1. What is the subject of history?
   A. economical life of people in the past
   B. historical laws of the development of human society in the past
   C. historical persons
2. Find historical method.
   A. modeling
   B. chronological method
   C. experience
3. Find historical auxiliary historical discipline
   A. mathematics
   B. archeology
   C. philosophy
4. What is historiography?
   A. Auxiliary historical discipline studies history of history
   B. Auxiliary historical discipline studies historical sources
   C. Auxiliary historical discipline studies material culture of people in the past
5. Find type of written historical sources
   A. remains of human bones
   B. chronics and memoirs
   C. national dances and songs
6. Mythological historical consciousness based on
   A. the faith in God
   B. myths and fantasy
   C. scientific facts
7. Artistic level of historical consciousness based on
   A. cognition of only written historical sources
   B. cognition of works of art
   C. cognition of the world through personal experience
8. How many stages are in Russian history?
   A. Five
   B. Seven
   C. Three
9. Find name of the follower of monistic historical approach
   A. Miller
   B. Toynbee
   C. Marx
10. Find name of the follower of civilizational historical approach
   A. Spengler
   B. Engels
   C. Toffler
11. Where were the Slavic tribes settled?
   A Interfluve of Vistula River, Oder, Elbe, Danube
   B Northern Black Sea Coast
   C Southern Urals
12. Who wrote first notes about slavic tribes? (2 correct answers)
   A. Rurik
   B. Jordanes
   C. Lomonosov
   D. Procopius of Caesarea
13. What is the name of the first Russian Chronicle?
   A. Russian truth
   B. First Chronicle
   C. Primary Chronicle
14. How many branches of slaves are?
   A. Three
   B. Four
   C. Five
15. Who were venethes?
   A. Southern branch of slavs
   B. Western branch of slavs
   C. One of slavic clans
16. Who were Krivichians?
   A. One of slavic clans
   B. One of slavic tribal unions
   C. Eastern branch of slavs
17. Who of slavic neighbors made slavs to pay tribute?
   A. Byzantium Empire
   B. Khazar Khaganate
   C. Ugric tribes
18. What was the name of the one of important for slavs trade routs in VIII-XII centuries?
   A. The trade route �from the Vikings to the Greeks�
   B. The trade route �from Khazars to the Greeks�
   C. The Volga trade rout
19. What is apiculture?
   A. Collection of mashrooms and cherries
   B. One kinds of agriculture
   C. Collection of honey of wild bees
20. What is Verv'?
   A. The bloodline community of slavs
   B. National Assembly of slavs
   C. The neighboring community of slavs
21. Socio-political structure of the Eastern Slavs could be called of
   A. military democracy.
   B. despotism
   C. enlightenment absolutism
22. Who were the Vikings?
   A. Southern nomadic tribes
   B. The Iranian-speaking tribes of the Northern Black Sea
   C. The tribes of the Scandinavian Peninsula
23. What principle was the basic for the name of the Slavic tribes?
   A. based on the names of places of the settlement
   B. based on the main God that slaves worshiped to
   C. based on the external features
24. Why Slavs invited the Varangian prince for ruling?
   A. To establish a monotheistic religion
   B. To protect Slaves against attacks of the east and south of the nomadic tribes
   C. In order to solve law and business issues
25. What was the Chamber (Veche)?
   A. The National Assembly of the Slavs
   B. The Union of Slavic tribes
   C. The Body of judicial power
26. Paganism wasn�t characterized by
   A. The worship of nature forces
   B. A great quantity of gods
   C. Monotheism
27. The division Slovenian tribes into southern, eastern and western branches happened in:
   A. VIII century
   B. III century
   C. XI century
28. What was the territory of the location of Eastern Slavs:
   A. East Asia
   B. West Europe
   C. The East European plain
30. Whom did Slaves worship to?
   A. Jesus
   B. Allah
   C. Gods of weather and nature
31. What was the first princely dynasty in Russia?
   A. The Romanovs
   B. The Ruriks
   C. The Shuiskys
32. Who was one of authors of Norman theory?
   A. H. Miller
   B. M. Lomonosov
   C. Nestor
33. According antinorman theory (2 correct answers)
   A. Slavs were not able to create their own state
   B. Viking's level of life was lower than slavic
   C. Vikings created only dynasty
34. When there was "Calling of Vikings"?
   A. in 882
   B. in 988
   C. in 862
35. Who organized two military campaigns against Constantinople in 907 and 911 years?
   A. Igor
   B. Oleg
   C. Rurik
36. What is "polyudie"?
   A. tribute to all the Slavic tribes paid in money
   B. tribute to all the Slavic tribes paid in products and commodities
   C. tribute to all the Varagians tribes paid in money
37. Who was killed by drevlyans?
   A. Oleg
   B. Svyatoslav
   C. Igor
40. When was there the first feudal war?
   A. after the death of Vladimir
   B. after mongols invasion
   C. after the death of Svyatoslav
41. How many stages of folding of statehood were there ?
   A. Four
   B. Three
   C. Five
42. Who among the Russian princes (princesses) first became a Christian?
   A. St. Vladimir
   B. St. Olga
   C. Oleg
43. Who among the Russian princes (princesses) established the Orthodox version of Christianity as a state religion?
   A. Yaroslav the Wise
   B. St. Vladimir
   C. St. Olga
44. In what year the Orthodox version of Christianity was established?
   A. 1037
   B. 862
   C. 988
45. Why did Rus' adopt Christianity? (2 correct answers)
   A. The need to raise the prestige of Russia
   B. The need to unite the Slavic tribes
   C. The desire of Russian princes to be a part of the Byzantine Empire
46. Who among the Russian princes defeated Pechenegs and built in Kiev in 1037 the Cathedral of St. Sophia?
   A. Vladimir Monomakh
   B. Alexander Nevsky
   C. Yaroslav the Wise
47. What was the contribution of Vladimir Monomakh?
   A. destroyed the Khazar Khanate
   B. cut strife between feudal lords and unified the Russian lands
   C. baptized Rus
48. What events didn�t happen in the period of Yaroslav the Wise?
   A. The defeat of pechenegs
   B. The christening of Rus�
   C. The appearing of the first whitening codex of ancient Rus�
49. The centers of Ancient Rus� foundation were
   A. Isborsk and Beloozero
   B. Kiev and Novgorod
   C. Polock and Kiev
50. "Urok" and "Pogost" in Kiev Rus' was established by
   A. Prince Oleg
   B. Princess Olga
   C. Prince Vladimir

