deprivation of a special right granted to a natural person
   d) restricted liberty
   e) confiscation of the instrument or the object of an administrative offence
   f) administrative arrest
   g) disqualification
35) What is labor law?
   a) the body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government
   b) area of the law that deals with family-related issues and domestic relations
   c) body of laws, administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organizations
   d) set of rules consisted of rules and principles governing the relations and dealings of nations with each other
36) Documents for concluding an employment agreement: (exclude wrong line)
   a) passport
   b) birth certificate
   c) work book
   d) insurance certificate
   e) verification of his/her education
37) Types of employment agreements:
   a) indefinite term/definite term
   b) codified/uncodified
   c) from 30 days to 12 months
38) A fixed-term employment agreement is concluded for:
   a) working in severe and dangerous conditions
   b) temporary and seasonal work
   c) handicapped employees
   d) working without social insurance
39) Essential conditions of an employment agreement: (exclude wrong line)
   a) place of employment
   b) date of beginning of work
   c) employment function
   d) conditions determining the nature of the work
   e) compensation, and benefits to the employee for working in severe and dangerous conditions
   f) results of medical examination
   g) work and holiday time
   h) payment system
   i) provision on mandatory social insurance
40) Select the reason of termination of labor relations:
   a) substitution for a temporarily absent employee
   b) attending daytime classes
   c) combining works in various organizations
   d) single material violation by the employee of his/her working duties
41) The amount of disability allowance for the employee working uninterruptedly from 5 to 8 years is:
   a) 40%
   b) 60%
   c) 80%
   d) 100%
42) The amount of disability allowance for the employee working uninterruptedly for more than 8 years is:
   a) 40%
   b) 60%
   c) 80%
   d) 100%
43) The amount of disability allowance for the employee working uninterruptedly for less than 5 years is:
   a) 40%
   b) 60%
   c) 80%
   d) 100%
44) A disability certificate is issued for:
   a) 5 days
   b) 8 days
   c) 10 days
   d) 12 days
45) A disability certificate may be extended up to:
   a) 15 days
   b) 30 days
   c) 45 days
   d) 60 days
46) Upon the decision of the clinical-expert commission disability certificate may be extended up to:
   a) 6 months
   b) 12 months
   c) 15 months
   d) 30 months
47) Employees rights: (exclude wrong line)
   a) the right to a workplace meeting the requirements of labor protection
   b) the right to mandatory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases
   c) to establish the work and rest schedule of other employees in accordance with labor legislation
   d) the right to refuse to work in case of occurrence of any danger to the employee’s life and health as a result of violations of requirements of labor protection
   e) the right to request an examination of the conditions and protection of labor at the employee’s workplace by an authorized state body
48) Family law does not include:
   a) the nature of marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships
   b) issues arising throughout marriage
   c) administrative and criminal responsibility of parents
   d) termination of the relationship and questions including divorce, alimony, parental responsibility etc.
49) What is marriage?
   a) social union or legal contract between people that creates relationship
   b) mutual voluntary consent of the men and women
   c) a legally binding document that give the married couple property rights and obligations
   d) a legal obligation to provide financial support to one's spouse from the other spouse
50) Marriage is allowed between:
   a) close relatives
   b) the adoptive parents and adoptees
   c) already married persons
   d) persons with big disparity in age
51) Rights and obligations of the married parties are:
   a) giving a husband/wife or his/her family control over a spouse’s labor, and property
   b) giving a husband/wife responsibility for a spouse’s debts
   c) giving a husband/wife visitation rights when his/her spouse is in the prison or in the hospital
   d) giving a husband/wife access rights to his/her spouse's private parts
   e) establishing the second legal guardian of a parent’s child
   f) establishing a joint fund of property for the benefit of children
   g) everything is correct
52) What are the basic types of divorces?
   a) fixed-term, unlimited
   b) codified, uncodified
   c) no-fault, at-fault
   d) temporary, permanent
53) What is rehabilitative alimony?
   a) support ordered when the parties are separated prior to divorce
   b) support given to a lesser earning spouse for a period of time necessary to acquire work outside the home and become self-sufficient
   c) support paid to the lesser earning spouse until the death of the payor, the death of the recipient, or the remarriage of the recipient
   d) support given as a reimbursement for expenses incurred by a spouse during the marriage
54) What is reimbursement alimony?
   a) support ordered when the parties are separated prior to divorce
   b) support given to a lesser earning spouse for a period of time necessary to acquire work outside the home and become self-sufficient
   c) support paid to the lesser earning spouse until the death of the payor, the death of the recipient, or the remarriage of the recipient
   d) support given as a reimbursement for expenses incurred by a spouse during the marriage
55) What is temporary alimony?
