VII. Порядок выдачи медицинских свидетельств о рождении и смерти.
1. What is adjacent to the left kidney from the front side and outside?
   a) spleen
   b) liver
   c) small intestine loops
   d) pancreas
2. The correct order of renal pedicle elements from front side to back:
   a) vein, artery,ureter
   b) artery, vein, ureter
   c) vein, ureter, artery
   d) ureter, vein, artery
   e) artery, ureter, vein
3. What muscle is involved in formation of urogenital diaphragm?
   a) the deep transverse perineal muscle
   b) the elevator muscle of anus (musculuslevatorani)
   c) internal and external obturator muscles
   d) piriform muscle
4. The pelvic cavity has:
   a) one storey
   b) two storeys
   c) three storeys
   d) four storeys
   e) five storeys
5. An external bladder sphincter is located in:
   a) the urogenital diaphragm
   b) at the base of the bladder
   c) the central tendon of perineum
   d) the elevator muscle of anus (of the rectum)
6. Cystic arteries depart from:
   a) inferior rectal artery
   b) external iliac artery
   c) internal iliac artery
   d) spermatic artery
   e) obturator artery
7. At terminal line of pelvis ureter crosses with:
   a) common iliac artery
   b) external iliac artery
   c) internal iliac artery
   d) hypogastric artery
   e) obturator artery
8. In case of nephropexy a deep muscle of lumbar region is used:
   a) lumbar quadrate muscle
   b) erector muscle of spine
   c) greater psoas muscle
   d) transverse abdominal muscle
9. Urinary tract (urethra) perforates the urogenital diaphragm by:
   a) the prostatic part
   b) the membranous part
   c) the cavernous part
   d) none of the mentioned above
   e) all the mentioned above
10. Under pathological conditions a serous fluid (hydrocele) may accumulate between:
   a) external and internal spermatic fascia
   b) internal spermatic fascia and its own vaginal tunic of testis (tunica vaginalis testis)
   c) external spermatic fascia and dartos
   d) perididymis and visceral layer of its own vaginal tunic of testis (tunica vaginalis testis)
   e) parietal and visceral layers of its own vaginal tunic of testis (tunica vaginalis testis)
11. The concentration of potassium in the blood serum:
   a) increases with alkalosis
   b) decreases with acidosis
   c) increases with acidosis and decreases with alkalosis
   d) decreases with acidosis and increases with alkalosis
   e) does not change
13. The nitrogen balance of a healthy person is:
   a) positive
   b) neutral
   c) negative
15. Urine formation in kidneys stops under a reduction of systolic blood pressure:
   a) to 100 mm Hg.
   b) to 80-90 mm Hg.
   c) to 60-70 mm Hg.
   d) to 40-50 mm Hg.
   e) to 30-20 mm Hg.
16. In case of stone formation in intramural part of the ureter which disrupt the urodynamic the pain is:
   a) nagging
   b) dull
   c) acute
   d) acute colicky
   e) constant nagging
17. In case of stone formation in intramural part of the ureter which disrupt the urodynamic localization and irradiation of pain take place in:
   a) lumbar region without irradiation
   b) hypochondrium with irradiation under a shoulder blade
   c) the sides of the abdomen with irradiation to the lumbar region
   d) pelvic area with irradiation to a hip
   e) lumbar region with irradiation to the pelvic area, internal surface of the hip and genitals
18. In acute parenchymatous prostatitis the pain is:
   a) constant nagging
   b) periodic
   c) intensive, up to throbbing
   d) dull
19. In acute parenchymatous prostatitis the pain is localized:
   a) above the pubis
   b) in the lumbar region
   c) in the lumbosacral spine
   d) in perineum and sacrum
20. Dysuria occurs in all these diseases, except:
   a) bladder stone (disease)
   b) prostatate adenomas
   c) renal tumor
   d) cystitis
22. Dysuria occurs in all these diseases, except:
   a) ureteral calculus
   b) bladder tumor
   c) bladder stone (disease)
   d) cystitis
   e) orchitis
23. Strangury occurs in all these diseases, except:
   a) urethral foreign bodies
   b) bladder stones (disease)
   c) ureteral stone
   d) acute prostatitis
   e) prostate adenoma
25. Pollakiuria occurs in all these diseases, except:
   a) tuberculosis of the bladder
   b) cystalgia
   c) bladder stones (disease)
   d) renal tumors
26. Oliguria is:
   a) a delayed urination
   b) an infrequent urination
   c) a decreased urine output less than 500 ml per day
   d) an increase of the amount of urine
   e) an amount of urine less than 1000 ml per day
27. Secretory anuria is:
   a) the absence of urine in the bladder
   b) the absence of urine output by kidneys
   c) the absence of natural (unassisted urination)
   d) impossibility of controlled bladder emptying
29. Polyuria occurs in:
   a) acute renal insufficiency
   b) chronic renal insufficiency
   c) diabetes
   d) all mentioned above
30. Urine retention (urinary difficulty) is:
   a) the absence of urine flow
   b) impossibility of controlled bladde emptying
   c) the absence of urine in bladder with insertion of catheter
31. Urinary retention occurs in all mentioned below, except:
   a) atresia of external urethral meatus
   b) neurogenic bladder dysfunction
   c) ureteral obstruction
   d) prostate adenoma
32. Incontinence with overflow is:
   a) the impossibility of unassisted urination
   b) chronic urinary retention
   c) the combination of urinary retention and urinary incontinence
   d) urinary incontinence
   e) the presence of residual urine
33. Incontinence with overflow occurs in:
   a) II stage of prostate adenoma
   b) neurogenic bladder dysfunction
   c) III stage of prostate adenoma
34. Proteinuria is confirmed by the presence of the following amount of protein in urine:
   a) submicrograms
   b) less than 0.03 gram per liter
   c) more than 0.03 gram per liter
   d) more than 0.06 gram per liter
   e) more than 0.09 gram per liter
35. Pseudoproteinuria is not typical for:
   a) renal tuberculosis
   b) pyelonephritis
   c) renal tumor
   d) glomerulonephritis
36. Hematuria is:
   a) the presence of hemoglobin in the urine
   b) discharge of blood from the urethra
   c) discharge of blood in the urine
   d) the presence of porphyrin in urine
   e) the red color of the urine
37. Terminal hematuria occurs in all these diseases, except:
   a) stones or tumors of the bladder neck
   b) varicose veins in the area of bladder neck
   c) chronic glomerulonephritis
   d) colliculitis
   e) acute cystitis
38. Urethremorrhagia is observed in all mentioned diseases except:
   a) chronic urethritis
   b) benign prostatic hyperplasia
   c) urethral tumor
   d) urethral trauma
39. Leukocyturia is confirmed by the presence of the following amount of leukocytes in 1 ml of urine:
   a) more than 500
   b) more than 1000
   c) more than 2000
   d) more than 4000
   e) more than 6000
41. Complications of urethral bougienage are the all mentioned, except:
   a) urethral fever
   b) acute prostatitis and epididymitis
   c) urethrorrhagia
   d) forniceal bleeding
42. A positive symptom of diaphanoscope is typical for:
   a) orchioncus
   b) acute epididymitis
   c) oscheohydrocele
   d) osheocele
   e) chronic epididymitis
43. When administration of radiographic contrast medium intravenously the all mentioned reactions are possible:
   a) headache and dizziness
   b) hot flash
   c) metallic taste in the mouth
   d) macrohematuria
   e) arterial blood pressure fall, shock
44. During an ultrasound scanning, adult kidneys are defined as a formation of ovoid shape, which longitudinal dimension is:
   a) 2-4 cm
   b) 5-6 cm
   c) 7-8 cm
   d) 10-12 cm
   e) 20-30 cm
45. Physical therapy is reasonable in:
   a) acute pyelonephritis, acute prostatitis
   b) polycystic, multicystic kidney
   c) coral-like stone, multiple kidney stones
   d) nephroptisis, chronic prostatitis
   e) chronic epididymitis
46. Polycystic kidney disease is:
   a) congenital bilateral
   b) acquired
   c) congenital unilateral
   d) bilateral
47. Complications of nephroptosis are all mentioned except:
   a) arterial hypertension;
   b) hematuria;
   c) pains;
   d) pyelonephritis;
   e) renal tuberculosis.
48. The following forms of hypospadias are distinguished except:
   a) glanular
   b) penile
   c) total
   d) scrotal
49. Congenital diverticulum differs from the acquired diverticulum by the presence of:
   a) all layers of the bladder wall
   b) wide entrance to the diverticulum
   c) the wall is shown only by mucous membrane
   d) no differences
50. The most common cause of hydronephrosis transformation with horseshoe kidney is
   a) the location of pelvis in front of kidney and angulation of ureter through the renal parenchyma
   b) congenital stenosis of the ureteropelvic junction
   c) the additional vessel
   d) periureteritis
   e) urethral valves
51. The main radiological methods of hydronephrosis transformation diagnosis are all mentioned below except:
   a) excretory urography
   b) cystography
   c) renal arteriography
   d) retrograde pyelography
52. Complications of cryptorchidism are:
   a) atrophy of germinal epithelium
   b) malignant tumours
   c) strangulation of undescended testis
   d) all of mentioned above
53. Pyelonephritis is often caused by:
   a) collibacillus
   b) proteus
   c) pseudomonas aeruginosa
   d) staphylococcus
   e) enterococcus
54. Factors contributing to the occurrence of acute pyelonephritis are:
   a) polyuria
   b) hyperthermia
   c) disorder of the urine passage and outflow of venous blood from the kidney
   d) disorder of the arterial blood flow to the kidney
56. Bacteriaria is confirmed by the presence of the following amount of bacteria in 1ml of urine:
   a) 1000
   b) 5000
   c) more than 10000
   d) more than 50000
   e) more than 100000
57. The amount of fluid that should be by the patient with acute pyelonephritis is:
   a) severely limited
   b) limited
   c) usual
   d) increased
58. Complications of acute pyelonephritis are:
   a) necrosis of renal papillae, paranephritis
   b) endotoxic shock, acute kidney injury
   c) sepsis, septicopyemia with the formation of metastatic abscesses
   d) all of mentioned above
60. Firstly affected part in case of chronic pyelonephritis is:
   a) vascular loops of kidney glomeruli
   b) shymlanskaya-Bowman capsule
   c) kidney canaliculi
   d) descending limb of Henle's loop
   e) ascending limb of Henle's loop
61. Pains in acute paranephritis are:
   a) localized in lumbar region
   b) radiating in shoulder blade area
   c) radiating in front and below thigh area
   d) radiating in back
   e) radiating in omphalus
62. The main symptoms of acute cystitis are mentioned below except:
   a) pollakiuria
   b) polyuria
   c) terminal hematuria
   d) pains in urination
   e) pyuria
63. In case of cystitis the following treatments shouldn’t be used:
   a) diet therapy
   b) phytotherapy (herbal therapy)
   c) local treatment
   d) radiotherapy
   e) pharmaceutical treatment
64. Aseptic uretritis is caused by:
   a) allergic uretritis
   b) traumatic and metabolic uretriris
   c) chemical uretritis
   d) all mentioned above
65. A specific symptoms of acute uretritis are all mentioned below except:
   a) pains in urination
   b) hematuria and edema of the scrotal skin
   c) purulent discharge from the urethra
   d) edema of sponges of an external urethral opening
   e) frequent urination
66. X-ray examination of the urethra is indicated for:
   a) acute urethritis
   b) prostatitis and vesiculitis
   c) suspected urethral stricturte
   d) torpid course of urethritis
67. Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of:
   a) foreskin
   b) balanus
   c) paraurethral glands
   d) foreskin and balanus
68. Complications of balanoposthitis are all mentioned below except:
   a) lymphangitis
   b) bubonadenitis
   c) bladder neck obstruction
   d) gangrene of the penis
69. Cavernitis is:
   a) an inflammation of cavernous bodies of penis
   b) penile fibromatosis of penis
   c) phlebothrombosis of penis skin
70. Paraphimosis is:
   a) a narrowing of the opening of the foreskin
   b) strangulation of balanus by stenosed(narrowed) foreskin
   c) inflammation of cavernous body of urethra and balanus
   d) the inflammation of the veins of the penis
71. Acute epididymitis is characterized by:
   a) increase of body temperature since the first days of illness
   b) increase of body temperature on 3-4th days
   c) increase of body temperature on 5-6th days
   d) normal body temperature during the whole course of the disease
   e) low body temperature
72. In case of prostatic gland abscess the following is indicated for treatment except:
   a) an intensive antibacterial therapy
   b) an installation of permanent catheter
   c) cystostomy with urinary retention
   d) the drainage of the abscess cavity
   e) detoxification therapy
73. In case of alkaluria the following stones can be formed:
   a) uric acid (urate) stone
   b) cystine stones
   c) phosphate stones
   d) oxalate stones
   e) alkaluria urine does not affect the nature of the stones
74. The radiopaque types of stones are mentioned below except:
   a) oxalate
   b) phosphates
   c) mixed
   d) urate
   e) urate and oxalate
75. Urine culture is reasonable:
   a) in acute purulent pyelonephritis and ureteral stones
   b) in acute serous pyelonephritis and renal calculus
   c) in chronic pyelonephritis in a stage of active inflammation
   d) in all cases
   e) in none of the cases
76. The reasons of closed renal injury are:
   a) a sudden renal concussion and adjacent organs
   b) an acute onset of ureteral obstruction
   c) a sudden muscle contraction of the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm
   d) an acute renal vein thrombosis
   e) complicated hypertensic crisis
77. In renal injury a surgical treatment is indicated in case of:
   a) profuse hematuria with clots and an retroperitoneal hematoma expansion
   b) macrohematuria
   c) when at the excretory urogram there is no discharge of the radiopaque substance by damaged kidneys.