51. What had caused the period of the feudal Russia?
   A. The growth of cities
   B. Strengthening the power of feudal princes and boyars
   C. The weakening of Kiev
   D. All answers are correct
52. What were the main features of feudal period in Rus'? (4 correct answers)
   A. Presence of tens of principalities
   B. Feudal wars
   C. Weakening of the defensive capacity
   D. Strengthening of the defensive capacity
   E. Decline of the authority of Kiev and it�s prince
53. What were the main three large feudal principalities of Russia?
   A. Kiev, Vladimir-Suzdal, Rostov principality
   B. Galicia-Volhynia, Novgorod Republic, Ryazan principality
   C. Vladimir-Suzdal, Galicia-Volyn principality, Novgorod Republic
54. Who was tysyatsky in Novgorod?
   A. The head of church
   B. The advisor of archbishop
   C. The head of the town militia
55. What are the political consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke for the Russian state.
   A. The princes sought to extend its strong absolute power following the example of oriental despotism of Mongol Khans
   B. The princes sought to work with the Chamber and the boyars, to deal with the Mongols
   C. In the political system of Russia didn�t changed
56. Why were the Tatar-Mongols able to establish control over the Russian lands? (2 correct answers)
   A. The military weakness of fragmented specific Russia
   B. The economic decline of Russia
   C. Tatar-Mongols received support from Western countries
   D. The high mobility of Mongol�s troops and their wise strategy
57. What of Russian principalities was divided between Poland and Hungary?
   A. Novgorod republic
   B. Galicia-Volhyn principality
   C. Vladimir-Suzdal principality
58. In what principality did Veche play a main role in politics?
   A. In Novgorod land
   B. In Vladimir-Suzdal principality
   C. In Galicia-Volhyn principality
59. When was the battle on the river Kalka?
   A. In 1223
   B. In 1237
   C. In 1380
60. Who won in the battle on the river Kalka?
   A. Russian princes
   B. Genghis Khan's army
   C. Khazar Khaganate
61. Find a town which was firstly besieged by Batu khan.
   A. Kiev
   B. Moscow
   C. Ryazan
62. Where did Golden Horde located?
   A. In the region of the Lower Volga
   B. In the region of the Dnieper
   C. Near Novgorod
   D. In Mongolia
63. What was Jarliq?
   A. Tribute
   B. Permission to reign
   C. Code of laws
64. What is �horde output�?
   A. Tribute
   B. Permission to reign
   C. Code of laws
66. Specify one of the reasons for unification of the Russian lands around Moscow?
   A. The favorable geographical location of Moscow
   B. Cooperation Moscow princes with Catholic countries
   C. Moscow was an ancient city, who enjoyed great respect
67. Moscow-city belonged to the principality of
   A. Vladimir-Suzdal
   B. Galiciya-Volyn
   C. Moscow
68. Which cities have fought for the right to be the center of unification of the Russian lands?
   A. Moscow and Tver
   B. Moscow and Kiev
   C. Moscow and Novgorod
69. Who among the Russian princes became the first to be called "Tsar of All Russia"?
   A. Ivan I Kalita
   B. Ivan III
   C. Dmitry Donskoy
70. Who among the Russian princes joined Novgorod to Moscow principality?
   A. Ivan IV
   B. Ivan III
   C. Alexander Nevsky
71. During the reign of Ivan III the Great
   A. Moscow were joined many lands
   B. Moscow lost lots of lands
   C. Moscow were captured by tatars
72. What were the economic consequences of feudal period?
   A. The economic growth of principalities
   B. The decline of economic activity
   C. The developing of trade between the principalities
73.What was the new emblem of Russian state in the reign of Ivan III
   A. St. Boris and St. Gleb
   B. Constantinople star
   C. double-headed eagle
74. In the reign of Basil III:
   A. the unification of Russian lands completed
   B. the unification of Russian lands started
   C. the unification of Russian lands continued