   a) support ordered when the parties are separated prior to divorce
   b) support given to a lesser earning spouse for a period of time necessary to acquire work outside the home and become self-sufficient
   c) support paid to the lesser earning spouse until the death of the payor, the death of the recipient, or the remarriage of the recipient
   d) support given as a reimbursement for expenses incurred by a spouse during the marriage (like educational expenses)
56) What is permanent alimony?
   a) support ordered when the parties are separated prior to divorce
   b) support given to a lesser earning spouse for a period of time necessary to acquire work outside the home and become self-sufficient
   c) support paid to the lesser earning spouse until the death of the payor, the death of the recipient, or the remarriage of the recipient
   d) support given as a reimbursement for expenses incurred by a spouse during the marriage (like educational expenses)
57) What are the basic forms of adoption:
   a) fixed-term, unlimited
   b) codified, uncodified
   c) open, closed
   d) temporary, permanent
58) Children’s rights: (exclude wrong line)
   a) the right to live separately from the parents
   b) the right to a name and nationality
   c) the right to education, culture and the arts
   d) health and welfare rights
59) What are the principles of criminal law? (exclude wrong line)
   a) the principle of legality
   b) the principle of equality of individuals before the law
   c) the principle of guilt
   d) the principle of gravity
   e) the principle of justice
   f) the principle of humanism
60) The maximum penalty for the crime of little gravity is…
   a) 1 year of the deprivation of freedom
   b) 2 years of the deprivation of freedom
   c) 5 years of the deprivation of freedom
   d) 10 years of the deprivation of freedom
61) The maximum penalty for the medium-gravity crime is…
   a) 2 years of the deprivation of freedom
   b) 5 years of the deprivation of freedom
   c) 10 years of the deprivation of freedom
   d) 15 years of the deprivation of freedom
62) The maximum penalty for the grave crime is…
   a) 5 years of the deprivation of freedom
   b) 10 years of the deprivation of freedom
   c) 15 years of the deprivation of freedom
   d) a term exceeding 10 years, or a more severe punishment
63) The maximum penalty for the especially grave crime is…
   a) 5 years of the deprivation of freedom
   b) 10 years of the deprivation of freedom
   c) 15 years of the deprivation of freedom
   d) a term exceeding 10 years, or a more severe punishment
64) What type of crime is slander (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
65) What type of crime is illegal adoption (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
66) What type of crime is theft (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
67) What type of crime is terrorism (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
68) What type of crime is pollution of waters (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
69) What type of crime is illegal crossing of a state border (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
70) What type of crime is desertion (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
71) What type of crime is genocide (by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation)?
   a) crime against the person
   b) crime in the sphere of economics
   c) crime against public security and public order
   d) crime against state power
   e) crime against military service
   f) crime against peace and mankind’s security
72) Crimes against state power: (exclude wrong line)
   a) crimes against the fundamentals of the constitutional system and state security
   b) crimes against the administration of justice
   c) crimes against public security
   d) crimes against administration procedure
73) Crimes against the person: (exclude wrong line)
   a) crimes against human life and health
   b) crimes against human health and public morality
   c) crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of the person
   d) crimes against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the person
   e) crimes against the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen
   f) crimes against the family minors
74) Select the circumstance, mitigating criminal responsibility.
   a) necessary defense
   b) physical coercion
   c) execution of order or instruction
   d) pregnancy
75) Select the circumstance, excluding the criminality of a deed.
   a) extreme necessity
   b) age of minority of a guilty person
   c) the illegality or amorality of the victim's behavior
   d) mental coercion
76) Circumstances, aggravating criminal responsibility: (exclude wrong line)
   a) repeated commission of crimes
   b) age of minority of a guilty person
   c) commission of a crime by a group of persons
   d) especially active role played in the commission of a crime
   e) commission of a crime against a woman who is obviously in a state of pregnancy
77) Compulsory measures of a medical nature may be inflicted by a court of law on the following persons: (exclude wrong line)
   a) those who have committed deeds in a state of insanity
   b) those who, after the commission of a crime have caught mental derangement, which makes it impossible to impose or execute punishment
   c) those who have severe injury or incurable disease
   d) those who have committed a crime and who are deemed to be in need of treatment for alcohol addiction or drug addiction
78) Criminal punishments: (exclude wrong line)
   a) fines
   b) compulsory works
   c) confiscation of property
   d) warning
   e) service in a disciplinary military unit
79) Information law regulates:
   a) formation and use of information resources
   b) the creation and use of information technologies and their support means
   c) the protection of the information and the rights of the subjects participating in the information processes and informatization
   d) everything is correct
80) The basic areas of state policy in the informatization sphere are: (exclude wrong line)
   a) the formation and protection of state information resources
   b) the promotion of the formation of a market of information resources, services, information systems, technologies, and their support means
   c) collection, keeping, use or dissemination of personal data
   d) the support of informatization projects and programs
81) Information that cannot be putted into the class of limited access: (exclude wrong line)
   a) information concerning private life, or any information that violates a personal secret
   b) legislative and other normative acts that establish the legal status of state authority, as well as the citizens' rights, freedoms, and obligations
   c) documents containing information concerning emergency situations
   d) documents, which are necessary for implement the citizens' rights, freedoms, and obligations
82) What profession is connected with professional secrets?
