1 Кровь
1. The cytoplasm of erythrocytes contains:
А. tanks of rough ER
Б. tanks of smooth ER
В. lisosomes
Г. hemoglobin
2. The number of platelets in 1 litre of blood is:
А. 3,9-5,5*1012 in 1 litre
Б. 3,4-4,9* 1012 in 1 litre
В. 2-3*109 in 1 litre
Г. 200-300*109 in 1 litre
3. % contain of segment neutrophils (leucocytes) in the blood is:
А. 25-30%
Б. 0-1%
В. 60-75%
Г. 6-8%
Д. 1-5%
4. % contain of eosinofil leucocytes in the blood is:
А. 25-30%
Б. 0-1%
В. 60-65%
Г. 6-8%
Д. 1-5%
5. % contain of lymphocytes in the blood is:
А. 25-30%
Б. 0-1%
В. 60-65%
Г. 6-8%
Д. 1-5%
6. % contain of monocytes in the blood is:
А. 25-30%
Б. 0-1%
В. 60-65%
Г. 6-8%
Д. 1-5%
7. The function of segment neutrophils (leucocytes) is:
А. antihistamine action (histamine destruction)
Б. phagocytosis of microorganisms
В. with the help of heparine they take part in regulation of processes of blood coagulation
Г. promotes the reaction of cellular immunity
8. The function of eosinophil leucocytes is:
А. antihistamine action (histamine destruction)
Б. macrophageous
В. with the help of heparine they take part in regulation of processes of blood coagulation
Г. promotes the reaction of cellular immunity
9. The function of basophil leucocytes is:
А. antihistamine action (histamine destruction)
Б. macrophageous
В. with the help of heparine they take part in regulation of processes of blood coagulation
Г. promotes the reaction of cellular immunity
10. The function of T-lymphocytes is:
А. antihistamine action (histamine destruction)
Б. macrophageous
В. with the help of heparine they take part in regulation of processes of blood coagulation
Г. promotes the reaction of cellular immunity
11. The main organ of postnatal erythropoiesis is:
А. thymus
Б. spleen
В. red bone marrow
Г. liver
12. The main organ of postnatal granulocytopoiesis is:
А. thymus
Б. spleen
В. red bone marrow
Г. liver
13. The change of erythrocytes shape in the peripheral blood is:
А. poikylocytosis
Б. anizocytosis
В. hemolysis
Г. erythropenia
14. Net-like structures in reticulocytes cytoplasm are:
А. endoplasmatic reticulum
Б. hemoglobin
В. chromatin
15. The change of erythrocytes size in the peripheral blood is:
А. hemolysis,
Б. erythropenia
В. poikylocytosis
Г. anizocytosis
16. Name of the cell differentiating into macrophage after leaving the bloodstream
А. neutrophil
Б. eosinophil
В. monocyte
Г. basophil
Д. plasmocyte
17. What blood cells contain active histaminase:
А. neutrophil
Б. eosinophil
В. basophil
Г. lymphocyte
18. Name of the cell differentiating into plasmocyte:
А. monocyte
Б. B-lymphocyte
В. T-lymphocyte
Г. neutrophil
19. Name the precursor cell for the thrombocyte:
А. megakaryocyte
Б. reticulocyte
В. myclocyte
Г. discocyte
20. Name the blood indexes deviating from the norm:
А. erythrocytes 5,5×1012 l
Б. thrombocytes 210×109 l
В. eosinophils 12%
Г. lymphocytes 24%
21. The serum differs from plasma by absence of:
А. α2 –macroglobulins
Б. protein complements
В. fibrinogenes
Г. immunoglobulins
Д. albumins
22. By the term «leucopenia» we define the leucocyte contain:
А. below norm
Б. in norm
В. higher norm
23. They may participate in humoral immunity:
А. erythrocytes and lymphocytes
Б. lymphocytes and plasmocytes
В. plasmocytes and erythrocytes
24. T- lymphocytes take a special place in the spleen:
А. in the red pulp
Б. periarterial zone
В. mantine zone
Г. centre of follicule reproduction
25. In the follicles of lymphatic node T- lymphocytes take place:
А. centre of reproduction
Б. mantine zone
В. marginal zone
Г. paracortical zone
Д. flash parts
26. What type of epithelium covers tonsils:
А. stratified squamous keratinizing
Б. stratified squamous non-keratinizing
В. simple columnar
Г. simple cuboidal
Д. transitional
27. Gassale bodies in the thymus are formed by:
А. collection of macrophages
Б. covering each other of epithelial cells,
В. collection of T-lymphocytes
28. What class of bloodforming cells takes part in physiological regeneration of corpuscular elements of blood:
А. stem polypotent
Б. semi-stem partly determinating
В. blasts
Г. mature
29. Name the blood form elements in which we can see the decreasing of size, losting of nucleus, increasing of cytoplasm? oxyphilia during the process of hemoppoiesis
А. monocyte
Б. neutrophil leucocyte
В. lymphocytes
Г. erythrocytes
Д. eosinophil leucocyte
30. In the thymus differentiation occurs of:
А. T-lymphocytes
Б. T- and B-lymphocytes
В. B-lymphocytes
31. Name the blood plasma protein taking part in the process of blood coagulation together with thrombocytes:
А. albumin
Б. fibrinogen
В. globulin
Г. hemoglobin
32. To granulocytes we do not refer:
А. neutrophil
Б. eosinophil
В. basophil
Г. monocyte
33. Name the blood cell which is able to blasttransform and produce antibodies
А. neutrophil
Б. eosinophil
В. obese cell
Г. B-lymphocytes
34. Name blood cells look like obese cells of connective tissue in structure and function:
А. neutrophils
Б. lymphocytes
В. basophils
Г. monocytes
35. Name blood cell the main function of which is phagocytosis:
А. eosinophil
Б. neutrophil
В. basophil
Г. lymphocyte
36. Name leucocytic formula corresponding to the norm:
А. h-60-70%, e-6-8%, b-1-5%, m-0-1%, l-25-35%;
Б. h-65-75%, e-1-5%, b-6-8%, m-20-30%, l-20-30%;
В. h-65-75%, e-1-5%, b-0-1%, m-6-8%, l-25-35%;
Г. h-60-75%, e-0-1%, b-1-5%, m-10-12%, l-25-35%.