75. Point out the wrong answer about the reasons of rise of Moscow^
   A. favorable geographic location
   B. purposeful policy of the Moscow princes
   C. Moscow was supported by the Russian Orthodox Church
   D. Moscow was one of the most ancient cities of Russia that gave a special possession for it
76. Point out the main purpose of the Mongol-Tatar yoke
   A. Accession of the Russian lands of the Golden Horde
   B. Distribution in Russia pagan belief
   C. Collecting the tribute
77. Who of Moscovian princes got jarliq after participation in the military campaign against Tver?
   A. Ivan IV (The terrible)
   B. Ivan III
   C. Ivan I (Kalita)
78. When did Moscow become a religious center?
   A. In 1380
   B. In 1326
   C. In 1378
79. Who participated in the Kulikov battle?
   A. Ivan III and khan Ahmed
   B. Ivan IV and Genghis khan
   C. Dmitriy Donskoy and khan Mamay
80. When there was a Kulikov battle?
   A. In 1380
   B. In 1480
   C. In 1550
85. Who participated in the staying on the river Ugra?
   A. Ivan III and khan Ahmed
   B. Ivan IV and Genghis khan
   C. Dmitriy Donskoy and khan Mamay
86. Find basic features of traditional society. (2 correct answers)
   A. monarchial form of ruling
   B. individualism
   C. important role of religion
   D. the priority of the development of informational sphere
87. Who were the Tatar-Mongols?
   A. Scandinavian settled tribes
   B. Asian nomadic tribes
   C. The Iranian-speaking North-nomadic tribes of the Black Sea region
88. What was the meaning of the Sudebnik of Ivan III?
   A. it liberated peasants from serfdom
   B. it introduced Yuriev day
   C. it increased trade tax
89. When did Sudebnik of Ivan IV appear?
   A. In 1497
   B. In 1649
   C. In 1550
90. Who joined Kazan and Astrakhan to Russia?
   A. Ivan III
   B. Ivan IV
   C. Basil III
91. What was the unofficial authority under Ivan IV (the Terrible)?
   A. Assembly of the Land
   B. Izbrannaya Rada
   C. The secret committee
92. What is oprichnina?
   A. This is a money tax, established by Ivan the Terrible
   B. That part of the land owned by Ivan the Terrible
   C. That part of the land belonging to the boyars
93. What is the purpose of oprichnina?
   A. The destruction of the boyar�s separatism
   B. Weakening of the military power of the state
   C. Strengthening of feudal oppression
94. Find the years of the time of troubles:
   A. 1613-1648
   B. 1598-1605
   C. 1598-1613
95. What were the causes of the Time of Troubles (2 correct answers):
   A. The economic crisis, the result from oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible
   B. The emergence of the Mongols
   C. The development of new lands Russia
   D. The dynastic crisis
97. The first period of the Time of Troubles was characterized by (4 correct answers):
   A. Formation of militias
   B. The struggle of Vasily Shuisky with False Dmitry II
   C. The reign of Boris Godunov
   D. The appearance of the False Dmitry I
   E. dual power
   F. The council of Seven Boyars
   G. Hidden Polish intervention
   H. The dynastic crisis
98. The second period of the Time of Troubles was characterized by (2 correct answer):
   A. Formation of militias
   B. The struggle of Vasily Shuisky with False Dmitry II
   C. The reign of Boris Godunov
   D. The appearance of the False Dmitry I
   E. dual power
   F. The council of Seven Boyars
   G. Hidden Polish intervention
   H. The dynastic crisis
99. The third period was characterized by the Time of Troubles (2 correct answers):
   A. Formation of militias
   B. The struggle of Vasily Shuisky with False Dmitry II
   C. The reign of Boris Godunov
   D. The appearance of the False Dmitry I
   E. dual power
   F. The council of Seven Boyars
   G. Hidden Polish intervention
   H. The dynastic crisis
100. What event ended the Time of Troubles in 1613?
   A. Recovery of Rurik dynasty of kings
   B. The emergence of a new Russian Romanov dynasty
   C. The establishment of a constitutional monarchy in Russia