   d) normal contralateral kidney function
78. Subcutaneous ureteral injury occurs in all mentioned cases, except
   a) blunt trauma of a lumbar region
   b) instrumental examination
   c) attempts to extract stones by loop catheter
   d) gynecological operations
79. The main symptoms of rapture of urethra are:
   a) macrohematuria
   b) urethrorrhagia
   c) anuria
   d) frequent and painful urination
80. The symptom, which is not typical for damaging of penile and perineal parts of urethra is:
   a) an initial hematuria
   b) an urethrorrhagia
   c) an edema and hematoma of the perineum, urinary retention
   d) a pelvic hematoma
81. Phallocrypsis is possible:
   a) pelvic fracture
   b) out of the erection state
   c) in a state of erection
   d) pelvic punch out of the erection state
82. In case of renal cancer the metastases often occur in:
   a) liver
   b) lung
   c) contralateral kidney
   d) brain
   e) adrenal gland
83. The first manifestation of a tumor of a renal parenchyma in most cases is:
   a) lumbar pain
   b) enlarged, palpable kidney
   c) hematuria
   d) anemia
   e) pyretic(febrile) temperature
84. What types of renal hematuria are of frequent occurrence?
   a) initial
   b) total
   c) terminal (final)
   d) microhematuria
   e) hemoglobinuria
85. What types of renal tumors are of frequent occurrence?
   a) epithelial
   b) connective-tissue (tumor)
   c) having a adrenal tissue structure
   d) hemangioma
   e) hamartomas
86. What types of renal tumors are of frequent occurrence?
   a) sarcoma
   b) fibroma
   c) hematoma
   d) papilloma and cancer
   e) Myoma
87. Factors contributing to the occurrence of bladder tumors are the following:
   a) smoking
   b) disorder of immunological response
   c) chronic inflammatory diseases
   d) aniline dyes
   e) all of mentioned above
88. The stages of prostate adenoma are differentiated by:
   a) the size of prostate adenoma
   b) decreased renal function
   c) the number of residual urine
   d) current complications (bladder stones, chronic pyelonephritis, etc.)
   e) the duration of the disease
89. The I stage of prostate adenoma is characterized by:
   a) difficult urination
   b) renal insufficiency
   c) 200 ml of residual urine
   d) the prostate gland is enlarged, tensed, painful
   e) perineal pains
90. The III stage of prostate adenoma is characterized by the following symptoms:
   a) difficult urination
   b) overflow incontinence
   c) 300 ml of residual urine
   d) perineal pains
   e) prostate gland of stone-like density, painless
91. One of the following studies can give the definite diagnosis of prostate cancer:
   a) the examination and palpation of external genitalia
   b) palpation of the prostate gland
   c) cystoscopy
   d) prostate biopsy
   e) marrow biopsy
92. A cancer in prostate gland is caused by:
   a) viral diseases
   b) hormonal disorders
   c) chronic inflammation
   d) adenoma
   e) exogenic, carcinogenic substances
93. Monarchism is:
   a) unilateral testicular agenesis
   b) gonadal agenesis
   c) unilateral cryptorchidism (another testicle is located in the scrotum)
   d) unilateral luxation of the testis
94. Diagnosis of vesicovaginal fistula (colpocystosyrinx) is based on all the mentioned below except
   a) excretory urography
   b) cystography
   c) vaginography
   d) cystoscopic examination
   e) vaginoscopy
95. The most sparing method for diagnosis of urological pathology during pregnancy is
   a) instrumental
   b) radiological
   c) roentgenologic
   d) ultrasonic
   e) nuclear magnetic
96. Crucial importance for the diagnosis of male fertility has:
   a) examination of prostatic fluid
   b) androgen level detection
   c) ejaculate examination
   d) study of the seminal vesicle contents

VII. Порядок выдачи медицинских свидетельств о рождении и смерти.
1. To which part of the large intestine does appendix refer to?
   A. To the cecum
   В. To the ascending colon
   C. To the transverse colon
   D. To the sigmoid colon
   Е. To the rectum
2. What is the average mortality rate from acute appendicitis?
   A. 1-3%
   В. 10-13%
   C. 0,1-0,3%
   D. 0%
3. What is the most common cause of the acute destructive appendicitis in older patients?
   A. The mechanical injury of the mucous of the appendix
   В. The vascular ischemic changes in the appendix
   C. The defeat enterogenous infection
   D. None of the above
4. Which criteria are the base of the most acceptable classification of the acute appendicitis?
   A. Morphological changes
   В. Clinical presentation
   C. The presence of complications
   D. The prevalence of pathologic process
5. What kind of acute appendicitis is not in the generally accepted classification?
   A. A congestive [catarrhal] appendicitis
   В. A phlegmonous appendicitis
   C. A gangrenous appendicitis
   D. An ischemic appendicitis
6. Which of the following signs of the acute appendicitis can be estimated during the acquisition of medical history?
   A. Rovsing’s sign
   В. Kocher's sign
   C. Sitkovsky's symptom
   D. Voskresensky’s sign
7. Which of the following complaints does not the patient have with an acute appendicitis?
   A. Hectic fever
   В. Pain in the right side of the ilioinguinal region
   C. Nausea
   D. Absence [lack, loss] of appetite
8. A patient is lying on the back. S(he) is asked to turn on the left side. At that moment the pain is coming or growing in the right side of the ilioinguinal region. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Sitkovsky's symptom
   В. Rovsing’s sign
   C. Kocher's sign
   D. Voskresensky’s sign
9. A patient is lying on the back. The doctor is making a simple percussion of the anterolateral abdominal wall. The patient feels pain in the right side of the ilioinguinal region. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Obraztsova’s sign (The psoas sign)
   В. Bartomier-Michelson’s sign
   C. Razdolsky's sign
   D. Rovsing’s sign
10. A patient is lying firstly on the back and then s(he) turns to the left side. The doctor is making a palpation of the right side of the ilioinguinal region. The patient feels more pain when s(he) is lying on the left side. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Obraztsova’s sign (The psoas sign)
   В. Bartomier-Michelson’s sign
   C. Razdolsky's sign
   D. Rovsing’s sign
11. The doctor is pressing the abdominal wall on the left side of the ilioinguinal region by his(her) left hand with fingers bringing together. S(he) is pressing sigmoid colon to the ileum. In this position the doctor is pressing 2-3 times the projection of the descending colon by his(her) fingers of the right hand. A pain is coming or growing in the right side of the ilioinguinal region. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Obraztsova’s sign (The psoas sign)
   В. Bartomier-Michelson’s sign
   C. Razdolsky's sign
   D. Rovsing’s sign
12. A patient is lying on the back. The doctor is pressing the abdominal wall of the right ilioinguinal region by his(her) fingers of the right hand and asks the patient to raise his(her) right leg. At that moment the patient has a pain in the right ilioinguinal region. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Rovsing’s sign
   В. Bartomier-Michelson’s sign
   C. Obraztsova’s sign (The psoas sign)
   D. Razdolsky's sign
13. Choose the contra-indication to the appendectomy in case of acute appendicitis.
   A. Periappendiceal [periappendicular] abscess
   В. Periappendiceal [appendix] mass
   C. Myocardial [cardiac] infarction
   D. Pregnancy
14. Choose the contra-indication to the appendectomy in case of acute appendicitis.
   A. Acute renal failure
   В. Peritonitis
   C. Periappendiceal [appendix] mass
   D. Sepsis
15. …….is a conglomerate of the tightly welded, inflammatory changed tissues which include the appendix and its formation (сecum, small intestine, omentum).
   A. Periappendiceal [periappendicular] abscess
   В. Periappendiceal [appendix] mass
   C. Acute gangrenous appendicitis
   D. Douglas abscess
16. When does the periappendiceal [appendix] mass begin to form after the first signs of the acute appendicitis ?
   A. During first two days
   В. In 7-9 days
   C. In 3-4 days
   D. After the appendectomy
17. During the outpatient reception hours you suspect that a patient has an acute congestive [catarrhal] appendicitis. What must you do?
   A. Urgently hospitalize the patient to the surgical hospital
   В. Prescribe spasmolytic and examine the patient again in 4-6 hours
   C. Next morning check the dynamics of the body temperature and leukocytes in blood
   D. Prescribe the antibacterial therapy and the next day examine the patient again
   Е. Prescribe out-patient treatment and hospitalize the patient if s(he) feel worse
18. Volkovich-Kocher sign is ……
   A. The increase of pain in the right iliac region when the doctor is pushing the left side iliac region
   В. The increase of pain in the right iliac region when the right iliopsoas muscle is tense
   C. The pain in the epigastric region
   D. The increase of pain in the right iliac region when the patient turn on the left side
   Е. The pain transfers from the epigastric region or from the upper abdomen to the right iliac region
19. Which method is unimportant during the diagnostics of the acute appendicitis?
   A. Laparoscopy
   В. Clinical [common] blood analysis
   C. Colonoscopy, including the examination of the cecum
   D. Rectal examination
   Е. Vaginal examination
20. How is the position of the vermiform appendix behind the cecum called?
   A. Retrocecal position
   В. Retroperitoneal position
   C. Mesocecal position
   D. Retrosternal position
21. Which complication does the following signs indicate: the pain in the right ilioinguinal region, in the underbelly or in the abdomen, signs of the endogenous intoxication and of the the gastric irritation.
   A. Periappendiceal [periappendicular] abscess
   В. Douglas abscess
   C. Pylephlebitis
   D. Peritonitis
22. Which complication of the acute destructive appendicitis is the most severe and has a lethality till 90%?
   A. Diffuse purulent peritonitis
   В. Intraperitoneal abscesses
   C. Pylephlebitis
   D. Retroperitoneal [subperitoneal] abscesses
23. Pylephlebitis is ...
   A. The purulent thrombophlebitis of the portal vein
   В. The purulent thrombophlebitis of the inferior vena cava
   C. The purulent thrombophlebitis of the renal vein
   D. The purulent thrombophlebitis of thegreat saphenous vein
24. Which approach is most frequently used in case ofthe traditional appendectomy?
   A. Lower midline incision
   В. Pirogov’s approach
   C. Lenandr’s approach
   D. Volkovich-Deacon’s approach
25. Which point is used in Volkovich-Dyakonov’s approach?
   A. Kera's point
   В. McBurney's point
   C. Volkovich’s point
   D. Dyakonov’s point
26. Which artery does run in the mesentery of the vermiform appendix?
   A. Ileocolica
   В. Mesenterica superior
   C. Appendicularis
   D. Mesenterica inferior
27. Which supplement surgery do we need in case of a simple congestive [catarrhal] appendicitis?
   A. Examination of the ileum
   В. Sanitization and a draining of the abdominal cavity
   C. Nasogastric intubation
   D. Procaine block of the mesentery
28. When the planned appendectomy must take place after the treatment of the detection of periappendiceal mass?
   A. 1-2 months
   В. 2-3 months
   C. 2-3 weeks
   D. 3-6 months
30. 76-years patient with transmural [through-and-through] myocardial infarction has a phlegmonous appendicitis. What must you do?
   A. An emergency [urgent] operation
   В. An observation and an operation if patient will have symptoms of peritonitis.
   C. Prescription of a big quantity of doses and an operation if these doses do not help
   D. Make a laparoscopy and, if the diagnosis confirm, operate the patient
   Е. None of the above
31. What kind of appendectomy is performed in case of difficulties in removal of the appendix to the wound? For example, in case of the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity when the appendix is in retrocecal and retroperitonal position.
   A. Antegrade appendectomy
   В. Retrograde appendectomy
   C. Laparoscopic appendectomy
   D. None of the above
32. Which suture is traditionally used in case of immersion of the stump of the appendix in the wall of the cecum during the appendectomy?
   A. U-type suture
   В. Z-shaped suture
   C. Purse-string suture
   D. Blanket suture
33. ... is a method of diagnostic when the doctor examines the abdominal cavity by using the endoscope injected through the anterior incision of the abdominal wall.
   A. Laparotomy
   В. Laparoscopy
   C. Laparostomy
   D. Colonoscopy
34. How to treat periappendiceal [appendix] mass without any signs of festering?
   A. An opening and a drainage of the infiltrate
   В. A separation of the infiltrate from the appendectomy
   C. A conservative method (antibiotic therapy, physical therapy)
   D. None of the above
35. What is the most postoperative complication after appendectomy concerning destructive appendicitis?
   A. Postoperative wound infection
   В. Bleeding
   C. Formation of intraabdominal abscesses
   D. Acute intestinal obstruction
36. What must you prescribe in case of differential diagnostics of the acute appendicitis and perforated ulcer?
   A. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy
   В. Plan [survey] radiography of the abdominal cavity
   C. Procto(sigmoido)scopy
   D. Ultrasonic [ultrasound] examination of the abdominal cavity
37. Which sign doesn’t refer to the abscess formation of the periappendiceal [appendix] mass?
   A. Increase of the infiltrate in size
   В. Onset fever
   C. Increase of pain syndrome
   D. Diarrhea
38. Which complication of the acute appendicitis is characterized by these signs (fever, leukocytosis, frequently liquid [watery] stool, sometimes with tenesmus, frequently painful urination)?
   A. Pelvic abscess
   В. Periappendiceal [appendix] mass
   C. Subdiaphragmatic abscess
   D. Pylephlebitis
39. What must you do during the appendectomy if there is a peritonitis?
   A. Sanitization and a drainage of the abdominal cavity
   В. Drainage of the right iliac fossa
   C. Nasogastric intubation
   D. None of the above
40. It is necessary to differentiate an acute appendicitis from...
   A. Perforated ulcer
   В. Acute cholecystopancreatitis
   C. Acute adnexitis, an extrauterine pregnancy
   D. Renal colic
   Е. All of above
41. Which anatomical landmarks are used to find McBurney's point?
   A. Projection of the right external abdominal ring and a navel
   В. A navel and an anterior upper spine of the right iliac bone
   C. A navel and a pubic symphysis
   D. Xiphoid appendix and an anterior upper spine of the right iliac bone
42. Which of the following determinations means that there are calculuses in the common bile duct?
   A. Cholecystitis
   В. Cholecystolithiasis
   C. Choledocholithiasis
   D. Cholelithiasis
43. Which of the following determinations means that there are calculuses in the gallbladder?
   A. Cholecystitis
   В. Cholecystolithiasis
   C. Choledocholithiasis
   D. Cholelithiasis
44. Which of the following determinations means the removal of the calculuses from the common bile duct?
   A. Cholecystostomy
   В. Cholecystectomy
   C. Cholangiostomy
   D. Choledocholithotomy
45. Which of the following determinations means the addition of the fistula to the gallbladder?
   A. Cholecystostomy
   В. Cholecystectomy
   C. Cholangiostomy
   D. Choledocholithotomy
46. Which of the following determinations means the removal of the gallbladder?
   A. Cholecystostomy
   В. Cholecystectomy
   C. Cholangiostomy
   D. Choledocholithotomy
47. How to call X-ray examination of the bile [biliary, gall] ducts after the introduction of the contrast material in them?