37. Name the largest leucocyte referring to macrophagic system:
А. neutrophil
Б. large lymphocyte
В. basophil
Г. monocyte
38. Blood cells responsible for cellular immynity:
А. neutrophils
Б. monocytes
В. B-lymphocytes
Г. T-lymphocytes (killers)
39. The investigation of blood analysis of the patient showed 10 % of lymphocytes. This condition may be called as:
А. leucocytosis
Б. lymphocytopenia
В. lymphocytosis
Г. anizocytosis
40. The blood analysis of the patient had 10%of basophils. This condition may be called as:
А. basophil leucocytosis
Б. basophilia
В. basophil leucopenia
Г. Shift of leucocytic formula to the right
41. In the haemagram of the patient blood there was found out 500х109 l of trombocytes. This condition may be called:
А. thrombocytopenia
Б. thrombocytosis
В. agranulocysis
Г. anizocytosis
42. In the leucocytic formula of the patient there was found out the decreased % of segment neutrophils, disappearance of young and band neutrophils. This condition may be called as:
А. shift of leucocytes to the left
Б. shift of leucocytes to the right
В. leucopenia
Г. Leucocytosis
43. In the leucocytic formula of the patient there was found out the increase of % contain of young, band neutrophils in comparison to contain of segment neutrophils. This condition may be called as:
А. shift of leucocytes formula to the right
Б. shift of leucocytes formula to the left
В. leucocytosis
Г. leucopenia
44. The analysis of the patient blood showed the stable decrease of erythrocytes number. This phenomenon may be called as:
А. anizocytosis
Б. poikylocytosis
В. erythropenia (anemia)
Г. erythrocytosis
45. On the preparation of blood smear there may be seen the cell with large basophil granules through which the segment nucleus may be observed. Name this cell:
А. neutrophil
Б. eosinophil
В. lymphocyte
Г. basophil
46. B - lymphocytes were marked in the experiment. The mark will be found in the cells of connective tissue:
А. macrophages
Б. adventitional cells
В. plasma cells
Г. obese cells
47. The patient has the decreased contain of hemoglobin in the blood. The blood function is destroyed:
А. gas exchange
Б. protective
В. trophic
Г. homeostatic
48. The lymphatic node does not have this function:
А. lymphopoeisis
Б. depoting of the lymph
В. protective
Г. endocrine
49. Common to all are the blood-forming organs function, except:
А. protective
Б. immunocompetent
В. trophic
Г. hemopoietic
50. As part of the medulla of lymph node cells are found, except:
А. lymphocytes
Б. erythrocytes
В. macrophages
Г. plasmatic cells
51. Specify which cells form the walls of the lymph sinuses of lymph node:
А. endotheliocytes
Б. border cell (reticuloendotheliocytes)
В. adventitional cells
Г. lymphocytes
52. Say, what organs of hemopoiesis doesn’t refer to lymphoid system:
А. thymus
Б. red bone marrow
В. spleen
Г. lymphatic node
53. In the medulla of lymphatic node the sinus is located:
А. intermediate
Б. central
В. medullar
Г. border
54. To the contain of germinal centre of lymphatic node the following things cann`t be included:
А. lymphoblasts
Б. reticular cells
В. small lymphocytes
Г. large lymphocytes
55. T-dependent zone of lymphatic node is located in:
А. germinal centre
Б. medullar substance
В. around portal sinus
Г. paracortical zone
56. Lymphostream in the lymphatic node moves along:
А. lymphatic vessels
Б. around blood vessels
В. synuses of lymphatic nodes
Г. pulp line
57. The spleen in postnatal period doesn`t carry out the function of:
А. lymphocytopoiesis
Б. monocytopoiesis
В. protective
Г. erythropoiesis
58. Say, in what structures of the spleen the central artery is situated:
А. in capsule
Б. in trabecular
В. in the white pulp
Г. in the red pulp
59. T-dependent zone of the spleen is in:
А. reactive centre
Б. marginal zone
В. mantile zone
Г. periarterial zone
60. Say, in what hemopoietic organs there may not be found lymphoid follicles:
А. spleen
Б. red bone marrow
В. lymphatic nodes
Г. glands
61. On the samples you can find some lymphoid follicles from various hemopoietic organs. Lymphoid follicles of the spleen may be defined by:
А. size
Б. reactive centre
В. presence of central artery
Г. location in the parenchyma of the spleen
62. The spleen supplies the red bone marrow with the ferrum. The source of ferrum in the spleen is:
А. lymphoid follicule
Б. sinus capillaries
В. perished erythrocytes in the spleen
Г. periarterial zone
63. Penicular arteries of the spleen are in:
А. capsule
Б. trabecular
В. white pulp
Г. red pulp
64. In the contain of peripheral zone of lymphoid follicle the following cells may be included, except:
А. reticular
Б. small lymphocytes
В. plasmatic
Г. adventitional
65. During microscopy in the strome of hemopoietic human organ there was found megakaryocytes. This organ is:
А. spleen
Б. lymphatic node
В. thymus
Г. red bone marrow
66. During microscopy of hemopoietic organ there were seen granulocytes of different periods of development. Name this hemopoietic organ:
А. lymphatic node
Б. spleen
В. red bone marrow
Г. thymus
67. The primary blood cells may be found in:
А. ectoderma
Б. mesoderma
В. entoderma
Г. mesenchyme of yolk-sac
68. Say, what tissue is located in the base of strome of thymus lobules:
А. connective
Б. reticular
В. reticuloepithelial
Г. myeloid
69. There was a task given to the researcher – to study the correlation between lymphocytes and epithelial tissue. For this aim the hemopoietic organs may be used:
А. spleen
Б. lymphatic node
В. palatine tonsils
Г. thymus
70. The patient has the disturbance of ferrum absorbtion because of stomach disease. There may be observed the abnormality of:
А. lymphopoiesis
Б. thrombopoiesis
В. erythropoiesis
Г. granulopoiesis
10 Эндокринная система
1. The source of epiphysis development is:
А. epithelial tissue
Б. neuroectoderm
В. mesenchyme
Г. connective tissue