   a) plumber
   b) cashier
   c) accountant
   d) computer technician
   e) librarian
83) What profession isn’t connected with professional secrets?
   a) engineer
   b) nurse
   c) advocate
   d) insurance manager
   e) police officer
84) What are the purposes of information protection? (exclude wrong line)
   a) the prevention of leakage, theft, loss, distortion, or forging of information
   b) the prevention of unsanctioned actions to destroy, modify, distort, copy, or block information
   c) the protection of the citizens' rights to maintain personal secrecy and the confidentiality of the personal data
   d) the support of informatization projects and programs
85) What are the sources of a doctor’s duty of confidentiality?
   a) Constitution and Labor law
   b) Criminal and Administrative law
   c) Hippocratic Oath and Declaration of Geneva
   d) Declaration of Human rights and freedoms and Hippocratic Oath
86) Medical data may be disclosed without patient’s consent to:
   a) any legal person
   b) relatives of a patient
   c) employer of a patient
   d) any person bound by duty of medical confidentiality
87) Criminal liability is established for:
   a) unlawful access to computer information
   b) refusal to provide information
   c) violation of rules on protection of information
   d) disclosure of limited access information
88) Criminal punishment for a violation of information law in Russia is:
   a) warning
   b) fine up to 20000 rubles
   c) correctional work for the term up to 2 years
   d) suspension of activity for the term up to 90 days
89) Administrative sanctions are established for:
   a) violation of the secrecy of communication
   b) unlawful access to computer information
   c) illegal receipt and disclosure of information classified as a commercial, tax or bank secret
   d) refusal to provide information
90) Administrative punishment for a violation of information law in Russia is:
   a) suspension of activity for the term up to 90 days
   b) compulsory community work for the term of 120-240 hours
   c) correctional work for the term up to 2 years
   d) imprisonment for the term up to 10 years
91) What does coordination function of international law mean?
   a) international law defines the mechanisms that protect the legitimate rights and interests of states
   b) international law contains certain provisions that encourage states to follow certain rules of conduct
   c) the state set mutually acceptable standards of behavior in different areas of the relationship
   d) states take the firmly established rules, without which their co-existence is impossible
92) What does support function of international law mean?
   a) international law defines the mechanisms that protect the legitimate rights and interests of states
   b) international law contains certain provisions that encourage states to follow certain rules of conduct
   c) the state set mutually acceptable standards of behavior in different areas of the relationship
   d) states take the firmly established rules, without which their co-existence is impossible
93) Branches of international law are: (exclude wrong line)
   a) diplomatic law
   b) consular Law 
   c) international administrative law
   d) environmental law
94) What is international humanitarian law?
   a) law that regulates the conduct of armed conflicts
   b) law that governs permanent and temporary diplomatic missions
   c) field of international law that regulates the behavior of states, international organizations and firms operating in the international arena
   d) body of international law designed to promote and protect human rights at the international, regional and domestic levels
95) What is international economic law?
   a) law that regulates the conduct of armed conflicts
   b) law that governs permanent and temporary diplomatic missions
   c) field of international law that regulates the behavior of states, international organizations and firms operating in the international arena
   d) body of international law designed to promote and protect human rights at the international, regional and domestic levels
96) What are the types of norms of international law?
   a) law treaty, normative legal acts, precedent, legal practice
   b) universal, particular
   c) unlimited, fixed-term
   d) injunctive, prohibitive
97) Citizenship is based on one of the following factors:
   a) brother/sister is citizen
   b) speaking state language
   c) marriage to a citizen
   d) immigrating to a nation
98) Select requirement for the naturalization in Russia that is not necessary.
   a) the applicant has been a permanent resident of Russia for not less than five years
   b) the applicant promises lawful behaviour
   c) the applicant has a legal source of income
   d) the applicant has applied for termination of another citizenship
   e) the applicant speaks Russian
99) Ways of loss of citizenship: (exclude wrong line)
   a) automatic
   b) renounce the citizenship
   c) deprivation of citizenship
   d) by the will of relatives
100) Human rights and freedoms include: (exclude wrong line)
   a) right to equality of both males and females
   b) right to be a citizen of a country
   c) right to armed protest a government or group
   d) right to express his or her sexual orientation
   e) right to be innocent until proven guilty