   A. Cholecystography
   В. Cholangioscopy
   C. Cholangiography
   D. Choledochoscopy
48. How to call a radiographic examination of the gallbladder when the doctor introduces the contrast material which is accumulating in the gall?
   A. Cholecystography
   B. Cholangioscopy
   C. Cholangiography
   D. Choledochoscopy
50. Where does the inspissation of the bile happen because of the absorption of water and electrolytes?
   A. In hepatocytes
   В. In the choledoch
   C. In the gallbladder
   D. In the duodenum
51. What is the average rate of volume of the gallbladder of an adult?
   A. 3-7 ml
   В. 30-70 ml
   C. 300-700 ml
   D. 130-170 ml
52. In what structure does the gall-duct exist?
   A. In hepatoduodenal ligament
   В. In hepatobiliary triangle (or cystohepatic triangle)
   C. In hepatogastric ligament
   D. In quadrate lobe of liver
53. What massive structures are the parts of the hepatoduodenal ligament?
   A. A common hepatic duct; a portal vein; a cystic artery;
   В. A common bile duct; a proper hepatic artery; a portal vein
   C. A cystic duct; a proper hepatic artery; a postcava
   D. A common hepatic duct; a proper hepatic artery; a portal vein
54. Which ducts must be fused to form a choledoch?
   A. Left and right hepatic ducts
   В. Cystic hepatic and right ducts
   C. Cystic hepatic and left ducts
   D. Cystic hepatic and common hepatic ducts
55. To which area does the common hepatic duct join?
   A. To the liver
   В. To the pancreas
   C. To the duodenum
   D. To the cholecyst
56. How many parts are there in the common hepatic duct?
   A. 2
   В. 3
   C. 4
   D. 5
57. What anatomical structures are the parts of the hepatobiliary triangle (or cystohepatic triangle)?
   A. Cystic and common bile ducts; proper hepatic artery;
   В. Cystic and common hepatic ducts; right hepatic artery
   C. Right hepatic duct; right hepatic artery; cystic artery
   D. Common hepatic and common bile ducts; right hepatic artery
58. Who suffers more from the cholelithiasis?
   A. Men
   В. Women
   C. There are no essential differences
   D. Children
59. Which of the following points is not considered to be a predisposing factor for the development of the cholelithiasis?
   A. Overeating, starvation, irregular meals
   В. Pregnancy, hormonal contraception
   C. Pancreas desease
   D. Male sex
60. The patient feels pain when the doctor puches the right costal arch by the edge of the hand in case of the acute cholecystitis. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Grekov-Ortner sign
   В. Mussy's symptom
   C. Kehr's symptom
   D. Murphy's sign
61. The patient feels pain in the right hypochondrium in case of profound palpation if s(he) has the acute cholecystitis. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Grekov-Ortner sign
   В. Mussy's symptom
   C. Kehr's symptom
   D. Murphy's sign
62. If the patient feels pain in the right sternocleidomastoid muscle in case of profound palpation if s(he) has the acute cholecystitis. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Grekov-Ortner sign
   В. Mussy's symptom
   C. Kehr's symptom
   D. Murphy's sign
63. The patient can not sigh deeply in case of profound palpation of the right part of the hypochondrium if s(he) has the acute cholecystitis. Which sign does it mean?
   A. Grekov-Ortner sign
   В. Mussy's symptom
   C. Kehr's symptom
   D. Murphy's sign
64. What is the most typical sign of the acute cholecystitis?
   A. Pain in the paraumbilical area
   В. Girdle pain in the upper area of the abdomen
   C. Pain in the right hypochondrium
   D. Pain in the right ilioinguinal area
65. Which method is used to detect gallstones?
   A. Cholecystography
   В. Ultra sound of the gallbladder
   C. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
   D. Duodenal intubation
66. Which criteria form the bases of the most appropriate classification of the acute cholecystitis?
   A. Structural [morphological] changes
   В. Clinical presentation
   C. The presence of complications
   D. The extensive pathologic process
67. Which complication the acute cholecystitis doesn’t include?
   A. Esophageal varicose veins dilatation
   В. Obstructive [mechanical, surgical] jaundice
   C. Subhepatic abscess
   D. Peritonitis
68. Which point the complex of conservative treatment of the acute cholecystitis doesn’t include?
   A. Detoxication therapy
   В. Injection of the glucose and the Lock-Ringer’s solution
   C. Local application of cold
   D. Prescription of the narcotic analgesic
   Е. Spasmolytics
69. What is full-hole size of the Choledoch (according to ultra sound)?
   A. 2-8 cm
   В. 2-8 mm
   C. 0,2-0,8 mm
   D. Till 1,8cm
70. What is the approach of the surgeon in case of the simple (uncomplicated) acute cholecystitis?
   A. Emergency laparotomy, cholecystectomy
   В. Emergency laparoscopy, cholecystectomy
   C. Conservative treatment of the attack, examination
   D. To prescribe a referral to outpatient treatment
71. By what must the doctor be guided firstly when s(he) decides the issue of the urgency of surgery (operation) in case of the acute cholecystitis?
   A.By the intensity of the pain syndrome
   В.By the fever response
   C.By the intensity of the Murphy's sign
   D.By the intensity ofperitoneal signs
   Е.By the value of the gallbladder
72. Which vessel must beligated (clipping of vessel) in case of the cholecystectomy?
   A. Hepatica propria
   В. Hepatica dextra
   C. Cystica
   D. Gastroduodenalis
73. Which vessel must beligated (clipping of vessel) in case of performing of the cholecystectomy?
   A. Common hepatic duct
   В. Cystic duct
   C. Common bile duct
   D. Right hepatic duct
74. Which kind of the cholecystectomy does not exist?
   A. Open cholecystectomy
   В. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
   C. Short-scar incision
   D. Percutaneous transhepatic cholecystectomy
75. How do we call an oblique incision in the right hypochondrium which is parallel to costal margin or below it in 2-3 cm?
   A. Kocher's incision
   В. Fedorov incision
   C. Volkovich-Dyakonov incision
   D. Upper midline incision
76. What kind of gas is injected in the abdominal cavity during laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
   A. Oxygen
   В. Carbon dioxide
   C. Nitrogen dioxide
   D. None of the above
77. What are the components of the Charcot's triad in case of the acute cholangitis?
   A. High body temperature, leukocytosis, jaundice
   В. Chill, tachycardia, pain in the right hypochondrium
   C. High body temperature, chill, jaundice
   D. Jaundice, diarrhea, nausea
78. What is the upper limit of the normal concentration of the total bilirubin in the blood serum?
   A. 2 micromole / l
   В. 20 micromole / l
   C. 200 micromole / l
   D. 0,2micromole / l
79. What point can not be a cause of jaundice?
   A. Obstruction of the lumen of choledochous duct by the stone
   В. Sclerosing cholangitis
   C. Cholangiocarcinoma
   D. Metastases in lymph nodes of the porta
   Е. Haemolysis
80. If there is painless palpable distended gall bladder in case of jaundice, which sign does it mean?
   A. Murphy's sign
   В. Psoas sign (Obraztsova's sign)
   C. Kehr's sign
   D. Courvoisier's sign
   Е. Mussy's sign
81. What is the most severe complication of obstructive [mechanical, surgical] jaundice?
   A. Disturbance of the absorptive function of bowel
   В. Reducing of the the protein synthesizing function of the liver
   C. Hepatonephric insufficiency
   D. Hydrops of gallbladder
   Е. Nonfunctioning gallbladder
82. What colour of the urine does the patient with obstructive [mechanical, surgical] jaundice have?
   A. Colourless
   В. Beer-coloured
   C. Red
   D. Straw-colored
83. What colour of the feces does the patient with obstructive [mechanical, surgical] jaundice have?
   A. Become colourless
   В. Become dark (tarry)
   C. “Raspberry-jelly” feces
   D. The feces does not change the color
84. In which case is the Courvoisier's sign found?
   A. In case of choledocholithiasis
   В. In case of the cancer of head of pancreas
   C. In case of the sclerosing cholangitis
   D. In case of the acute cholangitis
   Е. In case of Mirizzi's sign
85. Decipher abbreviation ERCP (diagnostic and medical methods in case of diseases of bile passages)
   A. Endoscopic X-rays Cholangioponrtography
   В. Endoscopic Radical Choledohopancreatography
   C. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
   D. Endoscopic X-ray Cholancioponcreatography
86. What is the drainage of the choledochous duct by Kehr?
   A. It is the drainage of the choledochous duct through the cystic duct
   В. It is the drainage of the choledochous ductby T-tube suction drainage
   C. It is the drainage by the tube directed towards the porta
   D. It is the drainage by the tube directed towards the duodenum
87. What is the drainage of the choledochous duct by Pikovsky?
   A. It is the drainage of the choledochous duct through the cystic duct
   В. It is the drainage of the choledochous duct by T-tube suction drainage
   C. It is the drainage by the tube directed towards the porta
   D. It is the drainage by the tube directed towards the duodenum
88. What is the most common method of treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis?
   A. Peroral dissolution therapy
   В. Extracorporal shock-wave lithotripsy
   C. Endoscopic papillosphincterotomy
   D. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
   Е. Cholecystectomy “Open Surgery”
89. Choose the radical intervention which is used in case of cancer of the head of pancreas.
   A. Pancreatectomy
   В. Application of biliary-enteric anastomosis
   C. Pancreaticoduodenal resection (Whippie's operation)
   D. Choledocholithotomy
90. If the patient has purulent acute cholecystitis with a lot of pus in gastric air bubble. It means ...
   A. Gangrenous cholecystitis
   В. Perforation of gallbladder
   C. Gallbladder empyema
   D. Acute cholangitis
91. Which point does not refer to methods of intraoperative investigation of the biliary tracts?
   A. Choledochoscopy
   В. Cholangiography
   C. Palpation of the choledochous duct
   D. Cholecystography
92. There are pains in the right hypochondriac region. Pains are spastic, sharp, spreading. They irradiate behind the breastbone, in the right bladebone and in the axillary region. The patient has jaundice in 1-2 days after biliary [gallstone, hepatic] colics. Choose the most probable reason of jaundice.
   A. Cancer of the head of pancreas
   В. Obturation of the common bile duct by concrement
   C. Papillitis
   D. Acute hepatitis
   Е. Сhronic calculous cholecystitis
93. Choose parts of the cholecyst (gallbladder)
   A. Fundus, body (corpus), neck (collum)
   В. Fundus, body (corpus), choledochous duct
   C. Tip, body (corpus), isthmus
   D. Greater curvature, lesser curvature, neck (collum).
94. Where is Oddi's sphincter?
   A. In the gallbladder neck
   В. In the area where the cystic duct and common hepatic duct join each other
   C. In the area where the right and the left hepatic duct join each other
   D. In the major duodenal papilla
95. Where are Heister's valves?
   A. In the cystic duct
   В. In the area where the cystic duct and common hepatic duct join each other
   C. In the area where the right and the left hepatic duct join each other
   D. In the major duodenal papilla
96. ...is the exit of an organ through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides.
   A. Hernia
   В. Eventration
   C. Procidentia
   D. None of the above
97. ... is the exit of an organ, which is not covered by parietal peritoneum, through the defect as a result abdominal wall is damaged.
   A. Hernia
   В. Eventration
   C. Procidentia
   D. None of the above
98. ... is the falling down of an organ, which is not covered by parietal peritoneum, from its normal anatomical position.
   A. Procidentia
   В. Eventration
   C. Hernia
   D. None of the above
99. Choose the most common kind of external abdominal hernias
   A. Umbilical hernias
   В. Inguinal [groin] hernias
   C. Postoperative hernias
   D. Femoral [crural] hernia
   Е. Midline [epigastric] hernias
100. Which point does not refer to predisposing factors of the development of external abdominal hernia
   A. Heredity
   В. Elderly age
   C. Sex
   D. Constitutional trait
   Е. Diet
101. What kind of external abdominal hernias do men commonly have?
   A. Umbilical hernia
   В. Midline [epigastric] hernia
   C. Inguinal [groin] hernia
   D. Femoral [crural] hernia
102. What kind of external abdominal hernias do commonly women have?
   A. Umbilical hernia
   В. Midline [epigastric] hernia
   C. Inguinal [groin] hernia
   D. Femoral [crural] hernia
103. Choose the factor of the development of the abdominal (wall) hernia
   A. Intra-abdominal pressure reduction
   В. Intra-abdominal pressure increase
   C. Fatness
   D. Elderly age
104. Choose parts of the external abdominal hernia
   A. Mouth, sac, bottom [floor]
   В. Porta, peritoneum, neck
   C. Porta, sac, contents
   D. Mouth, body, bottom [floor].
105. By what the hernial sac of the external abdominal hernia is presented?
   A. Visceral peritoneum
   В. Parietal peritoneum
   C. Intestinal loops
   D. Skin with hypoderm
106. What is the distinguishing feature of the structure of the sliding abdominal hernia?
   A. It does not have hernial contents
   В. It has cicatrical changes in the hernial sac
   C. The content is the organ partially covered by peritoneum
   D. Multilocular hernial sac
107. ....is the hernia sac of the congenital inguinal [groin] hernia
   A. Parietal peritoneum
   В. Bowel mesentery
   C. Nuck's diverticulum
   D. Visceral peritoneum
   Е. Transverse fascia and preperitoneal fatty tissue
108. Is it possible that children can have a spontaneous recovery of the umbilical hernia?
   A. Yes
   В. No
   C. Children are not amenable to have the umbilical hernia
109. Is it possible that adults can have a spontaneous recovery of the umbilical hernia?
   A. Yes
   В. No
   C. Only men
   D. Only women
110. Umbilical ring dissected longitudinally. Using Kocher’s clamps the assistant pulls the left edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] and bends it to turn as much as possible its interior. The surgeon tightens and sutures this interior with the right edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] using separate interrupted suture or by U-type silk suture. The surgeon trying to bring the right edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] far if it possible. S(he) lays the left edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] on top of the right edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] and sutures them by interrupted stitches. And then there is an aponeurotic extension of the abdominal wall. What is the treatment of umbilical hernia is described?