101. When there was the rebellion of Stephan Razin?
   A. In 1670-1671
   B. In 1648
   C. In 1662
   D. In 1649
102. What were basic causes of revolts of XVII-th century? (4 correct answers)
   A. Corruption
   B. High taxes
   C. Military reform
   D. Decline of the authority of Russia on the international scene
   E. Inflation
   F. Russia became an Empire
   G. Strengthening of serfdom
103. When did Alexey created Council of Code?
   A. In 1613
   B. In 1645
   C. In 1649
   D. In 1650
104. What was the meaning of Council of Code for peasants?
   A. Peasants got a private freedom
   B. Peasants lost an ability to change their masters
   C. Peasants were deprived of economic freedom
105. What was the cause of Nikon's reform?
   A. Nikon wanted to replace Orthodox Christianity by Catholic Christianity
   B. Nikon wanted to secularize the way of life of Russians
   C. Nikon wanted to unify all Russian Orthodox Christian church in accordance with Greek one
   D. Nikon wanted to unify all Russian Orthodox Christian church in accordance with Russian traditions
106. Who was against Nikon's reform?
   A. Greek church
   B. Old believers
   C. Tsar Alexey
   D. All old people in Russia
107. Among whom there was a struggle for power after the death of Alexey Romanov?
   A. Ioann V and Sophia
   B. Ioann IV and Ioann V
   C. Feodor and Peter I
   D. Peter I and Sophia
108. When there were Azov's campaigns of Peter?
   A. In 1695 and 1696
   B. In 1700 and 1721
   C. In 1648 and 1649
   D. In 1703 and 1712
109. What is the name of Peter's travel to European countries in 1697?
   A. Great Journey
   B. Grand Tour
   C. Grand Embassy
110. Why did Peter order to change clothes and shave beard? (3 correct answers)
   A. He scared of beard
   B. He idealized European achievements
   C. He was joker
   D. He hated old chap, everything which could be associated with traditionalism in Russia
   E. His father hadn't beard
   F. He needed to expand treasury
111. Find two reforms of 1699 year.
   A. Urban and judicial reforms
   B. Urban and military reforms
   C. Religious and judicial reforms
112. In the reign of what Russian Tsar there were a lot of riots, rebellions because of unpopular and ineffective policy of boyar Morozov:
   A. Alexis
   B. Michael
   C. Peter I
113. What was Holy Synod?
   A. It was executive authority replaced Prikazes
   B. It was the authority replaced patriarchate
   C. It was legislative authority
114. What was the name the first Russia newspaper?
   A. Novosty
   B. Vedomosty
   C. Russian Truth
115. What is the name of the first Russian emperor?
   A. Peter I
   B. Michael
   C. Alexis
116. What are the main objectives of the reforms of Peter I?
   A. the increasing of power of the king, the growth of the military power of the country, the territorial expansion and access to the sea