2. On the preparation of thyroid gland there were seen the large follicles with flat epithelium. The function of the gland is:
А. moderately increased
Б. decreased
В. normal
Г. sharply increased
3. Adenohypophysis develops from:
А. epithelium of oral cavity of embryon
Б. mesoderm
В. epithelium of embryon throat
Г. mesenchyme
4. Neurohypophysis produced such hormones:
А. oxitocin
Б. vasopresin
В. antidiuretic hormone
Г. is not produce
5. In case of removal of all parathyroid glands there may develop the:
А. a low concentration of potassium
Б. high calcium concentration
В. low calcium concentration
Г. a high concentration of potassium
6. To the peripheral organs of endocrine system we refer:
А. hypophysis, thyroid glands, adrenal glands
Б. thyroid and parathyroid gland, adrenal glands
В. thyroid and parathyroid gland, epiphysis, adrenal glands
Г. hypophysis, epiphysis
7. Oxyphil cells of adenohypophysis may produce hormones:
А. oxitocin
Б. somatotropin and lactotropin
В. tireotropin and gonadotropin
Г. corticotropin
8. To the central organs of endocrine system we refer:
А. hypophysis, epiphysis, adrenal glands
Б. hypothalamus , epiphysis, thyroid glands
В. hypophysis, neurosecretory nuclei of hypothalamus, epiphysis
Г. placenta, pancreatic gland, adrenal gland
9. The structural – functional unit of thyroid gland is:
А. acinus
Б. follicle
В. lobule
Г. sarcomer
10. The source of development of adrenal glands is:
А. endoderm and mesenchyme
Б. celomic epithelium, sympatic ganglia
В. mesoderm and endoderm
Г. mesoderm and ectoderm
11. Thyreotropic hormone is secreted by:
А. basophil gonadotropocytes
Б. oxiphil
В. basophil thyreotropocytes
Г. chromophobous
12. The function of epiphysis:
А. stimulizes the growth of thymic gland
Б. blocks secretion of neurohypophysis
В. inhibits the development of sexual system
Г. speeds the development of sexual system
13. To endocrine glands with mixed secretion we refer:
А. hypophysis, parathyroid and pancreatic glands,
Б. pancreatic glands, gonads, placenta
В. adrenal glands, pancreatic glands
Г. gonades, adrenal glands, epiphysis
14. In the anterior lobe of hypophysis we can differ cells:
А. chromophobous
Б. chromophobous, chromophilous
В. chromophilous
Г. azyrophilous
15. Intermediate lobe of hypophysis synthesizes hormones:
А. lactotropous and lipotropous
Б. melanocytostimulating and lipotropin
В. lactotrophous and melanocytostimulating
Г. liberins and statins
11 Мочевыделительная система
1. The structural and functional unit of the kidneys is:
А. nephron
Б. follicle
В. lobule
Г. urinary corpuscle
2. The final concentration of urine takes place in:
А. collecting tubules
Б. Henle loop
В. proximal convoluted tubule
Г. distal convoluted tubule
3. Define the localization of juxtaglomerular cells in the kidneys producing renin:
А. wall of afferent arteriole
Б. macula densa
В. mesangial space of nephron
Г. wall of proximal tubule
4. Distal convoluted tubule of the kidney are lined by cells:
А. squamous with processes
Б. cuboidal with microvilli
В. cuboidal with basal infolding
Г. columnar glandular
5. Name the membranes of ureters:
А. mucous, submucous, muscular, adventitional
Б. mucous, submucous, adventitional
В. mucous, muscular, serous
Г. mucous, submucous, muscular, serous
6. The mucous membrane of ureters is lined with epithelium:
А. stratified squamous non-keratinized
Б. stratified cuboidal
В. transitional
Г. columnar
7. The source of development of epithelium in the kidney:
А. ectoderm
Б. segmental limbs of mesoderm
В. entoderm
Г. somits
8. In the cortical substance there may be found the following divisions of nephrons:
А. loop of Henle, collecting tubules
Б. convoluted distal and proximal tubules, kidney corpuscles
В. kidney corpuscles, loop of Henle, convoluted distal tubules
Г. kidney corpuscles, loop of Henle, convoluted proximal tubules
9. The phase of urinary forming process takes place in the kidney corpuscle:
А. secretion
Б. reabsorption
В. filtration
Г. coagulation
10. Name structures introducing into the content of juxtaglomerular (renin) apparatus of the kidneys:
А. juxtaglomerular, mesanglial and endothelial cells
Б. podocytes, endotheliocytes, macula densa
В. macula densa, juxtaglomerular and Gurmagtig's cells
Г. pinealocytes, juxtaglomerular and Gurmagtig's cells
11. Name the structures of nephron:
А. cerebral rays, collecting tubules
Б. kidney corpuscle, distal tubules, kidney cups
В. nephron capsule, proximal tubule, Henle loop, distal tubule
Г. collecting tubules, proximal tubule, Henle loop, distal tubule
12. The components of kidney filtrating barier:
А. external leaf of capsule, basal membrane, mesangial cells
Б. endothelium, basal membrane, mesangial cells
В. inner leaf of capsule (podocytes), three-fold layer of basement membrane, endothelium of capillary
Г. mesangial cells, external leaf of capsule, endothelium of capillary
13. Interstitional cells of cerebral substance of kidneys may produce hormones:
А. prostaglandin
Б. antiudiretic
В. renin
14. Epithelial cells lining proximal convoluted tubules of kidneys are:
А. squamous processing
Б. columnar with microvilli
В. columnar glandular
Г. irregular shaped
15. Epithelium lining collecting tubules of kidneys is:
А. stratified squamous
Б. simple cuboidal
В. stratified cuboidal
Г. transitional
12 Мужская половая система
1. The stroma of gland consists of muscular-elastic tissue. Name this organ:
А. prostatic gland
Б. spermatic vesicles
В. bulbouretral glands
Г. testis
2. Name the cells of spermatogenic epithelium located in the basal compartment of wall of the seminiferous tubule:
А. spermatozoon
Б. spermatogonia
В. spermatids
Г. granulocytes
3. Name the structures of testis where the multiplication and maturing take place:
А. interstitional tissue
Б. wall of seminiferous tubule
В. wall of ductus deferens