   A. By Mayo
   В. By Lexer
   C. By Napalkov
   D. By Sapezhko
111. Umbilical ring dissected in the transverse direction. The surgeon sutures by U-type sutures. Firstly, s(he) sutures the upper fascia [aponeurosis] flap ectoentad by silk. The distance from the edges - 1.5 cm.Then the surgeon, using the same suture do stitches on the lower edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] from outside to inside and from the inside outwards. The distance from the edge of it is only 0.5 cm. Then s(he)suture the upper edge at the same level. Such stitches areusually put 3:1 in the center and 2 on each sides. At the moment of tying the bottom edge of the fascia [aponeurosis] is put under the upper side of the fascia [aponeurosis] and then the surgeon fixes them like duplication. The free edge of the upper flap of the fascia [aponeurosis] is sutured to the surface of the lower flap by interrupted sutures (second row of sutures). What is the treatment of umbilical hernia is described?
   A. By Mayo
   В. By Lexer
   C. By Napalkov
   D. By Sapezhko
112. Under the control of the index finger introduced into the umbilical ring the surgeon puts silk purse-string suture on the fascia [aponeurosis]. Then s(he) tightens and knots this suture. Which treatment of umbilical hernia is described?
   A. By Sapezhko
   В. By Lexer
   C. By Napalkov
   D. By Mayo
113. The surgeon makes vertically a duplication from flaps of the fascia [aponeurosis] of abdominal raphe putting few U-typestiches. Then s(he) sutures the edges of the flap fascia [aponeurosis] to the front wall of the sheath of rectus muscle of abdomen by using interrupted sutures. Which treatment of umbilical hernia is described?
   A. By Sapezhko
   В. By Shampioner
   C. By Napalkov
   D. By Wisniewski
114. What forms the front wall of the inguinal canal?
   A. Fascia [aponeurosis] of the abdominal external oblique muscle
   В. Transverse fascia
   C. Inguinal arch
   D. Inferior edges ofabdominal internal oblique and transverse muscles
115. What forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
   A. Fascia [aponeurosis] of the abdominal external oblique muscle
   В. Transverse fascia
   C. Inguinal arch
   D. Inferior edges of abdominal internal oblique and transverse muscles
116. What forms the bottom [fundus] wall of the inguinal canal?
   A. Fascia [aponeurosis] of the abdominal external oblique muscle
   В. Inguinal arch
   C. Transverse fascia
   D. Inferior edges of abdominal internal oblique and transverse muscles
118. What passes through the inguinal canal in men?
   A. Epididymis
   В. Spermatic cord
   C. Femoral neurovascular bundle
   D. All of the above
119. What passes through the inguinal canal in women?
   A. Spermatic cord
   В. Femoral neurovascular bundle
   C. Round ligament of uterus
   D. Round ligament of ovary
120. From which material most reticulums, which are used for fixation of the abdominal wall in the area of hernial orifice, are produced?
   A. Polyvinyl chloride
   В. Polyurethane
   C. Polystyrene
   D. Polypropylene
121. Using this method the restoration of theposterior broken wall of the inguinal canal is achieved by suturing, under the spermatic cord, abdominal internal oblique and transverse muscles with transverse fascia to femoral arch. The spermatic cord is placed on the formed muscular wall. The edges of the fascia [aponeurosis] of the abdominal external oblique muscleare sutured over the edge of the spermatic cord from end to en D. What method of the hernioplasty is described?
   A. By Kukudzhanov
   В. ByPostempski
   C. ByBassini
   D. ByLichtenstein
122. What inguinal hernias are formed in case of the outpouching of the hernial sac through the internal inguinal ring, corresponding to the lateral inguinal fossa? The hernial sac is covered by vaginal tunic of the spermatic cord and repeats its meatus.
   A. Oblique hernia
   В. Direct hernia
   C. Oblique hernia rectified the course
   D. Infantile hernia
123. What inguinal hernias are formed in caseof the outpouching of the hernial sac throughthe medialinguinal fossa, placed opposite the external hole of the inguinal canal?
   A. Oblique hernia
   В. Direct hernia
   C. Oblique hernia rectified the course
   D. Infantile hernia
124. In case of which inguinal [groin] hernia does hernial outpouching have prolate form, place in the same direction as inguinal canal and frequently sink in the scrotum?
   A. Oblique hernia
   В. Direct hernia
   C. Oblique hernia rectified the course
   D. Infantile hernia
125. In case of which inguinal [groin] hernia does hernial outpouching have rounded and oval form and place by the medial part of the femoral arch, near the external edge of the bosom.
   A. Oblique hernia
   В. Oblique hernia rectified the course
   C. Direct hernia
   D. Infantile hernia
126. With which diseases it is necessary to differentiate inguinal [groin] hernia?
   A. Femoral [crural] hernia, dropsy of testicular membranes
   В. Сyst of the spermatic cord, varicocele
   C. Bubonadenitis, tumours in the area of the inguinal canal
   D. All of the above
   Е. None of the above
127. The surgeon sutures the abdominal internal oblique muscle and transverse muscle of abdomen with the internal leaf of fascia [aponeurosis] of abdominal external oblique muscle by the same stitch to the femoral arch. Then s(he) makes a duplication of leaves of fascia [aponeurosis]. Which method of hernioplasty is described?
   A. ByGirard-Spasokukotsky
   В. ByBassini
   C. By Lichtenstein
   D. ByRoux-Oppel
128. This method of hernioplasty contains the surgical removal of inguinal canal, inguinal gap and the formation of inguinal canal with a new direction. The surgeon sutures four anatomic layers (aponeurosis of abdominal external oblique muscle, internal and transverse muscles,transverse fascia, putting them in the same suture) to the pubic taenia and to the inguinal [Poupart's] ligament. The spermatic cord is placed on aponeurosis and the surgeon sutures hypoderm and skin. Which method of hernioplasty is described?
   A. By Kukudzhanov
   В. By Postempski
   C. By Bassini
   D. By Lichtenstein
129. What kind of femoral [crural] hernias is the most common?
   A. Hesselbach's hernia
   В. Pre-vascular hernia
   C. Vasculolacunar hernia
   D. Rural pectineal hernia
130. Who commonly has femoral [crural] hernias?
   A. Men
   В. Women
   C. Children
   D. Equally in each group
131. The surgeon makes an incision over the hernia protrusion parallel and below the femoral arch. After the removal of the hernial sac, the hernial orifice is closed by suturing 3-4 sutures of inguinal [Poupart's] ligament in the area of the inner crural ring to the periosteum of the pubic bon Е. Which method of hernioplasty is described?
   A. By Lockwood
   В. By Martynov
   C. By Bassini
   D. By Lichtenstein
132. The surgeon sutures inguinal [Poupart's] ligament with the periosteum of the pubic bon Е. The first stitch is put near the pubic spine, the last in 1 cm inward from femoral vein. Then the surgeon puts supplemental stitches between crescentic edge of fascia lata and cristate fascia to reinforce the external foramen of the femoral canal. Which method of hernioplasty in case of crural hernias is described?
   A. By Lockwood
   В. By Ruggi
   C. By Bassini
   D. By Lichtenstein
133. The surgeon makes an incision like in case of inguinal [groin] herni A. S(he) severs inguinal canal, fascia transversalis and s(he) separates the neck of the hernial sac in retroperitoneal fat, near inner foramen of the femoral canal. Last is removed from the femoral canal to the wound, then the surgeon opens and sutures it near the the neck and removes. Hernial orifice is closed by suturing of the femoral arch to Cooper's ligament. The operation is finished by the recovery of the femoral canal. Which method of hernioplasty in case of crural hernias is described?
   A. By Lockwood
   В. By Ruggi
   C. By Bassini
   D. By Lichtenstein
134. Choose the most frequent and dangerous complication of the hernia
   A. Phlegmonof hernia sac
   В. Neoplasms [tumors]
   C. Incarceration
   D. Coprostasis
   Е. Irreducible hernia
135. What kind of incarceration occurs when intra-abdominal pressure dramatically increase and largerquantity of organs protrude through the hernial ring? Because of narrowness of the hernial orifice and spasms of muscles organs can not return to the abdominal cavity.
   A. Elastic incarceration
   В. Fecal incarceration
   C. Combined incarceration
   D. None of the above
136. For which kind of incarceration, the main importance is not physical effort? The main importance is disturbance of intestinalmotor activity or slowing-down of peristalsis. These things can happen in old ag Е.
   A. Elastic incarceration
   В. Fecal incarceration
   C. Combined incarceration
   D. None of the above
137. In case of which kind of incarceration there are two intestinal loops in hernial sac and the loop, which connect them, is in the abdomen?
   A. Elastic incarceration
   В. Fecal incarceration
   C. Retrogradeincarceration
   D. Antegrade incarceration
138. In case of which kind of incarceration, the diameter of entodermal canal is not compressed totally in hernial orifice, just that part which is opposite to the mesentery?
   A. Richter's incarceration
   В. Littre'sincarceration
   C. Retrograde incarceration
   D. Antegrade incarceration
139. How to call incarceration of Meckel's diverticulum in the inguinal [groin] hernia?
   A. Parietal [Richter's] hernia
   В. Diverticular [Littre's] hernia
   C. Meckel's hernia
   D. W-shaped hernia
140. Which pathologicoanatomic changes develop in strangulated bowel loop firstly?
   A. Abnormality of arterial inflow
   В. Impediment of venous outflow
   C. Abnormality of lymphokinesia [lymphokinesis]
   D. All of the above have the same development
141. What must you do in case of unassisted reduction of incarcerated hernia? (at home, in case of transportation)
   A. Emergency [urgent] operation
   В. Elective operation in a month
   C. Hospitalization tosurgical hospital, case follow-up [monitoring]
   D. Domiciliary out-patient treatment
142. What must you do firstly in case of herniotomy on the subject of incarcerated hernia?
   A. Dissection of the strangulated ring
   В. Assessment of the viability of strangulated area
   C. Exposure and fixing the strangulated organ
   D. Sequence does not matter
143. What helps to differ inguinoscrotal hernia from hydrocele?
   A. Examination
   В. Percussion
   C. Radiography
   D. Diaphanoscopy
   Е. Ultrasound
144. When the surgeon is performing the resection of necrotic loops of intestine (small intestine) How many cm must s(he) proximally step from the visible areas of necrosis on?
   A. 5 cm
   В. 10 cm
   C. 25 cm
   D. 40 cm
145. When the surgeon is performing the resection of necrotic loops of intestine (small intestine) How many cm must s(he) distally step from the visible areas of necrosis on?
   A. 35 cm
   В. 50 cm
   C. 20 cm
   D. 5 cm
146. In case of incarceration of bowel [intestine] loops where do necrobiotic changes happen firstly?
   A. In serous layer of the bowel [intestine]
   В. Inmyenteron
   C. In submucosal layer
   D. In slime layer
147. Which point does not refer to signs of viability of the gut [bowel]?
   A. Glossy serosa
   В. Pink or pink with cyanotic color of gut [bowel]
   C. Preserved peristalsis
   D. Visible pulsing of artery of the mesentery of the gut [bowel]
   Е. Intestinal murmur [bowel sound]
148. What preparation is injected to the root of mesentery for the recovery its viability?
   A. Novocaine
   В. Calcii chloridum
   C. Sodium chloride
   D. Adrenalin
   Е. Broad spectrum antibiotic
149. Among the elements of the spermatic cord, the hernial sac is separated and It plunges into the abdominal cavity without opening. The first suture is put the medial edge of the rete to the periosteum of the pubic bon Е. Then the surgeon put uninterrupted suture the lower edge of the mesh to the femoral arch. Then the surgeon put interrupted sutures on the upper edge of rete to the tendinous part of the internal oblique muscl Е. What method of hernioplasty is described?
   A. ByKukudzhanov
   В. ByPostempski
   C. By Bassini
   D.By Lichtenstein
150. Choose the right sequence of parts of small intestine [bowel]
   A. Jejunum, duodenum, ileum
   В. Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
   C. Ileum, jejunum, duodenum
   D. Duodenum, ileum,jejunum
151. What is the average length of small intestine?
   A. 1-2 m
   В. 2-3 m
   C. 3,5-5 m
   D. 5,5-7 m
152. Choose the right sequence of parts of the large intestine [bowel].
   A. blind gut, colon [segmented intestine], sigma [sigmoid colon], straight intestine [rectum]
   В. blind gut, sigma [sigmoid colon], colon [segmented intestine], straight intestine [rectum]
   C. sigma [sigmoid colon], blind gut, colon [segmented intestine], straight intestine [rectum]
   D. colon [segmented intestine], blind gut, sigma [sigmoid colon], straight intestine [rectum]
153. In case of which bowel [intestinal] obstruction, necrobiotic changes in gut’s [intestine’s] wall develop more quickly, proximal to place obstacles?