   B. the abolition of serfdom and the liberalization of economic and political life
   C. strengthening of the church and the merger of secular power to the spiritual
117. What are the effects of the reforms of Peter I? (4 correct answers)
   A. The weakening of the church and the loss of respect in the eyes of the people
   B. Strengthening the power of the Emperor
   C. Strengthening of the church and the weakening of the power of the Emperor
   D. Acquisition of European image for Russia
   E. The development of science and education
   F. The weakening of Russia's military power
118. What is the meaning of the decree succession to the throne?
   A. provide for the appointment of an heir to the will of the monarch
   B. provide for the transfer of the throne of his eldest son
   C. provided for the transfer of power to the eldest daughter
119. How do we call the era that followed the death of Peter I?
   A. The period of feuds
   B. The period of "palace coup"
   C. Oprichnina
   D. The era of riots
120. How do we call the era of Catherine II?
   A. The Enlightened Absolutism
   B. The period of "palace coup"
   C. The enlightened liberalism
121. Specify the features that characterized the reign of Catherine II? (3 correct answers)
   A. Strengthening of serfdom
   B. The weakening of serfdom
   C. Strengthening of the position of the nobility
   D. The weakening of the church
   E. Strengthening of the power of the church
122. What was the reason of tax reform?
   A. increasing of treasury
   B. strengthening of nobility
   C. weakening of peasants and citizens
123. Who paid poll tax?
   A. All population of Russia
   B. Only male population
   C. Only female population
124. When Russia became an Empire?
   A. In 1720
   B. In 1762
   C. In 1700
   D. In 1721
125. Northern war was the war between
   A. Russia and Finland
   B. Turkey and Russia
   C. Sweden and Russia
   D. Poland and Russia
126. What was the name of the second wife of Peter I?
   A. Catherine I
   B. Elizabeth I
   C. Catherine II
   D. Anna Ioanovna
127. What was the name of the revolt of the reign of Catherine II?
   A. Revolt of Razin
   B. Copper revolt
   C. Revolt of Pugachev
   D. Revolt of church
128. How did Paul I finish his life?
   A. He died because of typhoid
   B. He was killed because of his wife's conspiracy
   C. He was killed because of his son's conspiracy
   D. He died because of hemophilia
129. During the reign of Elizabeth there was a war between Prussia and Russi A. It's name is
   A. Prussian war
   B. Northern war
   C. Seven years' war
130. When were the high positions in the state occupied by the foreign aristocracy?
   A. During the reign of Anna Ioanovna
   B. During the reign of Peter I
   C. During the reign of Elizabeth
131. What war took place during the reign of Alexander I?
   A. The Great Patriotic War of 1812
   B. Northern War
   C. Seven Years' War
132. What was the name of one of the most active reformers in the reign of Alexander I?
   A. M.M. Speranski
   B. P. A. Stolypin
   C. M.T. Loris-Melikov
133. What was the most famous battle in the year 1812 War?
   A. The Battle of Borodino
   B. Battle of Kulikovo
   C. The Battle of Stalingrad
134. What ended the War of 1812?
   A. Complete destruction of Napoleon's army
   B. The conclusion of a temporary truce with France
   C. The complete destruction of the Russian army
135. With what did Decembrists fight? (2 correct answers)
   A. the autocratic regime
   B. war and for peace
   C. serfdom
   D. protectionism
136. How did the Decembrist's uprising influenced on the policy of Nicholas I?
   A. The policy of Nicholas I was a liberal and focused on peaceful coexistence with European powers
   B. The policy of Nicholas I, was characterized by conservatism and strict censorship
   C. The policy of Nicholas I, was characterized by reform emancipation from serfdom
137. What is the ideology of the Westerners?
   A. Russia must develop the European way, the reforms of Peter I influenced in a good way on Russia
   B. Russia should develop with the eastern states as one civilization; it is necessary to strengthen the autocratic power of the monarch
   C. Russia should develop in its own way, the Orthodox Church plays a big role in the life of the Russian state
138. What is the ideology of the Slavophiles?
   A. Russia must develop the European way, the reforms of Peter I influenced in a good way on Russia
   B. Russia should develop with the eastern states as one civilization; it is necessary to strengthen the autocratic power of the monarch
   C. Russia should develop in its own way, the Orthodox Church plays a big role in the life of the Russian state
140. Find the characteristics of the reign of Alexander III (2 correct answers)
   A. Strengthening of censorship
   B. Restriction of access to higher education for the lower classes
   C. An aggressive foreign policy
   D. Emancipation of the serfs
141. Second period of the reign of Alexander I was characterized by (2 correct answers)
   A. strengthening of censorship
   B. democratization of life
   C. establishment of police regime
   D. support of secret organizations
142. What were the consequence of emancipation of serfdom? (2 correct answers)
   A. Peasantry got private freedom
   B. Peasantry had to pay payments for lands
   C. Peasantry got absolute freedom
   D. Peasantry got money to buy agricultural techniques
143. How can you characterize economical situation of Russia during the reign of Alexander III? (2 correct answers)
   A. economical growth
   B. economical crisis
   C. formation of capitalistic relationships
   D. decreasing of treasury
144. What was the meaning of urban reform of Alexander II?
   A. division of citizens into 3 layers
   B. creation of Zemstvos
   C. limitation of rights of citizens
   D. creation of urban self-ruled authorities in Russia (Dumas)
145. Who implemented the abolition of the poll tax?
   A. Alexander III
   B. Alexander II
   C. Nicolas I
146. Find features of policy of Alexander III
   A. tightening of the censorship
   B. nationalistic Russification policy in relation to the Finns, Poles and other nationalities
   C. democratization of judicial system
   D. establishment of free education for social layers
147. Find the events that took place during the reign of Nicholas II (4 correct answers)
   A. Bloody Sunday
   B. The emergence of colleges
   C. Emancipation of the serfs from dependence
   D. The Russian-Japanese War
   E. The First World War
   F. The Northern War
   G. The currency reform Witte
148. Find the nature of the February Revolution of 1917.
   A. The Socialistic
   B. The bourgeois-democratic
   C. The Capitalistic
149. What were the causes of February revolution? (2 correct questions)
   A. World war I
   B. Shortage of lands
   C. Conspiracy of Lenin and communists
   D. Strengthening of serfdom
150. Find the nature of the October Revolution of 1917.
   A. The Socialistic
   B. The bourgeois-democratic
   C. The Capitalistic