Г. wall of appendix epididymis
4. Dense contacts divide the wall of seminiferous tubule into compartments:
А. basal, adluminal
Б. proximal, distal
В. apical, tuberal
Г. apical, basal
5. The function of testis (spermatogenesis and secretion of testosteron) is regulated by hormones of hypophysis:
А. vasopressin, oxitocyn
Б. follicular stimulating, luteonising
В. gonadoliberin, gonadostatin
Г. prolactin
6. Name cells contained in spermatogenic epithelium of seminiferous tubule:
А. Sertoli cells, myoid cells
Б. spermatogenic, mucous, glandulocytes
В. Sertoli cells, spermatogenic cells,
Г. endocrinocytes, epitheliocytes, myoid cells
7. The own membrane of testis wall of the seminiferous tubule consists of the following layers:
А. mucous, submucous, fibrous
Б. basal, myoid, fibrous
В. epithelial, fibrous,
Г. apical, mucous, muscular
8. From one original spermatogonia there may be formed:
А. 1 spermatozoon
Б. 2 spermatozoons
В.4 spermatozoons
Г. 3 spermatozoons
9. Name canals which are met in the testis:
А. efferent ductules, ejaculatory duct
Б. seminiferous and straight tubules, rete of testis
В. distal, collecting tubules, ejaculatory duct
Г. ductus epididymis, efferent ductules
10. The wall of seminiferous tubule is lined by epithelium:
А. spermatogenic
Б. myoid
В. simple squamous
Г. high columnar
11. Name the place in the male genital system where ejaculatory duct opens to urinary canal:
А. space of seminal vesicles
Б. prostatic gland
В. space of bulbouretral gland
Г. space of urinary genital diaphragm (membraneous part of urinary excritaring canal)
12. Define the place of localization of glandulocytes in the testis (interstiional cells):
А. infoldings of Sertoli cells
Б. adluminal compartment of the wall of seminiferous tubule
В. loose connective tissue around seminiferous tubule
Г. mediastinum of testis
13. Cellular components of spermatogenic population:
А. stem, endocrine, spermatozoons
Б. spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatides, spermatozoons
В. spermatogonia, spermatozoons, myocytes, glandular cells
Г. epithelial, endocrine, muscular, adventitional
14. Name the cells locating in adluminal compartment of the wall of seminiferous tubule:
А. spermatogonia
Б. glandulocytes
В. spermatocytes, spermatids, spermatozoons
Г. myoid, glandular
15. Endocrine glandulocytes of testis produce hormone:
А. vasopressin
Б. testosteron
В. aldosteron
Г. progesteron
13 Женская половая система
1. During investigation of blood content in the hypophisarous hormone there was stated the constant high concentration of folliculostimulating hormone and very low of luteinizing hormone. In the ovary there may be worked out:
А. estrogene
Б. progesteron
В. hormones will not be worked out
Г. testosterone
2. On the slides of cortex of ovary there were seen the structures resemble to yellow corpuscle but in the centre there was wrinkled glittering membrane. Name this structure:
А. athretic follicle
Б. white corpuscle
В. tertiary follicle
Г. premordial follicle
3. Name the morphofunctional condition of endometrium if the yellow corpuscle to be in the stage of blossom:
А. proliferation
Б. menstruation
В. secretion
Г. postmenstrual stage
4. It is known that in the period of growth and maturation of oocytes there are cells which carry out the trophic function of an ovum. Give the name to these cells:
А. decidual
Б. interstitional
В. follicular
Г. reticular
5. There was given the preparation of uterus endometrium covered by cylindrical epithelium without cilia, uteral t glands are not change, decidual cells are absent. Name the phase of menstrual cycle which is presented in the slide:
А. secretion
Б. proliferation
В. menstruation
Г. pregravidal phase
6. There was given the preparation of endometrium uterus. Epithelium is high, with cilia, glands have many branches, many decidual cells. Name the phase of menstrual cycle which is presented on the slide:
А. secretion
Б. proliferation
В. desquamation
Г. menstrual stage
7. Say what membranes constitute the wall of uterus:
А. mucous, submucous, muscular, serous
Б. mucous, muscular, serous
В. mucous, submucous, muscular, adventitional
Г. mucous, muscular, adventitional
8. Сhoose the structure being the part of external connective tissue layer of the theca of matured follicule:
А. loose connective tissue
Б. folliculocytes
В. dense non-formed connective tissue
Г. interstitional cells
9. Choose the structure formed on the place of yellow body:
А. athretic body
Б. white body
В. follicle
Г. nothing is formed
10. Name hormone which produces yellow body:
А. androgenes
Б. progesteron
В. estrogenes
Г. estrogenes and progesteron
11. Choose the structure consisting in the content of corona radiata of oocyte:
А. microvilli of oocyte, processes of folliculocytes, glicosaminoglicans
Б. granular layer, processes of folliculocytes
В. glicosaminoglicans
Г. granular layer
12. Yellow body is formed on the place:
А. primordial follicle,
Б. primary follicle
В. mature follicle
Г. secondary follicle
13. The shape of folliculocytes in primordial follicle is:
А. squamous
Б. cuboidal
В. columnar
Г. round
14. Name the sequence of location of structural components in ovarus:
А. mesothelium, capsule, cortex, medulla
Б. capsule, medulla, cortex, mesothelium
В. cortex, mesothelium, capsule
Г. mesothelium, cortex, medulla, capsule
15. Name what structures are the parts of cerebral substance of ovarus:
А. loose connective tissue, vessels, nerves
Б. dense irregular connective tissue, nerves, smooth myocytes
В. dense regular connective tiisue
Г. loose connective tissue
16. Name the functions of folliculocytes of Graafian follicle:
А. synthesis of estrogenes
Б. limitation of follicular cavity
В. synthesis of follicular fluid
Г. synthesis of estrogenes, limitation of follicular cavity and synthesis of follicular fluid.