   A. Obturation intestinal obstruction
   В. Mixed intestinal obstruction
   C. Strangulated intestinal obstruction
   D. Dynamic intestinal obstruction
154. What kind of the bowel [intestinal] obstruction develops in case of strangulation of hernia?
   A. Obturation intestinal obstruction
   В. Mixed intestinal obstruction
   C. Strangulated intestinal obstruction
   D. Dynamic intestinal obstruction
155. To which kind does the gallstonesobstruction refer to?
   A. Obturation intestinal obstruction
   В. Mixed intestinal obstruction
   C. Strangulated intestinal obstruction
   D. Dynamic intestinal obstruction
156. Which kind of the bowel [intestinal] obstruction is the most common?
   A. Obturation intestinal obstruction
   В. Adhesive small bowel obstruction
   C. Gallstones obstruction
   D. Paralytic [adynamic] ileus
157. In case of which bowel [intestinal] obstruction there is sharp and early dyscrasia?
   A. High bowel [high intestinal] obstruction
   В. Low bowel [intestinal] obstruction
   C. Paralytic ileus
   D. Spastic ileus
158. Which point does not refer to clinical guiding symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction?
   A. Nausea
   В. Vomiting
   C. Diarrhea
   D. Failure to pass feces and gases
   Е. Abdominal distension
159. What can we find on plan [survey] X-ray film in case of acute intestinal obstruction?
   A. "Niche"
   В. "Filling defect"
   C. Intraperitoneal gas
   D. Bowls Kloybera
160. In which kind of bowel [intestinal] obstruction there is severe and constant pain?
   A. Obturation intestinal obstruction
   В. Strangulated intestinal obstruction
   C. Mixed intestinal obstruction
   D. Dynamic intestinal obstruction
161. In case of which kind of obstruction, we can find progressive pain syndrome without precise localization?
   A. Obstructive obstruction of colon of tumor genesis
   В. Mixed intestinal obstruction
   C. Strangulated intestinal obstruction
   D. Dynamic intestinal obstruction
162. There are reducing of the tone of the anal sphincter and the empty ampoule of rectum. What sign is described?
   A. Val's sign
   В. «Hochenegg's symptom»
   C. Splashing sound [splash]
   D. Wilm's sign
163. There is local meteorism or outpouching of bowel segment upper than level of obstruction (the apparent asymmetry of the abdomen, palpable intestinal bulge, which is visible by peristalsis and which is heard during the percussion tympanitis). What sign is described?
   A. Val's sign
   В. «Hochenegg's symptom»
   C. Splashing sound [splash]
   D. Wilm's sign
164. There are horizontal levels of fluid [liquid] and gas cavities above them in the moment of roentgenoscopy [radioscopy] of organs of abdominal cavity in case of bowel [intestinal] obstruction. What sign is described?
   A. Val's sign
   В. «Hochenegg's symptom»
   C.Kloyber’s sign
   D. Wilm's sign
165. What is the average duration of shock phase in case of perforation of gastric ulcer or of duodenum?
   A. 20-30 minutes
   В. 1-3 hours
   C. 2-4 hours
   D. 5-6 hours
166. Which phase occurs after shock phase in case of perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer?
   A.Peritonitis phase
   В. Phase of "imaginary prosperity"
   C. Terminal phase
167. Which radiological sign is typical for perforation of hollow organ (in case of plan [survey] radiography of organs of abdominal cavity)?
   A. “Falx sign”
   В. Bowls Kloybera
   C. Konig's sign
   D. This method is not informative
168. To which kind of the J. A.Forrest classification (1974) does ongoing jet ulcerous bleeding refer to?
   A. IA
   В. IB
   C. IIA
   D. IIB
   Е. IIC
169. To which kind of the J. A.Forrest classification (1974) does visible large thrombosed vessel refer to?
   A. IA
   В. IB
   C. IIA
   D. IIB
   Е. IIC
170. To which kind of the J. A.Forrest classification (1974) does continued capillary ulcerous bleeding, in form of diffuse infiltration, refer to?
   A. IA
   В. IB
   C. IIA
   D. IIB
   Е. IIC
171. To which kind of the J. A.Forrest classification (1974) does thick trombus [clot of blood], fixed to ulcerous crater, refer to?
   A. IA
   В. IB
   C. IIA
   D. IIB
   Е. IIC
172. To which kind of the J. A.Forrest classification (1974) does absence of stigmas of bleeding in ulcerous crater refer to?
   A. IA
   В. IB
   C. IIA
   D. IIB
   Е. III
173. To which kind of the J. A.Forrest classification (1974) do small thrombosed vessels in the form of coloredspots, which are visible in ulcer, refer to?
   A. IA
   В. IB
   C. IIA
   D. IIB
   Е. IIC
174.Which point does not refer to the general symptoms of hemorrhage [loss of blood]?
   A. Severe weakness
   В. Dizziness
   C. Headache
   D. Loss of consciousness
175. Which point does not refer to signs of bleeding into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract?
   A. Vomiting of fresh blood or of modified blood
   В. Haematochezia
   C. Melena
   D. “Raspberry-jelly” feces
176. Which sign is principal in the diagnostics of the source, of the type and of the character of gastroduodenal bleeding?
   A. Physical exam
   В. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy [EGD]
   C. Radiographyof the stomach with contrast
   D. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography [ERCP]
   Е. Biochemical blood analysis
177. What must the surgeon do in case of recidivation of bleeding ulcer at hospital?
   A. Endoscopic hemostasia
   В. Intensive hemostatic care
   C. Emergency operation
   D. Urgent operation
178. How to call the part of stomach, which adjoin the area of the transition of gullet to stomach?
   A. Cardiac orifice
   В. Fundus of stomach
   C. Body [corpus] of stomach
   D. Pylorus
179. How to call the end of stomach?
   A. Cardiac orifice
   В. Fundus of stomach
   C. Body [corpus] of stomach
   D. Pylorus
180. By what posterior wall of stomach is separated from organs of retroperitoneal space?
   A. By pancreatic gland
   В. By omental bursa
   C. By diaphragm
   D. By parietal peritoneum
181. From which branches of aorta does the stomach get the mainblood supply?
   A. From mesenterica superior
   В. From mesenterica inferior
   C. From truncus coeliacus
   D. From all of these branches
182. Which artery is the the largest artery of the stomach?
   A. Gastrica dextra
   В. Gastrica sinistra
   C. Gastro-epiploica dextra
   D. Gastro-epiploica sinistra
183. Where arevagal trunks in the region of stomach in the majority of cases?
   A. In the fundus of stomach
   В. On greater curvature of stomach
   C. Near the lesser curvature of stomach
   D. In the body of stomach
184. How to call the operation “surgical incision into the stomach”?
   A. Gastrotomy
   В. Gastrostomy
   C. Gastrorrhaphy
   D. Gastroscopy
185. How to call the operation“Suture of a perforation of the stomach”?
   A. Gastrotomy
   В. Gastrostomy
   C. Gastrorrhaphy
   D. Gastroscopy
186. How to call the operation “a surgical procedure for inserting a tube through the abdomen wall and into the stomach”?
   A. Gastrotomy
   В. Gastrostomy
   C. Gastrorrhaphy
   D. Gastroscopy
187. In case of which method, after the resection of gastric stump, the stomach is suturedand the recovery of the continuity of gastrointestinal tract is effected by anterior and posterior gastroenteroanastomosis?
   A. Billroth -1
   В. Billroth -2
   C. By Roux-Herzen-Yudin
   D. By Opel Polikarpov
188. Which method of partial gastrectomy consists of circularexcision of pyloric and antral sections of stomach and of fistulization between the duodenum and the lower part of gastric remnant in type end-to-end?
   A. Billroth -1
   В. Billroth -2
   C. By Roux-Herzen-Yudin
   D. ByHofmeister-Finsterer
189. How to call the operation “a partial or total surgical removal of the stomach”?
   A. Gastrotomy
   В. Gastrostomy
   C. Gastrorrhaphy
   D. Gastrectomy
190. What is the average length of the duodenum?
   A. 12-15 cm
   В. 120-135 cm
   C. 25-30 cm
   D. 1-2 m
191. Which shape does the duodenum have?
   A. Ring-shaped
   В. Horseshoe-shaped
   C. Angular-shape
   D. Prolate form
192…………. a true congenital diverticulum, is a slight bulge in thesmall intestine present at birth and a vestigial remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct.
   В. Meckel's diverticulum
   C. Urachus
   D. Omphalocele
193. How to call the operation “the surgical incision into an intestine”?
   A. Enterostomy
   В. Colotomy
   C. Colostomy
194. How to call the operation “the surgical creation of an opening (fistula) through the skin at the front of the abdomen and the wall of the jejunum”?
   A. Enterostomy
   В. Jejunotomy
   C. Jejunostomy
   D. Ileostomy
195. How to call the operation”an artificial opening (stoma) created in the ileum”?
   В. Jejunotomy
   C. Jejunostomy
   D. Enterostomy
196. Which kind of small intestine anastomosis is the most physiological?
   A. Side-to-side
   В. End-to-end
   C. End-to-side
   D. Side-to-end
197. What is the average total length of the large intestine?
   A. 50 cm
   В. 1 m
   C. 1,5m
   D. 3 m
198. Which point does not distinguish large intestine [bowel] from small intestine [bowel]?
   A. The presence of three longitudinal muscle strips
   В. The diameter and color of serous
   C. The presence of outpouching of wall
   D. The presence of epiploic appendages
199. What is thecontinuation of the cecum?
   A. Descending colon
   В. Transverse colon
   C. Ascending colon
   D. Sigmoid colon
200. What is the continuation of the ascending colon?
   A. Descending colon
   В. Transverse colon
   C. Blind gut [cecum]
   D. Sigmoid colon
201. What is the continuation of the transverse colon?
   A. Descending colon
   В. Ascending colon
   C. Blind gut [cecum]
   D. Sigmoid colon
202. What is the continuation of thedescending colon?
   A. Ascending colon
   В. Transverse colon
   C. Blind gut [cecum]
   D. Sigmoid colon
203. What is the average length of the straight intestine?
   A. 8-10 cm
   В. 12-18 cm
   C. 22-28 cm
   D. 2-8 cm
204. From which branches of aorta do the descending colon and the sigmoid colon get the main blood supply?
   A. Celiac trunk
   В. Superior mesenteric artery
   C. Inferior mesenteric artery
   D. Iliac arteries
205. From which branches of aorta do the right sections of large intestine get the main blood supply?
   A. Celiac trunk
   В. superior mesenteric artery
   C. Inferior mesenteric artery
   D. Iliac arteries
206. To which venous system does the derivation from the colon take place?
   A. To the system of postcava
   В. To the system of precava
   C. To the systemof portal vein
   D. All of the above
207. How to call the operation “the resection of right part of colon”?
   A. Right demicolectomy
   В. Right hemicolostamy
   C. Right hemicolectomy
208. What anastomosisis applied to restore continuity of the bowel in case of resection of the right part of the large intestine?
   A. Ileal anastomosis
   В. Enteroenteroanastomosis
   C. Ileotransverse anastomosis
   D. Anastomosis is not applied, ileostomy is used
209. What type of bypass anastomosis [bypassed loop] is applied in case of inoperable malignant neoplasms, multiple ulcers and stenosis of the right part of the large intestine [bowel]?
   A. Ileotransverse anastomosis
   В. Transverse sigma anastomosis
   C. Descendo astsendo anastomosis
   D. Anastomosis is not applied, colostomy is used
210. What type of bypass anastomosis [bypassed loop] is applied in case of inoperable malignant neoplasms of splenic angle or of descending part of the colon?
   A. Ileotransverse anastomosis
   В. Transverse sigma anastomosis
   C. Descendo astsendo anastomosis
   D. Anastomosis is not applied, sigmoidostomy is used
211. How to call the operation “application of fistula on large bowel”?
   A. Colotomy
   В. Colostomy
   C. Cecostomy
   D. Enterostomy
212. How to call the operation “application of fistula on blind gut”?
   A. Colotomy
   В. Colostomy
   D. Enterostomy
213. Choose the right spelling of the term “the removal of the appendix“?
   A. Appendoctomy
   В. Apendectomy
   C. Appendectamy
   D. Appendectomy
214. Choose the right spelling of the term “the removal of gallbladder”?
   A. Cholecystoectomy
   В. Cholecystectomy
   C. Cholycystectomy
215. Choose the right spelling of the term “inflammation of gallbladder”?
   A. Cholestitis
   В. Cholicystitis
   C. Cholecystitis
   D. Cholecestitis
216. Choose the right spelling of the term “the presence of concrements in common bile duct”?
   A. Choledochoholithiasis
   В. Choledocholithiasis
   C. Cholelithiasis
   D. Cholecystolithiasis
217. Choose the right spelling of the term “application of fistula on gallbladder”
   A. Cholecystostomy
   В. Cholicystostomy
   C. Cholecystotomy
   D. Cholecystomy
218. How to call the operation “the resection of the part of the liver”?
   A. Halfhepatectomy
   В. Hemihepatectomy
   C. Hemihepatorectomy
   D. Demihepatectomy
219. How to call the operation “application of anastomosis between gallbladder and duodenum”?
   A. Сholecystostomy
   В. Сholedochoduodenostomy
   C. Сholecystoduodenostomy
   D. Сholecystojejunostomy
220. How to call the operation “application of anastomosis between common bile duct and duodenum”?
   A. Сholecystostomy
   В. Сholedochoduodenostomy
   C. Сholecystoduodenostomy
   D. Сholecystojejunostomy
221. How to call the operation “application of anastomosis between common hepatic duct and duodenum”?
   A. Hepaticostomy
   В. Hepaticoduodenostomy
   C. Choledochoduodenostomy
   D. Choledochojejunostomy
222. How to call the operation “application of anastomosis between common bile duct and empty intestine”?
   A. Hepaticojejunostomy
   В. Choledochoduodenostomy
   C. Choledochojejunostomy
   D. Cholecystojejunostomy
223. What is the average length of the pancreatic gland [pancreas]?
   A. 4-8 cm
   В. 14-18 cm
   C. 24-28 cm
   D. 8-12 cm
224. Of which part does the pancreatic gland [pancreas] consist of?
   A. Head of pancreas, body of pancreas, tail of pancreas
   В. Bottom of pancreas, body of pancreas, neck of pancreas
   C. Tip of pancreas, body of pancreas, bottom of pancreas
   D. Head of pancreas, body of pancreas, pedicle of pancreas
225. To which organ does head of pancreas adjoin?
   A. Tostomach
   В. Toduodenum
   C. Togallbladder
   D. Toliver
226. How to call the operation “application of the anastomosis [fistula] between the cyst (of pancreatic gland [pancreas]) and small intestine [bowel]”?