151. When there was Civil War?
   A. In 1905-1906
   B. In 1917-1925
   C. In 1918-1922
   D. In 1928-1941
152. When was the first Constitution of RSFSR adopted?
   A. In 1918
   B. In 1919
   C. In 1923
   D. In 1977
153. What were reasons of the victory of Red army in the Civil war? (2 correct questions)
   A. Red terror
   B. nationalistic program of white movement
   C. the absence of single command center of white army
   D. nationalization of ands by Bolsheviks
154. What countries took part in the intervention during Civil war in Russia? (3 correct questions)
   A. China
   B. Japan
   C. the USA
   D. England
   E. Spain
   F. Ukraine
155. Find names of �white generals�.
   A. Budyonny
   B. Frunze
   C. Denikin
   D. Miller
156. What is �military communism�?
   A. It is the name of internal policy of Temporal Government during 1917 year
   B. It is the complex of measures of Soviet party during Civil War
   C. It is expansion of communistic ideology
157. What was the aim of �military communism�?
   A. To produce the victory of Red Army
   B. To spread communism in Europeans countries
   C. To establish democracy
158. Find the characteristics of "military communism" (2 correct answers)
   A. The nationalization of industry
   B. Elimination of currency in the territory of
   C. Support of independence and initiative in the field
   D. The collectivization and industrialization
159. How many republics were in the Soviet Union?
   A. 20
   B. 9
   C. 15
   D. 6
160. Find basic measures of Bolshevik's cultural policy (2 correct answers)
   A. restore of classic literature
   B. liquidation of illiteracy
   C. invitation f foreign scientists
   D. atheistic propaganda
161. Causes of the Civil War (2 correct answers)
   A. The desire of foreign countries interfere in the internal politics of Russia
   B. The illegal seizure of power by the Bolsheviks
   C. The Red Terror
   D. The humiliating peace treaty with Germany for Russia
   E. Transforming the country from an agrarian to an industrial
162. Highlight the main views of the participants of "white movement" (2 correct answers)
   A. The convening of the Constituent Assembly
   B. The military dictatorship
   C. Purchase of land by the peasants as private property
   D. the restoration of the monarchy
163. Why did Stalin stopped �new economic policy�?
   A. Because of contradictions between communistic ideology and bourgeois character of NEP
   B. Because NEP was ineffective
   C. Because NEP was supported by European authorities
164. Find the characteristics of the "new economic policy" (2 correct answers)
   A. Deregulation of the economy
   B. The establishment of the military dictatorship
   C. Partial democratization and decentralization of the economy mode
   D. The introduction of a national emergency
165. How many stages were in the World war II?
   A. 3
   B. 4
   C. 2
   D. 5
166. When there was a period of radical turn?
   A. June 22, 1941 � November, 19, 1942
   B. The beginning of 1944 � May,9, 1945
   C. November, 19, 1942 � December of 1943
167. Find supportes of Germany (2 correct answers)
   A. England
   B. Italy
   C. France
   D. Japan
168. What was the name of German plan included physical liquidation of all nations of USSR?
   A. Barbarossa
   B. Blitzkrieg
   C. Ost
   D. Citadel
169. Fill in the basic principles of the Soviet regime (4 correct answers)
   A. The centralization of power
   B. The military dictatorship
   C. Marxist ideology
   D. The principle of equitable sharing of benefits
   E. Market relations
170. What were the main features of retreat of Soviet army during the first period of the World war II? (2 correct answers)
   A. Germany had more machines and weapons
   B. Deep disorganization of command staff
   C. Global mistake in valuation of the threat of Germany
   D. England and France secretly helped Germany
171. In what period of the World war II there was the blockade of Leningrad?
   A. June 22, 1941 � November, 19, 1942
   B. The beginning of 1944 � May,9, 1945
   C. November, 19, 1942 � December of 1943
172. What had happened in November 19, 1942-February 2, 1943.
   A. Kursk battle
   B. Moscow battle
   C. Stalingrad battle
   D. Borodino battle
173. Who participated on the Teheran's conference?
   A. Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman
   B. Roosevelt, Yeltsin, Truman
   C. Hitler, Stalin, Truman
   D. Roosevelt, Churchill,Stalin
174. What was the main issue on these conferences? (2 correct answers)
   A. Postwar fate of Germany
   B. Political status of the USA
   C. War with Italy
   D. Second front
175.In which year there was the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republi C.
   A. October 1917
   B. February 1917
   C. January 1918
176. What is destalinization?
   A. It is the process of critics of the cult of Stalin's person and his policy
   B. It is the replacement of cult of Stalin's person by the cult Brezhnev's person
   C. It is the name of Stalin's terror
178. What is the "Cold war"?
   A. The war between Japan and USSR
   B. The war between the USA and the USSAR in the winter of 1962
   C. The political, economical, military and informational confrontation between the USA and the USSAR
179. Who was the first Soviet astronaut?
   A. Gaidar
   B. Gagarin
   C. Armstrong
180. Find the features of a totalitarian state (2 correct answers)
   A. Monopoly power of a single mass party
   B. Preservation of pluralism
   C. Control of elected officials on the government
   D. The terror against its own population
   E. Universal suffrage
181. When did industrialization begin?
   A. In 1928
   B. In 1923
   C. In 1940
182.What is the collectivization?