14 Нервная ткань
А. axon
Б. dendrite
В. axis cylindre
Г. process of neuron, surrounded by glial membrane
Д. any process of neuron
2. The efferent neurons have no such features as:
А. multipolar shape
Б. efferent endings of axon
В. location in the anterior horns of spinal cord
Г. role of the 3d part in the reflectory arch
Д. formation of receptor endings
3. For chemical synapses it may be characteristically:
А. conduction of impulse to both direction
Б. synaptic cleft of 2 mm width
В. absence of receptors to mediators
Г. presence of vesicles with mediators in presynapting part
Д. full absence of synaptic cleft
4. Glyocytes taking part in formation of glial border membranes around vessels and hematoencephalic barrier are:
А. oligodendrocytes
Б. microglia
В. astrocytes
Г. neuron
Д. Schwann cells
5. Myelin membrane of peripheral nervous fibers is formed by:
А. dense intercellular substance containing protein and phospholipids
Б. plasma membrane of lemmocytes
В. specialized part of perineurium
Г. elements of cytoskeleton of Schwann cells
Д. spiral curved membrane of axon
6. What cells in the epidermis of skin together with terminals of efferent fibers form tactile receptors:
А. keratinocytes
Б. Langerhance cells
В. Merkel cells
Г. melanocytes
Д. satellite-cells
7. The specific feature of regeneration of nervous fibers is:
А. proliferation of ependimocytes
Б. increased activity of fibrous astrocytes
В. increased activity of lemmocytes
Г. proliferation of plasmatic astrocytes
8. Afferent nervous endings are:
А. terminal part of dendrites of sensory (receptory) neurons
Б. terminal part of axons of motor cells of neurons
9. The part of neuron body where axon is going away is called:
А. axon branch
Б. axon deepening
В. axon hillock
Г. axon spike
10. What glyocytes form plast that looks like simple columnar epithelium?
А. ependimocytes
Б. protoplasmatic astrocytes
В. oligodendrocytes
Г. microglia
11. Where are ependimocytes located?
А. lining the ventricles of brain and central canal of spinal cord
Б. surround large neurons of the brain
В. follow the nervous fibers
Г. surround blood vessels
12. What structures of neuron take part in conduction of nervous impulse?
А. plasma membrane
Б. microtubules
В. neurofilaments
Г. endoplasmic reticulum
13. What cells secrete spinal cord fluid (liquor)?
А. ependimocytes of vascular plexuses of ventricles of the brain
Б. satellite oligodendrocytes
В. motoneurons of spinal cord
Г. astrocytes
14. After resection of nerve there may be always degeneration of:
А. central parts of nervous fibers
Б. neurons, processes of which to be in the content of nerve
В. Schwann cells
Г. peripheral parts of neuronal processes along the whole distance
15. What are the Schmidt-Lanterman clefts?
А. thickening of myelin membrane
Б. intraknotting interceptions
В. nuclei of Schwann cells
Г. parts of cytoplasm of lemmocytes between circuit of mesaxon
16. How is presynaptic part of interneuronal synapse formed?
А. neuron axon
Б. neuron dendrite
В. neuron body
15 Костные ткани
1. Joint surfaces of bones are covered by:
А. hyaline cartilage
Б. elastic cartilage
В. fibrous cartilage
Г. periosteum
2. The base of otic cavity is made of:
А. hyaline cartilage
Б. elastic cartilage
В. fibrous cartilage
Г. reticulofibrous bony tissue
3. The source of development of skeletal tissues is:
А. mesenchyme
Б. entoderm
В. ectoderm
4. The source of development of osteoclasts is:
А. stem cell of mechanocytes
Б. ostoegenic cells
В. monocytes
Г. osteoblasts
5. What cells synthesize organic matrix of bony tissue:
А. osteogenic cells
Б. osteoblasts
В. osteocytes
Г. osteoclasts
Д. all mentioned above is correct
6. Structural-functional unit of compact bone tissue is:
А. plate
Б. osteon
В. central (Haversian) canal
Г. osteocyte
7. The source of formation of interstitial lamellae is:
А. remained part of lamellae of old osteons
Б. remained part of external general lamellae
В. remained part of internal general lamellae
8. Which bone formed cranial sutures?
А. lamellar
Б. compact
В. matural
Г. secondary
Д. primary bone
9. The function of epiphysial cartiligenous plates:
А. provides the growth and regeneration of cartilage of joint surfaces
Б. serves for the growth and length of r bones
В. it is the place of differentiation of periosteum
Г. supplies the amortization in mechanic pressure along longitutidal axis
10. Name the source of development of bone and cartilage tissues:
А. ganglious plate
Б. sclerotome
В. dermatome
Г. ectoderm
Д. splanchnotome
11. What cells destroy bone tissue?
А. osteocytes
Б. osteoblasts
В. chondroclasts
Г. osteoclasts
Д. fibroblasts
12. Direct osteogenesis (formation of bone from mesenchyme) begins with formation of:
А. bone trubaculae
Б. periosteum
В. osteogenic isles
Г. bone plates
2 Цитология
1. Rounded structure in the cellular nucleus, rich in RNA consisting of fibrous and granular components:
А. nucleus
Б. nucleolar
В. inclusions
Г. karyoplazma
Д. cellular centre
2. Groups of ribosomes united into complexes by molecules of informative RNA:
А. nucleolar
Б. polysomes
В. pores of nucleus membrane
Г. cellular centre
3. The growth of daughter cell to the size of maternal one, preparation to synthesis of DNA takes place in:
А. synthetic period
Б. postmytotic period
В. premytotic period
Г. prophase of mytosis
Д. telophase of mytosis
4. In what phase of mitotic cycle there may be the accumulation of energy in cell, synthesis of proteins of fusy division, preparation to introduction of mytoza:
А. postsynthetic period G2
Б. prophase of mytosis
В. anaphase of mytosis
Г. postmytotic period (G0)
5. Stem cells of different tissues are in the period of:
А. G1;
Б. G2;
В. S;
Г. G0
6. Glycocalix is the structural component of:
А. elementary biological membrane
Б. plasma membrane
В. hyaloplasm
Г. cytoplasm
7. Lipofuscin belongs to inclusions:
А. trophic
Б. pigment
В. secretory
Г. excretory
8. In the cell synthesing lipids you can find:
А. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Б. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
В. Golgy complex
Г. Ribosomes
А. two centriols of cellular centre
Б. combination of contains of rough endoplasmic reticulum
В. combination of contains of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Г. complex of combination of the cisternae in the Golgy apparatus