   A. Pancreatoenterostomy
   В. Cystoenterotomy
   C. Cystoenterostomy
   D. Cystostomy
227. Which point does not refer to endoscopic methods of hemostasia in case of gastroduodenal ulcerous bleeding?
   A. Argon coagulation
   В. Diathermo-coagulation
   C.Irrigation of source of bleeding by the solution of Caproferr
   D. Ligating a bleeding vessel at a distance
228. By which injection of solutions it necessary to begin infusion-transfusion therapy in case of hemorrhage [loss of blood]?
   A. Colloidal plasma substitute
   В. Blood preparation
   C. Crystalloid plasma substitute
   D. Fresh frozen plasma
229. Choose the point in case of which it is necessary to prescribe the fresh frozen plasma transfusion?
   A. Hemostasia
   В.Blood volumereplacement
   C. Volume of circulate erythrocytes replacement
   D. All of the above
230. Choose the point in case of which it is necessary to prescribe the packed red cell transfusion?
   A. Hemostasia
   В. Blood volume replacement
   C. Volume of circulate erythrocytes replacement
   D. All of the above
231. Which preparation is not used for medicamental suppression of gastric secretion in case ofulcerous bleeding?
   A. Omeprazole
   В. Quamatel
   C. sandostatin
   D. Domperidone
232.Which preparation is used for ablation [eradication](Helicobacter pylori) in case of gastric ulcer?
   A. Amoxicilanand clarithromycin
   В. Penicillin(e)and erythromycin
   C. Ceftriaxoneand metronidazole
   D. Tienamand nystatin
233. How to call the syndrome (sign) which refers to bleeding from a laceration in the mucosa at the junction of the stomach andesophagus.
   A. Dieulafoy lesion
   В. Mallory-Weiss esophageal tear
   C. Boerhaave syndrome
   D. Budd-Chiari syndrome
234. Which is the most probable source of the bleeding from the upper part of gastrointestinal tract the patient with liver [hepatic] cirrhosis have?
   A. Burst of wall gastroesophageal transition
   В. Burst of cirrhotic node
   C. Esophageal varicose veins dilatation
   D. Acute gastric ulcer
235. …………takes the first place among all sources of peritonitis according to occurrenc Е.
   A. Acute cholecystitis
   В. Acute pancreatitis
   C. Acute appendicitis
   D. Acute intestinal obstruction
   Е. Suppurative infection of genital [reproductive] organs
236. With what the anteroventral muscle tension connect in case of peritonitis?
   A. With stimulation of parietal peritoneum
   В. With stimulation of visceral peritoneum
   C. With direct stimulation of muscles
237. Which point does not refer to common signs of general [diffuse] purulent peritonitis?
   A. Pain in stomach
   В. Protective voltage of abdominal muscles
   C. Bradycardia
   D. Blumberg's sign [guarding symptom]
   Е. Enteroparesis
238. What is the most frequent infectious agent in case of peritonitis?
   A. Streptococcus
   В. Pneumococcus
   C. Staphylococcus
   D. Colon bacillus
   Е. Anaerobic bacteria
239. Which complication more often does the patient with peritonitis have?
   A. Eventration
   В. Formation of intestinal fistulas
   C. Pulmonary embolism
   D. Formation of ulcers of abdominal cavity
240. What is the principal point in treatment of the patient with peritonitis?
   A.Operative [surgical] intervention
   В. Detoxication therapy
   C. Rational antibiotic therapy
   D. Fight against enteroparesis
   Е. Removal of causes, which lead to external breathlessness
241. The severity of course of peritonitis most depends on all these factors, except……
   A. Mass of a body [body weight]
   В. Character of microflora
   C. Degrees of manifestation of intoxication
   D. Hypovolemia [hyphemia]
   Е. Degrees of abnormality of protein, electrolyte metabolism and of acid-base
242.With deficit of which microelement we can associate with thyroid function abnormality?
   A. Magnesium
   В. Potassium
   C. Iodine
   D. Selenium
243. Which point does not refer to parts of thyroid gland?
   A. Pyramidal lobe
   В. Isthmus
   C. Right and left lobes
   D. Neck
244. In range of which fascia of neck (by V.N.Shevkunenko) thyroid gland is located?
   A. Fourth
   В. Third
   D. First
245. How recurrent laryngeal nerves are located to thyroid gland?
   A. On the front surface of both lobes
   В. On the posterior [back] surface of both lobes
   C. Behind the isthmus
   D. All of the above
246. What do laryngeal nerves innervate?
   A. Vocal folds
   В. Thyroid gland
   C. Gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Pharynx
247.Recurrent laryngeal nerves are the ……couple of branches of cerebral nerves.
   A. Eighth
   В. Ninth
   C. Tenth
   D. Eleventh
   Е. Twelfth
248. Thyroid gland secretes all mentioned hormones except …….
   A. Triiodothyronine
   В. Thyroxin
   C. Calcitonin
   D. Thyrotrophic hormone
249. Which hormone synthesizes and is secreted by basophil cells of the adenohypophysis?
   A. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone [TRH]
   В. Thyrotrophic hormone
   C. Thyroxin
   D. Calcitonin
250. Which hormone synthesizes and is secreted by cells of the median eminence and arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus?
   A. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone [TRH]
   В. Thyrotrophic hormone
   C. Thyroxin
   D. Calcitonin
251. In which kind of metabolism [exchange] do thyroid hormones take place?
   A. Water-salt metabolism
   В. Protein metabolism
   C. Lipid [fat] exchange
   D. Carbohydrate metabolism
   Е. All of the above
253. How many degrees of increase are there in thyroid gland? (By O.V.Nikolaev)
   A. 2
   В. 3
   C. 4
   D. 5
254. Good palpated lateral lobes, gland is noticeable at the moment of swallowing. Which degrees of increase of thyroid gland is described? (By O.V.Nikolaev)
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
255. The increase of thyroid gland is noticeable at the moment of examination (“bull neck”) Which degrees of increase of thyroid gland are described? (By O.V.Nikolaev)
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
256. Gland is not noticeable, just isthmus is palpate D. Which degrees of increase of thyroid gland are described? (By O.V.Nikolaev)
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
257. Struma is noticeable, configuration of the neck is change D. Which degrees of increase of thyroid gland are described? (By O.V.Nikolaev)
   A. 2
   В. 3
   C. 4
   D. 5
258. Struma is enormous. Which degrees of increase of thyroid gland are described? (By O.V.Nikolaev)
   A. 2
   В. 3
   C. 4
   D. 5
259. Which point does not refer to signs of thyrotoxicosis [Graves' disease]?
   A. Mental excitability
   В. Increment in activity of sympathetic system
   C. Increment in activity of parasympathetic nervous system
   D. Tachycardia and lability of pulse
260. Which point does not refer to signs of thyrotoxicosis [Graves' disease]?
   A. Oscillation of arterial tension [blood tension], cardiac rhythm disturbance
   В. Muscle weakness
   C. Disturbance menstrual ovarian cycle
   D. Gain in weight
261. Expand an abbreviationFNAB[FNA] (method of diagnostics of thyroid gland)
   A. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy
   В. Oral [enteral] antegrade thyroidal biopsy
   C. Fine-needle aspiration block(ade)
   D. Multiplanarantegradeaspiration biopsy
262. With the help of a diagnostic method, in case of diseases of thyroid gland, we can understand the degree of extension of struma behand the sternum, and identify the deviation and (or) the compression of the esophagus and of the trachea?
   A. Ultrasound of thyroid gland
   В. Scintigraphy
   C. Radiography of neck-retrosternal area with contrasting of gullet [oesophagus]
263. How to call the operation “the removal of thyroid gland”?
   A. Thyroidectomy
   В. Strumectomy
   C. Thyreoidectomy
   D. Thyrotomy
264. Which preparation [medicine] the patient with the removal of thyroid gland must take for life?
   A. Iodine
   В. L- thyroxin
   C. Mercazole
   D. It is not necessary to take preparation [medicine] after this kind of operation
265. Which condition must the patient have for adequate preoperative preparation before the thyroid gland operation [surgery] in case of toxic struma [goiter]?
   A. Hypothyroidism
   В. Thyrotoxicosis
   C. Euthyroidism
   D. It does not matter to have a special condition
266. What is the indication for surgical treatment in case of colloid struma [goiter]?
   A. Nodular formations of thyroid gland with a diameter more than 3cm with signs of compression of neck organs
   В. Inefficiency of conservative therapy
   C. Signs of dysplasia according to the results of puncture [needle, punch]
   D. All of the above
   Е. None of the above
267. Which condition must the patient have for adequate preoperative preparation before the thyroid gland operation [surgery] in case of nontoxic struma [goiter]?
   A. Hypothyroidism
   В. Thyrotoxicosis
   C. Euthyroidism
   D. It does not matter to have a special condition
268. How to call collar shaped incision on the front part of the neck that’s 2 cm above the jugular notch of episternum?
   A. ByKocher
   В. ByNikolaev
   C. ByDrachinskaya
   D. By Kehr
269. What is the indication for surgical treatment in case of Basedow's disease [diffuse toxic goiter]?
   A. Neoplastic process in the thyroid gland in case of diffuse struma [goiter]
   В. Struma [goiter] of big size which is the reason of compression of neck oragns
   C. Inefficiency of thyreostatic therapy during 1-1,5 years
   D. None of the above
   Е. All of the above
270. Indications for surgical treatment of diffuse toxic struma [goiter]are all of the above except…………..
   A. Neoplastic process in the thyroid gland in case of diffuse struma [goiter]
   В. Exophthalmosof third degree
   C. Struma [goiter] of big size which is the reason of compression of neck oragns
   D. Inefficiency of thyreostatic therapy during 1-1,5 years
271. Which method is the alternative method of the treatment of diffuse toxic struma [goiter]?
   A. Radiation therapy
   В. Chemotherapy
   C. Treatment by radioactive iodine
   D. Plasmapheresisandhemosorption
272. Which point does not refer to postoperative complications in the surgery of thyroid gland?
   A. Bleeding
   В. Damage of recurrent laryngeal nerves
   C. Hypoparathyroidism
   D. Exophthalmos
273. Degenerative changes in tracheal retractions, their thinning and softening is ……………..
   A. Scabbard trachea
   В. Tracheomalacia
   C. Traheolizis
   D. Tracheostome
274. How does unilateral lesion of recurrent laryngeal nerve clinically become evident?
   A. Loss of voice sonority
   В. Asphyxia
   C. Stammering [stuttering]
   D. There is no clinical manifestation in case of unilateral lesion
275. How does double lesion of recurrent laryngeal nerve clinically become evident?
   A. Loss of voice sonority
   В. Asphyxia
   C. Stammering [stuttering]
   D. There is no clinical manifestation in case of unilateral lesion
276. The concentration of which microelement in the blood changes in case of hypoparathyroidism?
   A. Potassium
   В. Iodine
   C. Calcium
   D. Magnesium
277. How does the concentration of calcium in blood serum in case of hypoparathyroidism change?
   A. Increase
   В. Reduce
   C. Does not change
278. Which point does not refer to background diseases, associated with cancer of the stomach?
   A. Chronic atrophic gastritis
   В. Pernicious [Biermer's, Biermer-Ehrlich] anemia
   C. Chronic gastric ulcer
   D. Asiderotic [iron-deficiency] anemia
279. Choose risk factors of the development of cancer of the stomach?
   A. High salt content in food
   В. High consumption of unrefined fats
   C. Low content of milk in dietary intake
   D. Smoking (habit)and alcohol
   Е. All of the above
   F. None of the above
280. Choose risk factors of the development of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Irregular meals
   В. Eating hot food
   C. Low content of milk in dietary intake
   D. Smoking (habit)
   Е. All of the above
   F. None of the above
281. What does index T mean in the international classification of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Depth of invasion of primary tumor of the stomach
   В. Prevalence of lymphogenic metastasises by levels of lymphatic collectors
   C. Presence of organ remote metastasis
   D. Histopathologic differentiation
282. What does index M mean in the international classification of cancer of the stomach?
   A. The depth of invasion of primary tumor of the stomach
   В. Prevalence of lymphogenic metastasises by levels of lymphatic collectors
   C. Presence of organ remote metastasis
   D. Histopathologic differentiation
283. What does index N mean in the international classification of cancer of the stomach?
   A. The depth of invasion of primary tumor of the stomach
   В. Prevalence of lymphogenic metastasises by levels of lymphatic collectors
   C. Presence of organ remote metastasis
   D. Histopathologic differentiation
284. Which point does not refer to common signs of oncological disease?
   A. Unmotivated weakness, fatigability
   В. Reductionof mass of a body
   C. Thirst
   D. Pale skin, followed by the acquisition of sallow complexion
285. Which point does not refer to local signs of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Reductionordisappearance ofappetite
   В. Burp rotten
   C. Disgust to food
   D. Disordersof stool
286. Which symptoms [signs] come in the forefront in case of development of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Feeling of fullness after a meal
   В. Dysphagy [dysphagia]
   C. Anaemia
   D. Burp rotten
287. Which symptoms [signs] come in the forefront in case of development of cancer of thebody of stomach?
   A. Feeling of fullness after a meal
   В. Dysphagy [dysphagia]
   C. Mainly latent course in case of anaemia
   D. Burp rotten
288. Which symptoms [signs] come in the forefront in case of development of cancer in antral part of the stomach?
   A. Feeling of fullness after a meal
   В. Dysphagy [dysphagia]
   C. Latent course in case of anaemia
   D. Aversion to food
289. How to call metastatic(al) changes of lymph node above the left part of clavicle which patients, with cancer of the stomach, have?