   A. It is the process of merging of the city and village
   B. It is the process of combining of the individual peasant farms into collective farms
   C. It is a process of accelerated development of heavy industry in the country
   D. It is the process of privatization of state property
183. What is industrialization?
   A. It is the process of merging the city and village
   B. It is the process of combining the individual peasant farms into collective farms
   C. It is a process of accelerated development of heavy industry in the country
   D. It is the process of privatization of state property
184. What is a collective farm (kolkhoz)?
   A. The individual farm
   B. The form of government in the Soviet Union, based on teamwork
   C. The form of management which was introduced the joint ownership of all the means of production
185. What is dekulakisation?
   A. The rehabilitation of political prisoners
   B. The political repression of authorities which based on a class and property features
   C. The over-centralization and Directory
186. What was the attitude of the Soviet leadership to the religion?
   A. Neutral
   B. Negative
   C. Positive
187. What is the terror of 1933-1938 years?
   A. A series of explosions of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg
   B. The repressive measures of the Soviet leadership to destroy dissent
   C. The repressive measures against the working class
188. Point out the chronological frame work of the Great Patriotic War:
   A. 1914-1918
   B. 1941-1945
   C. 1918-1922
189. Find the consequences of the war against Nazi Germany for the Soviet Union (3 correct answers)
   A. Business and economic crisis
   B. Nuclear disarmament
   C. Reduction of human resources
   D. The economic recovery
   E. Increase the international prestige of the USSR
190. What is a "Cold War"?
   A. The presence of nuclear weapons in some countries in Eastern Europe
   B. Tariff war between Western Europe and the Soviet Union
   C. The process of confrontation between the two superpowers, the USA and the USSR without open military conflict between these two countries
   D. The war between the USSR and the USA in winter 1953
191. Describe the main political events during the "Thaw" (the epoch of Nikita Khrushchev) (4 correct answers)
   A. development of the virgin soil
   B. The persecution of the Impressionists
   C. Strengthening of bureaucracy
   D. Planting of corn
   E. Construction of affordable housing
   F. Strengthening of totalitarian tendencies
192. Describe the main internal political events of the period of "Stagnation" (with Leonid Brezhnev) (4 correct answers):
   A. Strengthening of the bureaucracy
   B. Return to the "cult of personality"
   C. Development of the virgin soil
   D. Persecution of the Impressionists
   E. Strengthening the party nomenklatura (party elite)
   F. Creation of a "shadow economy"
193.What ended the "Cold War"? (2 correct answers)
   A. Strengthening of totalitarian tendencies
   B. A collapse of the USSR
   C. A wave of terrorist attacks of Islamic fundamentalists
   D. Strengthening of the U.S. position in the international arena
194. Point out the reasons of Perestroika under Gorbachev (2 correct answers):
   A. A systemic crisis in the Soviet Union in all spheres
   B. Strengthening of the totalitarian regime
   C. Decline in the authority of the Communistic party
   D. Consequences of the Great Patriotic War
195. Describe the main trends of Perestroika under M.S. Gorbachev (3 correct answers)
   A. "New political thinking"
   B. Failure of democratic values
   C. Introduction of "glasnost" (publicity)
   D. The spontaneous development of the market without state control
   E. The introduction of market mechanisms in the economy
196. In what year was a collapse of the USSR?
   A. 1991
   B. 1993
   C. 1989
197. What were the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union? (3 correct answers)
   A. The desire of the republics for autonomy
   B. The economic crisis of the USSR
   C. Conservative moods preserve the traditional Soviet system
   D. Decline in the authority of the RSFSR and the CPSU
   E. Co-operation between the United States and RSFSR
198. When there was Perestroika?
   A. In 1985-1991
   B. In 1985-1990
   C. In 1991-1999
199. Who wrote the treaty about the collapse of USSR
   A. President of USSR
   B. President of RSFSR
   C. President of Ukrainian SSR, Belarus SSR, Russian SSR
200. What were the consequences of the collapse of the USSR? (2 correct answers)
   A. stabilization of economical situation
   B. national conflicts
   C. economical crisis in ex-soviet republics
   D. increasing of the political status of Russia