А. membrane organells
Б. nonmebrane organells
В. inclusion
Г. organells of special significance
11. According to chemical contain the ribosomes represent:
А. carbohydrates
Б. proteins
В. lipids
Г. ribonucleoproteids
12. The function of lisosomes is:
А. intracellular transport of hydrolases
Б. clatrine synthesis
В. calcium depo necessary for combination of endocytosing nipples with endosomes
Г. intracellular digestion
А. the increase of chromosomes size in the result of reduplication
Б. increase of chromosomes number, usually equal to two
В. irregular distribution of genetic material between daughter cells
14. The plan of structure of universal biological membrane is:
А. two layers of proteins, between them a layer of lipids
Б. two layers of lipids including proteins
В. two layers of lipids, between them a layer of protein
Г. groups of proteins exchange with groups of lipids
15. What structures of plasma membrane help to identify signals by cells?
А. cilia
Б. folds
В. Membrane reseptors
Г. tonofibrils
Д. microvilli
16. What functions given below doesn`t plasma membrane carry out?
А. border
Б. receptor
В. participation in endo- and exocytosis
Г. transporting
Д. synthetic
17. How are the new mytochondria formed?
А. in combination of old mytochondria
Б. in granular cytoplasmatic net
В. by division
Г. in Golgy complex
18. The marker of what organelles succinate dehydrogenase may be:
А. lizosomes
Б. peroxisomes
В. mytochondria
Г. nucleols
Д. plasmatic membrane
19. What processes may be in the cell during S-period?
А. synthesis of DNA
Б. synthesis of lipids
В. synthesis of tubulin and formation of microtubes
Г. accumulation of energy
3 Эмбриология
1. Name the primary stage of embryogenesis:
А. separation
Б. gastrulation
В. fertilization
Г. organogenesis
2. Name the period of the transition from one-cellular stage of development to multicellular:
А. fertilization
Б. gastrulation
В. histogenesis
Г. separation
3. What type of separation should be the characteristic for human zygota?
А. full regular
Б. full irregular (acynchronic)
В. partial
4. What tissues and organs should be developed from myotomes of somits of mesoderm?
А. smooth musculartissue
Б. vessels
В. striated muscular tissue
Г. bony tissue and bones
Д. heart
5. What is the function of cortical granules of an ovum?
А. start of zigota separation
Б. accumulation of nutritive substances
В. relief of spermatozoids to ovum
Г. formation of fertilization membrane
6. Where does the fertilization of the ovum take place?
А. in the uterus body
Б. in the uterus cavity
В. in the distal part of the fallopian tubes
Г. in the abdominal cavity
Д. in the vagina
7. The periods of gastrulation of human embryon?
А. 1-6 days
Б. 7-15 days
В. 10-15 days
Г. 20-30 days
8. What functions may be fulfilled by allantois in mammals?
А. conduction of blood vessels from the fetus body to placenta
Б. trophic
В. supportive
Г. blood forming
Д. creation of water medium for embryon
9. Give the correct alternation of an ovum membranes in mammals:
А. plasma membrane – zona pellucida– corona radiata
Б. corona radiata - animal membrane - plasma membrane
В. plasma membrane – corona radiata - amnion
Г. zona pellucida - corona radiata - amnion
Д. plasma membrane - animal membrane - zona pellucida
10. Name the derivative of neuroectoderm:
А. sex glands
Б. spinal and cerebral brain
В. uterus epithelium
Г. kidney epithelium
Д. myocardium
11. What can be developed from sclerotome?
А. axis skeleton
Б. connective tissue of the skin
В. stroma of internal organs
Г. gonad stroma
Д. chord
12. The implantation of human embryon to mucosa uterus coincides with the period of:
А. fertilization
Б. separation
Г. histo- and organogenesis
В. gastrulation
Д. zygota
13. In the process of implantation there may be divided the stages of:
А. growth, mature
Б. adhesion, invasion
В. adhesion, mature
Г. growth, mature, invasion
14. Biological significance of gastrulation is:
А. formation of multicellular embryon
Б. formation of multilayer embryon
В. differentiation of definitive organs
Г. formation of one cellular embryon
15. Fertilization in human embryon development takes place in:
А. uterus
Б. the fallopian tubes
В. abdominal cavity
Г. ovaries
16. The process of separation begins in:
А. uterus
Б. the fallopian tubes
В. ovaries
Г. vagina
17. Human ovum is according to the type of:
А. primary isolecytal
Б. moderate bodylecytal
В. secondary isolecytal
Г. strong telolecytal
18. The type of human blastule:
А. amphiblastule
Б. celoblastule
В. blastocyst
Г. discoblastule
19. Name the place of the most often blastocyst implantation:
А. uterus
Б. the fallopian tubes
В. abdominal cavity
Г. ovary
20. The time of beginning of the 1st phase of gastrulation:
А. end of the 1st week of embryonic development
Б. end of the 2th week of embryonic development
В. middle of the 3d week of embryonic development
Г. the 4th week of embryonic development
4 Эпителиальные ткани
1. What intercellular contacts prevent the intervention of macromolecules through epithelium from the environment:
А. split-like
Б. desmosomes
В. dense
Г. intermediate
2. The most distributed type of secretion is:
А. merocrinal
Б. apocrinal
В. golocrinal
3. The cell, specialized for secretion of protein substances, contain well-developed:
А. sER, Golgy complex
Б. free ribosomes and mitochondria
В. rER, Golgy complex
Г. sER, mitochondria
Д. lisosomes, sER
4. В In what organ epithelium may form reticular-shape structure:
А. urinary bladder
Б. liver
В. thymus
Г. thyroid gland
Д. skin
5. Stratified epithelium of the thick skin includes:
А. 2 layers
Б. 3 layers
В. 4 layers
Г. 5 layers
6. Movable structures of epitheliocytes:
А. tonophilaments
Б. microtubules
В. flagelium
Г. cilia
Д. desmosomes
7. What type of intercellular contacts supplies the mechanic connection of cells between each other:
А. dense
Б. desmosomes
В. intermediate
Г. split (nexus)
Д. all mentioned above
8. Stratified epithelium is to be called:
А. consisting of some layers of cells
Б. consisting of cells of different height, nucleus of which are based on various levels
В. consisting of multinucleus cells
Г. formed in the result of combination of many cells
Д. having high mitatic activity
9. The name of stratified epithelium is defined by:
А. shape of superficially layed cells
Б. shape of majority cells of every layer
В. peculiarity of embryonic source of development of this epithelium
Г. peculiarity of organ structure in the content of which there may be this epithelium
10. If the gland has no excretory duct and excretes its secret directly into the blood, it refers to:
А. simple tubular
Б. endocrine
В. simple alveolar
Г. exocrine
11. The function of basal membrane of epithelium is:
А. secretory, amortizating
Б. contractive, supporting
В. supporting, supplies the transport of nutritive substances
Г. secretory, trophic
12. Cells may be stem-like in simple ciliated epithelium:
А. goblet
Б. short, covered by other cells
В. endocrine
Г. cillious
13. Cells fulfilling the cambial function in the transitional epithelium are:
А. covering
Б. intermediate
В. basal
Г. pear-like
14. The types of intercellular contacts, most numerous in the superficial epithelium:
А. nexus
Б. desmosomes
В. interdigitation
Г. dense contacts
15. The place of location of transitional epithelium is:
А. oral cavity
Б. gastric cavity
В. cavity of urinary bladder
Г. cavity of small intenstine
5 Соединительные ткани
1. The components of intercellular substance of connective tissue may be synthesized by:
А. fibrocytes
Б. plasma cells
В. fibroblasts
Г. macrophages
2. What types of connective tissues may be characterized by increase number of amorphous substance and cells above fibrous components?