   A. Krukenberg's tumor
   В. Virchow metastasis
   C. Schnitzler's metastasis
   D. Sister Mary Joseph's nodule
290. How to call metastatic(al) lesion of ovaries which patients, with cancer of the stomach, have?
   A. Krukenberg's tumor
   В. Virchow metastasis
   C. Schnitzler's metastasis
   D. Sister Mary Joseph's nodule
291. How to call Douglas metastatic(al) lesion which patients, with cancer of the stomach, have?
   A. Krukenberg's tumor
   В. Virchow metastasis
   C. Schnitzler's metastasis
   D. Sister Mary Joseph's nodule
292. How to call metastasis of cancer of the stomach to navel?
   A. Krukenberg's tumor
   В. Sister Mary Joseph's nodule
   C. Schnitzler's metastasis
   D. Virchow metastasis
293. Which method provides the most exact diagnostics of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Ultrasound
   В. Radiography of the stomach with contrast study
   C. EGDesophagogastroduodenoscopywith biopsy
   D. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy
294. Choose the most frequent morphological kind of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Medullary
   В. Adenocarcinoma
   C. Planocellular
   D. Colloidal
295. Choose the most unfavorable macroscopic kind of cancer of the stomach (prognostic plan)
   A. Endophytic tumor
   В. Exophytic tumor
   C. Mixed tumor
   D. Macroscopic kind is not irrelevant for prognostic plan
296. Which volume of organ is removed in case of performing of distal subtotal gastrectomy?
   A. ?
   В. 1/3
   C. ?
   D. 4/5
297. How to call the removal (with lesion of organs) of cellular tissue and lymph nodes of the parts of regional metastasis?
   A. Lymphadenectomy
   В. Lymph node dissection
   C. Omentectomy
   D. Metastasectomy
298. How to call the operation (surgery), which is performed in case of impossibility of recovery and whose aim is pain relief of the patient or is amelioration of the function of target affected [involved] organ?
   A. Radical [ablative] surgery
   В. Radical operation
   C. Palliative operation
   D.Symptomatic operation
299. In which cases does the patient with the fourth stage of cancer of the stomach have operative therapy?
   A. Bleeding from tumor
   В. Perforation (perforation) of the wall of stomach
   C. Stenosis of the stomach with the development of severe water-electrolyte disorders and with impossibility to eat
   D. All of the above
300. Which point does not refer to palliative operations in case of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Gastrojejunostomy
   В. Laser recanalization of tumors
   C. Gastrectomywith splenectomy and lymph node dissection
   D. Cytoreductive resection of the stomach
301. Choose the radical operation (surgery) in case of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Gastrojejunostomy
   В. Gastrectomy with splenectomy and lymph node dissection
   C. Laser recanalization of tumors
   D. Cytoreductive resection of the stomach
302. Which operation (surgery) is performed with the aim of the reduce of acid secretion by the stomach and the reduce of gastric peristalsis.
   A. Partial gastrectomy
   В. Gastrectomy
   C. Gastroenterostomy
   D. Vagotomy
303. Which operation (surgery) is performed with the aim of relief of evacuation of gastric material. The surgeon cuts longitudinally the pylorus and sutures crosswise
   A. Vagotomy
   В. Pyloroplasty
   C. Partial gastrectomy
   D. Gastroenterostomy
304. How to call the operation in case of which the denervation of body of stomach is performed with the preservation of Latarzhe's nerve?
   A. Stem [truncal] vagotomy
   В. Pyloroplasty
   C. Selective proximal vagotomy
   D. Gastrostomy
305. Which complication of gastric surgery is associated with a fast transition of not enough digestible, concentrated mainly carbohydrate food from the stomach into the intestine? There are attacks of weaknessduring ingestion or during the first 15-20 minutes after it.
   A. Jejunal [postgastrectomy] syndrome
   В. Afferent loop syndrome
   C. Efferent intestinal loop syndrome
   D. Small stomach syndrome
307. Choose the most characteristic consequence of stem [truncal] vagotomy
   A. Intractable [obstinate, persistent] constipation
   В. Dysuria
   C. Diarrhea
   D. Afferent loop syndrome
308. The deficiency of which of vitamin develops after gastrectomy because of loss of fundus [fundic] glands, which are in the area of body or in the bottom of the stomach?
   A. В1
   В. В2
   C. В6
   D. В12
309.What is the most common sign of disease of the gullet [oesophagus]?
   A. Dysphonia
   В. Dysphagy
   C. Dyspepsia
   D. Dysphoria
310. What is the average length of the gullet [oesophagus] of the adult?
   A. 33-35 cm
   В. 23-25 cm
   C. 20-23 cm
   D. 15-20 cm
311. How many anatomical constrictions in gullet [oesophagus]?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
312. Which section of the gullet [oesophagus] is the longest?
   A. Сervical gullet [oesophagus]
   В. Thoracic gullet [oesophagus]
   C. Abdominal gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Every section has the same length
313. Which section of the gullet [oesophagus] is the shortest?
   A. Сervical gullet [oesophagus]
   В. Thoracic gullet [oesophagus]
   C. Abdominal gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Every section has the same length
314. Where is the first constriction of the gullet [oesophagus]?
   A.In the transition of the gullet [throat] to the gullet [oesophagus]
   В. In the area where the gullet [oesophagus]adjoins to arch of aorta
   C. In the area of passage through the aperture of diaphragm
315. Where is the second constriction of the gullet [oesophagus]?
   A.In the transition of the gullet [throat] to the gullet [oesophagus]
   В. In the area of passage through the aperture of diaphragm
   C. In the area where the gullet [oesophagus]adjoins to arch of aorta
316. Where is the third constriction of the gullet [oesophagus]?
   A.In the transition of the gullet [throat] to the gullet [oesophagus]
   В. In the area of passage through the aperture of diaphragm
   C. In the area where the gullet [oesophagus]adjoins to arch of aorta
317. By which epithelium, the mucous coat of esophagus, is lined?
   A. Glandular
   В. Tessellated
   C. Laminated
   D. Villiferous
318. Which’s degree of dysphagy described: “difficulties in swallowing of solids, ability to swallow fluid diet”?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
319. Which’s degree of dysphagy described: “ability to swallow only liquid”?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
320. Which’s degree of dysphagy described: “difficulties in swallowing of liquid and saliva”?
   A. 4
   В. 3
   C. 2
   D. 1
321. Which’s degree of dysphagy described: “inability of transit of food or liquid”?
   A. 4
   В. 3
   C. 2
   D. 1
322. The patient is young, s(he) has dysphagy which increases at the moment of taking liquid [fluid], the absence of weight loss. There is no problem with taking of solid foo D. Choose the diagnosis
   A. Esophageal achalasia [cardiospasm]
   В. Esophageal stricture
   C. Cancer of gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Esophagitis
323. ………… is chronic disease characterized by the absence or insufficient of reflex relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, so that there is a non-permanent disturbance of the patency of the gullet [oesophagus] caused by the narrowing of its section before the entrance to the stomach and the expansion of upstream areas
   A. Esophagitis
   В. Esophageal stricture
   C. Cancer of gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Esophageal achalasia [cardiospasm]
324. If the elderly patients havedysphagy, following by loss of weight. What is the diagnosis?
   A. Esophageal achalasia [cardiospasm]
   В. Esophageal stricture
   C. Cancer of gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Esophagitis
325. Which part of the gullet [oesophagus] is frequently involved in cancer?
   A. Upper part
   В. Middle part
   C. Lower part [bottom]
   D. All parts have the sameinvolvement
326. Which country has the most prevalence of cancer of gullet [oesophagus]?
   A. India
   В. Japan
   C. Spain
   D. Ethiopia
327. Which point does not refer to precursors of cancer of gullet [oesophagus]?
   A. Barrett's syndrome
   В. Esophageal stricture
   C. Esophageal achalasia [cardiospasm]
   D. Hiatal [hiatus] hernia
   Е. Chronicatrophic gastritis
328. Which point does not refer to most common signs of cancer of gullet [oesophagus]?
   A. Dry mouth
   В. Salivation
   C. Low intensity pain in breastbone [sternum] with irradiation to interscapular region at the moment of transition of the food
   D. Hoarseness
329. Which kind of the diagnostics of cancer of the gullet [oesophagus] makes possible to know the tumor staging in the gullet’s [oesophagus’s] wall and the state of adjacent tissues and also to know the state of regional lymph nodes?
   A. Esophagoscopy
   В. Esophagography and opacification
   C. Endoscopic ultrasonography
   D. Esophagoscopy and biopsy
330. Which kind of the diagnostics of cancer of the gullet [oesophagus] makes possible to know not only the information concerning localization, length of the affection, but also the information concerning states of organs in general?
   A. Esophagoscopy
   В.Esophagography and opacification
   C. Endoscopic ultrasonography
   D. Esophagoscopy and biopsy
331. Which kind of the diagnostics of cancer of the gullet [oesophagus] makes possible, apart from examination of mucous of the gullet [oesophagus], to take its part for morphology and histologic(al) study?
   A. Esophagoscopy
   В. Esophagography and opacification
   C. Endoscopic ultrasonography
   D. Esophagoscopyand biopsy
332. How to call the surgical removal of the esophagus in case of its complete dissection or partial dissection?
   A. Esophagectomy
   В. Esophagoplasty
   C. Esophagostomy
   D. Esophagotomy
333. Gullet [oesophagus] in case of complete or partial removal can be replaced by all mentioned organs, except…..
   A. Stomach
   В. Skin
   C. Duodenum
   D. Large intestine [bowel]
334. Gullet [oesophagus] in case of complete or partial removal can be replaced by all mentioned organs, except…..
   A. Skin
   В. Ureter
   C. Small intestine [bowel]
   D. Large intestine [bowel]
335. How to call direct subtotal resection of the gullet [oesophagus] and its plasty by the stomach (performed in cancer of mesothoracic part of gullet [oesophagus])
   A. Extirpation of the gullet [oesophagus]
   В. Garlock’s operation
   C. Lewis operation
   D.Dobromyslov-Torek operation
336. Choose the sign of early cancer of the gullet [oesophagus]
   A. Dysphagy
   В. Pain in breastbone [sternum] and in the back
   C. Coughduring the food intake
   D. Increased salivation
   Е. Loss of weight
337. By what does esophageal injuries happen mostly?
   A. By acids
   В. By alkalis
   C. By alcohol surrogates
   D. By organophosphorous substances
   Е. ByHot water
338. Where do evident changes in the gullet [oesophagus] in case of its chemical trauma [accident] take place?
   A. Throughout the gullet [oesophagus]
   В. In the area of gullet
   C. In the area of cardiac orifice
   D. In the area of physiological constrictions
   Е. In the abdominal part of the gullet [oesophagus]
339. What is optimum procedure of rendering first aid in case of chemical burn of stomach?
   A. Lavage of the gullet [oesophagus] and of the stomach by probe
   В. Lavage of the gullet [oesophagus] and of the stomach without using the probe
   C. Intravenous introduction of fluid [liquid] and of pharmaceuticals
   D. Cleansing [purgetive] enema
340. The most extensive damages of the gullet [oesophagus] develops in case of intake of ……….
   A. Inorganic acid
   В. Organic acids
   C. Varnishes
   D. Alcohol surrogates
   Е. Alkali
341. What is the sign of advanced case of cancer of the stomach?
   A. Horner's syndrome
   В. Hyperptyalism [hypersialosis]
   C. Dysphagy [dysphagia]
   D. Total esophageal obstruction
342. What is used in the diagnostics of foreign bodies in gullet [oesophagus]?
   A. Complaints and medical history
   В. Esophageal intubation
   C. Сontrast radioscopy of the gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Esophagoscopy
   Е. Laryngoscopy
   F. All of the above
   G. None of the above
343. In the capacity of palliative operation as appropriate …….is used
   A. Gastrostomy
   В. Gastroenteroanastomosis
   C. Esophagostomy
   D. Transverse colostomy
   Е. Selective proximal vagotomy.
344. Esophageal injury can be followed by…..
   A. Trauma of mucous membrane
   В. Traumaof gullet [throat]
   C. Traumaof the gullet [oesophagus]
   D. Esophageal perforation
   Е. All of the above
345. What is the prophylaxis of stricture after the esophageal injury?
   A. Early bougienage
   В. Prescription of oil preparation inside
   C. Antibiotic therapy
   D. Swallowing of solid food
   Е. “Constantly” bougi(e)nage
346. What is the main cause of reflux-esophagitis?
   A. Hiatal [hiatus] hernia
   В. Acoholism
   C. Cardiochalasia
   D. Peptic ulcer
   Е. Eating hot food
347. ……… is asiderotic [iron-deficiency] anemia with bald tongue, koilonychias [alonychia] and dysphagy
   A. Horner's syndrome
   В. Plummer-Vinson syndrome
   C. Boerhaave’s syndrome
   D. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
348. By which methods the doctor can complete the surgery in case of (medical) treatment of cancer of gullet?
   A. Radiation therapy [radiotherapy]
   В. Chemotherapy
   C. All of the above
   D. It is not necessary to complete surgery in case of this disease
349. There are endoscopic laser destruction of tumors and the installation of metal stent in case of cancer of the gullet [oesophagus]. It is…………intervention.
   A. Radical intervention
   В. Palliative intervention
   C. Conditionally radical intervention
   D. Cytoreductive intervention
350. Choose the alternative of palliative endoscopic manipulations (stenting, recanalization, dilatation etc) in case of cancer of the gullet [oesophagus]
   A. Esophagostomy
   В. Gastrostomy
   C. Enterostomy
   D. Extirpation of gullet [oesophagus]
351. What is the releaser for the development of acute pancreatitis?
   A.ischemia of the pancreas tissue
   В. hyperactivity of islands of Langerhans;
   C. Premature activation of pancreatic enzymes
   D. all answers are correct
352. Which of the following doesn’t belong to the enzymes of pancreas?
   A. pepsin
   В. trypsin
   C. lipase
   D. amylase
   Е. nuclease
353. In processsing of what materials trypsin participates mainly?
   A. fats
   В. proteins
   C. carbohydrates
   D. all answers are correct
354. In processing of what materials amylase participates mainly?
   A. fats
   В. proteins
   C. carbohydrates
   D. all answers are correct
355. Which of the following etiologic factors of acute pancreatitis is more widely spread?
   В.alcohol ingestion
   C. acute surgical deseases of the organs of abdominal cavity
356. Blue-purple spots on side walls of abdomen in case of acute pancreatitis - is a positive syndrome of:
   A. Cullen
   Б. Mondor
   В.Grey Turner
357. Tenderness to palpation in the left costovertebral corner in case of acute pancreatitis is a positive symptom of:
   Б. Voskresenskiy
   В. Mussy-Georgievskiy
   Г. Мondor
358. What radiological symptom can be identified by general X-ray of organs of abdominal cavity in acute pancreatitis?
   A. enteric “arches”
   В. bowls of Cloyber
   C. “sickle” under diaphragm
   D. “guard loop”
359. Choose the name of the operation carried out in case of acute pancreatitis, which consists in removal of free-lying necrotic tissues within the dead tissues;
   A. pancreatectomy
   В. sequestrectomy
   C. omentobursostomy
   D. laparostomy
360. Which of the following objectives doesn’t belong to those of conservative treatment of acute pancreatitis?
   A. suppression of secretion of pancreas, stomach and duodenum
   В. elimination ofhypovolemia, fluid-electrolyte and metabolic disorders
   C. decrease of enzyme activity
   D. elimination of hypertension in bile-excreting and pancreatic tract
   Е. suppression of intestinal peristalsis
361. Which of the following objectives doesn’t belong to those of conservative treatment of acute pancreatitis?
   А. improvement of rheological properties of blood and minimization of microcirculatory disorders;
   В. preventive measures and treatment of functional insufficiency of gastrointestinal tract
   C. decrease of body weight
   D. reduction of pain syndrome
362. The presence of what forme of acute pancreatitis indicates (the most likely) the presence of “rusty” effusion in abdominal cavity?