201. What is the name of economical policy of Yeltsin?
   A. Economical democracy
   B. Economical liberalism
   C. Economical totalitarianism
   D. New economical policy
202. When did the Constitution of RF was adopted?
   A. In 1991
   B. In 1993
   C. In 1998
203. What is the name of Russian parliament according Russian Constitution?
   A. Temporal Government
   B. State Duma
   C. Federal Congress
204. Russian parliament consists of
   A. State Duma and Government
   B. Soviet Assembly and Capitalistic Assembly
   C. State Duma and the Soviet of Federation
205. According Russian Constitution Russia is
   A. democratic and capitalistic state
   B. autocratic state
   C. totalitarian state
   D. soviet state
206. Who was the author of policy of "Shock therapy"?
   A. Gaidar
   B. Yeltsin
   C. Gorbachev
207. When there was a beginning of Cheque privatization?
   A. In 1994
   B. In 1992
   C. In 1999
208. What were consequences of privatization? (2 correct answers)
   A. Growth of the gap between rich and poor classes
   B. Increasing of industry
   C. Concentration of industrial factories in the hands of oligarchs
210. In what year there was denomination of ruble?
   A. In 1998
   B. In 1999
   C. In 2008
   D. In 1992
211. Whose policy led to collapse of national currency?
   A. Chernomirdin
   B. Kirienko
   C. Gaidar
   D. Putin
212. Find names of Russian prime-ministers (2 correct answers)
   A. Yeltsin
   B. Chernomirdin
   C. Kirienko
   D. Gaidar
213. Executive power in RF belongs to (2 correct answers)
   A. President
   B. Government of RF
   C. State Duma
214. Find one of main directions of external policy of RF
   A. Russia-China
   B. Russia-Italy
   C. Russia - Brazil
215. Find basic features of military policy of RF in 1991-1999 (2 correct answers)
   A. militarization
   B. reducing of the service life
   C. mobilization of army
   D. construction of new military techniques
216. How can you characterize relationships between the RF and the USA in 1991-1999?
   A. Mutual partnerships
   B. Mutual confrontation
   C. Unilateral cooperation
217. What political regime formed in Russia after 1991?
   A. Authoritarian regime with democratic decorations
   B. Democratic regime
   C. Totalitarian regime
218. Who became Russian President in 2000?
   A. Medvedev
   B. Putin
   C. Yeltsin
219. Who was the third President of RF?
   A. Medvedev
   B. Putin
   C. Yeltsin
221. What republics left the Commonwealth of Independent states?
   A. Georgia and Ukraine
   B. Kazakhstan and Georgia
   C. Ukraine and Armenia
222. When an agreement on the liquidation of the USSR was signed?
   A. On December 15
   B. On December 8
   C. On March 1985
223. What were the reasons of formation of the Commonwealth of Independent states?
   A. Socio-economical relationships
   B. The necessity to neutralize the aggression of NATO
   C. Mental, social similarities between historical communities of these coutries
224. What was the essence of pension reform?
   A. Pension consisted of accumulative part and insurance part
   B. Pension was issued only after 25 years of service
   C. Pension for women was reduced
225. What is monetization of facilities?
   A. it is the replacement of useless facilities by cash
   B. it is the abolition of all facilities
   C. it is the replacement of all facilities by cash
226. What was the aim of introduction of mother's capital?
   A. to stop demographic growth
   B. to stimulate demographic growth
   C. to stop the migration of population
227. The adoption of the Constitution of RF took place at the presidency of
   A. Gorbachev
   B. Yeltsin
   C. Medvedev
   D. Putin
228. Who was the author of reform of privatization?
   A. Gaidar
   B. Chubais
   C. Chernomirdin
229. What are some of basic reforms under B.N. Yeltsin. (4 correct answers)
   A. The liberalization of prices
   B. The establishment of a command economy
   C. The adoption of the Constitution in 1993
   D. The nationalization of production
   E. The emergence of opposition parties
   F. The privatization of industrial enterprises
   G. The fight against dissent
230. Find the characteristics of V.V. Putin�s policy:
   A. Stabilization of the economy
   B. The deterioration of living standards
   C. Failure of market elements in the economy
231. Find the advantages of Putin's presidency (3 correct answers)
   A. Improvement in the demographic situation
   B. A growing gap between rich and poor
   C. Revival of physical training and sports
   D. Rampant corruption
   E. A growth of industrial production.
   F. High dependence on food imports
232. Find disadvantages of Putin's presidency (3 correct answers)
   A. Improvement in the demographic situation
   B. A growing gap between rich and poor
   C. Revival of physical training and sports
   D. Rampant corruption
   E. A growth of industrial production.
   F. High dependence on food imports
233. What is one of the basic products of export of Russia?
   A. oil and gas
   B. machines and robots
   C. agricultural production
234. What was the first stage of privatization?
   A. Money privatization
   B. Cheque privatization
   C. Bank privatization
235. When there was a collapse of Russian financial system?
   A. In 2004
   B. In 1998
   C. In 2008
236. What was the cause of the collapse of Russian financial system?
   A. Russian government gave up to pay external debts and collapse of bank system in Russia
   B. Falling of dollar
   C. Russian government paid a half of external debts and other part were transferred into foreign banks
237. Who was the last prime-minister during the presidency of Yeltsin?
   A. Putin
   B. Gorbachev
   C. Stepashin
   D. Kirienko
238. Find characteristics of the period of 1992-1999 (3 correct answers)
   A. Inflation
   B. Unemployment
   C. Increasing of export
   D. Increasing of import
   E. Social stability
239.What were main problems in relationships between the RF and the USA? (2 correct answers)
   A. Treaties about the reducing of strategic offensive arms were not realized by the USA
   B. Military conflict in Yugoslavia
   C. NATO spread its influence eastward
   D. Russia formed new army and expanded its influence
   E. Russia created new military block against the USA
240. What were the results of the crisis of 1998? (2 correct answers)
   A. The USA proclaimed an economical blockade of Russia
   B. Russia has lost the credit of trust on the international scene
   C. Failure of Russian bank system
241. How can you characterize relationships between Kazakhstan and RF? (2 correct answers)
   A. Friendly relationships
   B. Mutual partnership
   C. Confrontation
242. What was the name of lower chamber of Russian parliament?
   A. State Duma
   B. Soviet of Federation
   C. Senate
243. Find main characteristics of economical politics of Russian Federation from 2000?
   A. Dependence from the import
   B. Increasing of external debt
   C. Reducing of foreign investigations
   D. Growth of Gross internal products
244. Find main characteristics of social politics of Russian Federation from 2000?
   A. Migration of foreigners in Russia
   B. Improvement of demographic situation
   C. The growth of life's level of population
   D. Decreasing of salary in medical and educational system
245. What was the essence of administrative reform of Putin?
   A. Strengthening of bureaucratization
   B. Centralization of power of Putin
   C. Creation of effective state apparatus
   D. Reducing of bureaucratization
246. The external policy of Russian Federation from 2000 to 2015 was characterized by
   A. the politics of expansion of Orthodox religion
   B. the politics of national safety
   C. the politics of struggle with world communism
247. When there were Olympic Games in Russian Federation?
   A. In 2000
   B. In 2014
   C. In 2008
248. When was Crimean Peninsula was returned to Russian Federation?
   A. March of 2014
   B. August of 2015
   C. April of 2000
249. What colors are on the Russian Flag?
   A. The tricolor: blue, red, white
   B. The tricolor: red, blue, green
   C. The tricolor: white, blue, red
250. What countries are members of BRICS?
   A. Britain, Russia, Ireland, Canada, Republic of South Africa
   B. Brazil, Russia, India, China, Republic of South Africa
   C. Belarus, Russia, Italy, China, Serbia