А. dense irregular connective tissue
Б. loose fibrous irregular connective tissue
В. dense regular connective tissue
Г. reticular tissue
3. What type of connective tissues may be found in the tendons?
А. dense irregular connective tissue
Б. loose fibrous irregular connective tissue
В. dense regular connective tissue
Г. reticular tissue
4. The stroma of lymphatic organs is formed by:
А. dense irregular connective tissue
Б. loose fibrous irregular connective tissue
В. dense regular connective tissue
Г. reticular tissue
5. The formation of collagen fibers doesn`t take place in:
А. fibroblast
Б. cementoblast
В. smooth myocyte
Г. cardiomyocyte
Д. osteoblast
6. The solidity of connective tissue is given by:
А. reticular fiber
Б. elastic fiber
В. collagen fiber
Г. all mentioned above is correct
7. Histamin of must cells may … the permeability of capillary wall:
А. increases
Б. doesn`t change
В. decreases
8. Heat production is the main function of tissue:
А. white adipose
Б. brown adipose
В. mucous
Г. epithelial
Д. nervous
9. The stroma of hematopoietic organs may be formed by … tissue:
А. mucous
Б. pigment
В. reticular
Г. adipose
10. Humoral immunity is supplied by cells of connective tissue:
А. fibroblasts
Б. adipocytes
В. macrophages
Г. plasma cells
11. Cells of connective tissues taking part in trophics, energy formation, water metabolism:
А. adipocytes
Б. fibroblasts
В. must cells
Г. fibrocytes
12. The solidity of connective tissues is defined by … fibres:
А. collagen
Б. elastic
В. reticular, elastic
Г. chondrogenous
13. In the solid connective tissue the following fibers prevail:
А. collagen
Б. elastic
В. reticular
Г. chondrogenous
14. The cells of connective tissue capable to synthesize fibrous proteins and glycosaminoglycans are:
А. fibrocytes
Б. macrophages
В. plasma cells
Г. fibroblasts
15. The tissues forming group of connective tissues with special features:
А. reticular, pigment, mucous, adipose
Б. loose, dense, cartilagenous
В. pigment, cartilagenous
Г. dense, bony, mucous
16. The name of connective tissues with special properties is linked with:
А. fiber location
Б. fiber name
В. prevalence of similar cells
Г. capability to synthesize glycosaminoglycans
17. In the tendons and joints the following connective tissues prevail:
А. dense regular
Б. dense irregular
В. loose fibrous
Г. reticular
18. In the net layer of the skin the following connective tissue is met:
А. loose
Б. dense regular
В. dense irregular
Г. reticular
19. The stretching of connective tissue is defined by fibers:
А. collagen
Б . elastic
В. reticular
Г. chondrogenous
20. The location of fibers of dense regular connective tissue may be:
А. not parallel
Б . parallel
В. crossed
Г. oblique
6 Нервная система
1. Name neurons which are located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord:
А. multipolar sense neurons
Б. multipolar motoneurons
В. pseudounipolar neurons
Г. sense neurons
2. Name neurons localized in the spinal ganglion:
А. multipolar motoneurons
Б. pseudounipolar sensitive
В. pseudounipolar motoneurons
Г. multipolar associative
3. Efferent neurons are localized in the cortex of brain in the following layers:
А. 1 and 4
Б. 3 and 5;
В. 5 and 6;
Г. 1-4.
4. Structural-functional unit of cortical layer of the brain is:
А. lobe
Б. lobule
В. pole
Г. module
5. In the cortical layer of the cortex of brain the large pyramid neurons may be localize in the layer:
А. 1;
Б. 2;
В. 3;
Г. 5.
6. In the cerebellum you can find the following layers:
А. molecular, stellate, ganglionic
Б. molecular, granular, polimorphic
В. molecular, ganglionic, granular
Г. molecular, stellate, granular
7. The basket neurons of the cerebellum have the function
А. motor
Б. sensitive
В. associative
Г. neurosecretory
8. The basket neurons of the cerebellum are localized in the layer:
А. granular
Б. molecular
В. piriform cells
Г. granular, piriform cells
9. Efferent neurons of the cerebellum are localized in the layer:
А. molecular
Б. granular
В. ganglionic
Г. polymorphic cells
10. The mossy fibers of the cerebellum may form synapses with the cells:
А. piriform
Б. horizontal
В. granular cells
Г. pyramid cells
11. The efferent neurons of the cerebellum are:
А. granular
Б. pyramid
В. piriform
Г. stellate
12. Vegetative ganglia consists of neurons:
А. unipolar
Б. bipolar
В. pseudounipolar
Г. multipolar
13. Name the type of glia developing from mesenchyme:
А. oligodendrogllia
Б. ependymic
В. astroglia
Г. microglia
14. Name the cells fulfiling the role of endocrinocytes:
А. receptors
Б. neurosecretory
В. efferent
Г. associative
15. Cerebrospinal canal and cavities of brain ventricles are covered with cells of glia:
А. ependymal cells
Б. protoplasmic astrocytes
В. oligodendrocytes
Г. fibrous astrocytes
7 Мышечные ткани
1. Name the source of development of skeletal muscular tissue:
А. mesenchyme
Б. myotome
В. visceral part of splanchnotome
Г. ectoderm
2. Name the structures fulfiling cambial function in the skeletal muscular tissue:
А. myocytes
Б. endometrium
В. perimysium
Г. myosatellitocyte
3. Name the structural functional unit of the smooth muscular tissue:
А. myosimplast
Б. endomysium
В. myocyte
Г. syncitium
4. Name the proteins of microfilaments which are the components of A-disk in sarcomer:
А. actin
Б. keratin
В. myosin
Г. tubulin
5. Regeneration of the heart muscular tissue occurs because of:
А. reproduction and differentiation of cambial cells
Б. defect is substituted by connective tissue
В. mitotic division of cardiomyocytes
Г. differentiation of cardiomyocytes from myofibroplasts
6. Name the main protein of microfilaments which are the components of I-disk in sarcomer:
А. actin
Б. keratin
В. myosin
Г. tubulin
7. Name one of the sources of development of smooth muscular tissue:
А. somits
Б. mesenchyme
В. endoderm
Г. visceral part of splanchnotome
8. Give the definition of intercalated disks of cardiomuscular tissue:
А. anastomose «side to side»
Б. group of intercellular contacts of neighboring cardiomyocytes
В. intercellular substance
Г. type-changed cells
9. Name the inclusions in which the muscular tissues are rich:
А. glycogen, lipids, myoglobin
Б. phospholipids, vitamin E
В. karotin, lipophuscin
Г. melanin, glicogen
10. The functional meaning of L-tubuls of muscular fibre:
А. trophic
Б. regeneration
В. depot of Ca ions
Г. conduction of nervous impulse
11. Functional meaning of smooth ER of the muscular fiber:
А. trophic
Б. regeneration
В. depot of Ca ions
Г. conduction of nervous impulse
12. Name the structural and functional unit of the cardiomuscular tissue:
А. syncitium
Б. muscular fiber
В. cardiomyocyte
Г. myocyte
13. Name the structural-functional unit of the skeletal muscular tissue:
А. syncitium
Б. myocyte
В. muscular fiber
Г. myotome
14. Name the source of development of cardiomuscular tissue:
А. myotome
Б. myoepicardial plate of visceral part of splanchnotome
В. mesenchyme
Г. ectoderm
15. Myofibrillls of skeletal muscle fiber may be located:
А. correctly, along fiber
Б. correctly, transverse fiber
В. not correctly, diffused
Г. not correctly along fiber
8 Пищеварительная система
1. Part of the esophagus above the diaphragm is formed from the membranes:
А. mucous, submucous, muscular, serous
Б. mucous, muscular, serous
В. mucous, submucous, muscular, adventicial
Г. mucous, submucous, serous
2. The mucous membrane of eosophagus is made of epithelium:
А. simple columnar
Б. stratified squamous non-keratinizing
В. stratified squamous keratinizing
Г. simple ciliated
3. Name the type of secretion by serous cells of parotid gland:
А. appocrine type
Б. merocrine type
В. golocrine type
Г. golocrine and merocrine types
4. Give morphofunctional characteristic of parotid gland:
А. simple, alveolar, mucous
Б. simple tubular protein - mucous
В. complex tubular-alveolar mucous
Г. complex alveolar serous
5. Tunica muscularis in the middle part of eosophagus is represented by muscular tissue:
А. smooth
Б. skeletal
В. smooth and skeletal
Г. myoepithelial
6. Name what epithelium covers the lined removed-out duct of parotid gland:
А. simple squamous
Б. simple cuboidal
В. stratified squamous
Г. simple columnar
7. Name what organs given below compose the anterior part of digestive tube:
А. stomach, small and large intestine
Б. eosophagus, oral cavity, throat
В. caudal part of rectum
Г. small and large intestine
8. The middle part of digestive tract is represented by the organs:
А. stomach, small and large intestine
Б. eosophagus, oral cavity, throat
В. caudal part of rectum
Г. throat, eosophagus
9. Intercalated duct of salivary glands is covered with epithelium:
А. ыstratified epithelium
Б. simple cuboidal
В. simple squamous
Г. stratified squamous
10. The cells of ending parts of sublingual gland excrite the secret according to:
А. apocrine type
Б. golocrine type
В. merocrine type
Г. apocrine and merocrine type
11. Name the tissue content of serous membrane:
А. loose irregular connective tissue, mesothelium
Б. smooth muscle cells, mesothelium
В. loose connective tissue, smooth muscle cells, mesothelium
Г. mesothelium
12. Name the nipple of tongue covered by stratified keratinizing epithelium:
А. fungiform
Б. filiform
В. foliate
Г. valleculate
13. Name what structural components compose the nipple of the tongue:
А. epithelium
Б. muscular fibers
В. connective tissue
Г. epithelium, connective tissue
14. Name what muscular tissue compose the tongue base:
А. smooth
Б. skeletal
В. smooth and skeletal
Г. myoepithelial
15. Name the function of tonsils:
А. secretory
Б. trophic
В. excritory,
Г. immune defence
9 Дыхательная система
1. The type of epithelium in terminal bronchiole:
А. pseudostratified columnar ciliated
Б. pseudostratified columnar ciliated glandular
В. simple cuboidal
Г. two-rawed columnar ciliated
2. The ducts of sweat glands open on the:
А. surface of epidermis
Б. hairy folicle
В. combine with excretory duct of sebaceous gland
Г. to components of epidermis
3. Exocytosis of s surfactant from the alveolocytes takes place according to:
А. apocrine type
Б. golocrine type
В. merocrine type
Г. by diffusion
4. Enzymes destructing surfactant excrit the cells of epithelium of bronchi:
А. ciliary
Б. basal
В. goblet
Г. bronchial secretory exocrinocytes
5. To the derivatives of the human skin we don`t refer:
А. hair
Б. nails
В. sweat glands
Г. Meysner bodies
6. Lipoprotein-like phase of surphactant is in the surphactant-alveolar system between:
А. air and glycocalyx
Б. hypophase and glycocalyx
В. air and hypophase
Г. glicoproteids and basal membrane
7. Melanocytes are in the layer of epidermis:
А. stratum corneum
Б. stratum lucidum
В. stratum granulosum
Г. stratum basale
А. epidermis,hypoderma
Б. epidermis, derma, hypoderma
В. epidermis, derma
Г. derma, hypoderma
9. Intraepidermal macrophages (Langergance cells) are situated in the layers of epidermis of the skin:
А. hornal
Б. glittering
В. granular, epinous
Г. epinous, basal
10. The function of dendrite cells of Langerhance in the skin is:
А. receptory
Б. protective (intraepidermal macrophages)
В. cambial
Г. secretory
11. The function of Merkel cells in the skin is:
А. cambial
Б. secretory
В. macrophagal
Г. tactile epitheliocytes
12. The origin of Merkel cells in the skin:
А. mesodermal (from the mesenchyme of the skin)
Б. endodermal
В. neural
Г. ectodermal
13. The location of Merkel cells in the epidermis:
А. stratum granulosum
Б. stratum spinosum
В. stratum basale
Г. stratum granulosum and spinosum
14. The characteristics of merocrine sweat glands:
А. alveolar
Б. alveolar-tubular
В. simple tubular glands
Г. complex alveolar glands
15. Secretory parts of apocrine sweat glands may contain the following cells:
А. secretory
Б. secretory and intercalated
В. myoepithelial and secretory
Г. myoepithelial and goblet