   A. interstitial pancreatitis
   В. hemorrhagicpancreatonecrosis
   C. fatty pancreatonecrosis
   D. infectedpancreatonecrosis
363. Determining the concentration of what material in blood of a patient with acute pancreatitis has a great diagnostic value the fist 24-hours from the beginning of the desease?
   A. protein
   В. alanine aminotransferase
   C. amylase
   D. total bilirubin
364. Choose from the following methods the one of emergency differential diagnosis of acute pancreatitis with other acute deseases of the organs of abdominal cavity that has no alternative when there is no possibility to make ultrasound or when the study is not informative:
   Б. laparotomy
   В. ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
   Г. X-ray of the abdominal cavity
365. Choose the most typical characteristics of vomiting in case of acute pancreatitis:
   A. occurring once:
   Б. bringing relief
   В. not bringing relief
   Г. with smell of fecal
366. Absence of pulsation of abdominal aorta as a result of the pancreas increasing in size and edema of retroperitoneal fiber in case of acute pancreatitis is a positive syndrome of :
   В. Voskresenskiy
   C. Mussy-Georgievskiy
   D. Мondor
367. The most common agent of pancreatogenic infection is:
   A. colonbacillus
   В. Klebsiella
   C. Klebsiella
   D. anaerobes
368. What diet should be prescribed to a patient with acute pancreatitis the first 24-hours the disease appear?
   A. limited fat fried food
   В. exclude sugar
   C. mainly protein food with the limited salt content
   D. hunger
369. To complications of acute pancreatitis belong all the following answers except:
   A. pancreatogenic abscess
   Б. lipomatosis of the pancreas
   В. retroperitoneal phlegmon
   C. outer pancreatic fistula
   D. arrosive bleeding
370. Which of the following operations is not carried out in case of pancreatonecrisis?
   A. drainage pancreatogenic abscess under ultrasound control
   В. omentobursostomy
   C. decompress?on cholecystostomy
   D. pancreatoduodenal resection
   Е. necrosequestrectomy
371. The pulsation of what vessel is usually determines on the boarder of internal and middle third of inguinal ligament (if we divide the inguinal ligament in three parts)?
   A. common iliac artery
   В. internal iliac artery
   C. femoral artery
   D. femoral vein
372The pulsation of what vessel is usually determined in condyloid groove behind the medial malleolus?
   A. popliteal artery
   В. posterior tibial artery
   C. peroneal artery
   D. artery of dorsum of foot
373.The pulsation of what vessel is usually determined in proximal part of the first intermetatarsal space on the outer side of the long extensor of a big toe?
   A. posterior tibial artery
   В. peroneal artery
   C. artery of a great toe
   D. artery of dorsum of foot
374. The measurement of what parameter is necessary for determining the ankle-brachial index?
   A. diameter of a limb
   В. Blood pressure
   C. length of a limb
   D. temperature of a Limb
375. what is the normal value of the ankle-brachial index?
   A. 1,5-2
   В. 1-1,2
   C. 0,7-0,9
   D. 0,4-0,6
376 Choose the most exact description of intermittent claudication?
   A. alternating difficulties when walking with support on the right and left leg
   В. alternating difficulties when bending the right and left leg
   C. pain in muscles that appears when doing physical exercises and disappears at rest
   D. pain in muscles that appears at rest and disappears when doing physical exercises
377. Spastic pain in upper and central parts of abdomen, which appear about 20 minutes after a heavy meal is the most typical characteristic for:
   A. acute intestinal obstruction
   В. pancreatitis
   C. gastric ulcer
   D. mesenteric ischemia
380. What of the following is not included in a classical description of Leriche syndrome?
   A. occlusion of aorto-iliac segment
   В. incontinence
   C. intermittent claudication
   D. vasculogenic impotence
381. In what position do the patients with chronic arterial ischemia of lower limbs the pain at rest is more expressed?
   A. in horizontal
   В. in vertical
   C. when hanging down the legs from the bed
   D. in Fowler position
382. Choose the most appropriate description of the foot of a patiend with arterial ischemia of lower limbs:
   A. cold, hyperemic
   B. warm, hyperemic
   C. cold, pale
   D. cold, hyperpigmented in some areas
383. What is the most common reason for developing the Leriche syndrome?
   A. fibro-muscular displasia
   C. nonspecific aorto-arteritis
   D. traumaticthrombosis
384. Who is more liable to the Leriche syndrome?
   A. men
   В. women
   C. men and women in equal frequency
385. Which of the following is not a risk factor for developing atherosclerosis?
   A. smoking
   Б. hypertension
   В. alcoholism
   C. obesity
   D. heredity
386. Which of the following is not included in recommendations on the elimination of risk factors of obliterating atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries?
   A. weight correction in case of fatness or obesity
   В. control and correction of glucose in blood of a patient with diabetis
   C. giving up smoking
   D. regular physical activity (training walking, exercises on fitness cycle, going to swimming pool)
   Е. priority of bed rest
387. Which of the following diagnostic aids allows to determine according to the blood flow character (main and collateral) the blocking of main arteries, the approximate level of occlusion, to measure the blood velocity and pressure in different segments?
   A. ultrasound doplerography
   В. sphygmomanometry
   C. plethysmography
   D. angiography
388. Which of the following diagnostic aids allows to get the most precise data about the localization and extent of occlusive process in aorto-iliac segment?
   A.ultrasound doplerography
   В. sphygmomanometry
   C. plethysmography
   D. angiography
389. For obliterating atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries is typical the following:
   A. volative pain in limb joints
   В. intermittent claudication
   C. fulminating foot necrosis
   D. occurrence of trophic ulcers in knee joints area
   Е. related thrombophlebitis of deep vein
390. The best method in case of surgical treat ment of Leriche syndrome is the following:
   A. lumbar sympathectomy
   В. periarterial sympathectomy
   C.bifurcational aorto-femoral shunting,
   D. unilateral aorto-femoral shunting
   Е. Thrombectomy with Fogarty catheter.
391. Those more liable to obliterating thromboangitis are:
   A. women at the age of 18-35
   В.men at the age of 18-35
   C. men and women equally before 40
   D. men and women equally older than 40
   F. men older than 40
392. Which vessels are most affected in case of obliterating thromboangitis?
   A. aortic arch and brachiocephalic trunk
   В. thoracic aorta
   C. bifurcation of aorta
   D. femoral artery
   Е. lower leg artery
393. A young man who smokes complains about numbness of fingers, chill, sudden weakness in limbs, pain and other unpleasant sensations in legs and hands (tingling, burning), during walks he feels sharp in legs. What is the most likely diagnosis?
   A. obliterating atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries
   В. chronic venous insufficiency
   C. obliterating thromboangitis
   D. Leriche syndrome
394. How in other words can be called obliterating thromboangitis?
   A. Raynaud disease
   В. Winiwarter-Buerger disease
   C. Leriche syndrome
   D. Takayasu diseases
395. What plays the main role in prevention of obliterating thromboangitis?
   A. diet food with limited consumption of glucose and salt
   В. training walking
   C. complete give up smoking, exclusion of supercooling
   D. normalization of cholesterol content in blood serum
396. What vessels are affected in case of obliterating thromboangitis?
   A. arteries of medium and small calibre
   Б. arteries and veins of medium and small calibre
   В. arteries of large calibre
   Г. arteries and veins of large and medium caliber
397. Angiography revealed the segmental symmetrical vasoconstriction, “corckscrew” collateral vessels. What disease is characterized by this description?
   A. trombangiit
   В. atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries
   C. fibro-muscular displasia
   D. here are described non-specific changes that occure in a variety of diseases
398. Angiography revealed asymmetry and diffusive damage throughout a vessel. What disease is characterized by this description?
   A. trombangiit
   В. atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries
   C. fibro-muscular dysplasia
   D. here are described non-specific changes that occure in a variety of diseases
399. Which of the following drugs used in treatment of patients with obliterating diseases of lower limb vessels belongs to the groupe of disaggregant?
   A. heparin
   В. pentoxifylline
   C. clopidogrel
   D. warfarin
400. Which of the following treatment methods of obliterating atherosclerosis belongs to endovascular?
   A. aorto-femoral shunting
   В. balloon angioplasty
   C. endarterectomy
   D. prosthetics of aortabifurcation
401How is called a reconstructive operation of revascularization of lower limbs when fistulizing between aorta and femoral arteries passing the obstacles on the way to blood flow?
   A. aorto-femoral shunting
   В. balloon angioplasty
   C. endarterectomy
   D. prosthetics of aortabifurcation
402How is called an operation elimination of arterial wall affected by atherosclerotic plaques?
   A. aorto-femoral shunting
   В. balloon angioplastics
   C. profundoplasty
   D. endarterectomy
403. How is called a surgical technique of establishment of blood flow in the trunk of deep femoral artery by means of plastic dilatation of its diameter?
   A. aorto-femoral shunting
   В. balloon angioplastics
   C. profundoplasty
   D. endarterectomy
404. What are the most common source of arterial embolism?
   A. aortic aneurism
   В. heart diseases
   C. vascular traumas
   D. lung tumors
405. Which of the following diseases are most common at patients with arterial embolism?
   A. aortic aneurism
   В. cardiac defects
   C. atrial fibrillation
   D. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
406.The main symptom of embolism of peripheral arteries is:
   A. pain in the affected limb
   В. pale skin of the affected limb
   C. cyanosis of the affected limb
   D. coldness of the affected limb
407. Which of the following doesn’t belong to manifestations of embolism of peripheral arteries?
   A. pain in the limb
   В. blanching of the limb
   C. dysaesthesia
   D. Restricted mobility
   Е. intermittent claudication
408. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): no pain and tactile sensitivity, restricted active and passive movements in joints, muscle contracture is developing, the skin is cyanotic?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
409. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): sensitivity and movements are preserved, there is acute pain in a limb, pale and cold skin, no pulse on peripheral arteries?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
410. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): all types of sensitivity and mobility are lost. In the end develops gangrene of the limb?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
411. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): feeling of coldness, numbness, paresthesia?
   A. 1А
   В. 1Б
   C. 2А
   D. 2Б
412. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): disorder of sensibility and movements – paresis?
   A. 1А
   В. 1Б
   C. 2А
   D. 2Б
413. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): besides feeling of coldness, numbness and paresthesia there is pain in distal areas of the limb?
   A. 1А
   В. 1Б
   C. 2А
   D. 2Б
414. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): disorder of sensibility and movements- plegia?
   A. 1Б
   В. 2А
   C. 2Б
   D. 2В
415. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): partial muscle contracture?
   A. 2В
   В. 3А
   C. 3Б
   D. 4
416. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): total muscle contracture?
   A. 3А
   В. 3Б
   C. 3В
   D. 4
417. What stage of acute arterial ischemia is described here (according to the classification of V.S.Saveliyev): subfascial edema?
   A. 2В
   В. 3А
   C. 3Б
   D. 4
418. What time after onset of peripheral arterial embolism we can expect the best results of surgical treatment?
   A. not more than 1-2 hours
   В. within 6-8 hours
   C. Within 24-hours
   D. time of disease onset does not affect the outcome
419. The most perfect instrument for embolectomy from the main artery is:
   A. vascular ring of Vollmer
   В. vacuum- suction
   C. balloon catheter of Fogarty
   D. catheter of Dormia
   Е. fenestrated forceps
420. The operation embol- and thromboectomy in case of acute obstruction of aortic and arterial bifurcation of limbs with of severe ischemia is indicated in all cases except:
   A. cases of acute myocardial infarction
   В. cases of acute ischemic stroke
   C. cases of pneumonia complicated by an abscess
   D. cases of total contracture of the affected limb
   Е. all answers are wrong
421. In case of femoral artery embolism and developed limb contracture in ankle and knee joints the method of choice is:
   A. emergency embolectomy followed by hemosorption
   В. thrombolytic therapy
   C. anticoagulation
   D.symptomatic therapy
   Е. primary amputation of a limb
422. What state can be expected if we restore blood flow in a long-standing ischemic limb?
   A. “turnstyle” syndrome
   В. steal syndrome
   C. cauda equina syndrome
   D. steppage (“cock” gait)
423. The most common reason for acute thrombosis of lower limbs’ arteries is:
   A. obliterating thromboangitis
   В. obliterating atherosclerosis
   C. punctiona and catheterization of the artery
   D. extravasal artery compression
   Е. polycythemia.
424. From the following preparations to the group of thrombolytics belongs:
   A. heparin
   В. warfarin
   C. streptokinase
   D. aspirin
425. A patient with widespread atherosclerosis began complaining for sharp pain throughout the abdomen, vomiting, abdominal distention, diarrhe A. Choose the most likely diagnosis:
   A. mesenteric thrombosis
   В. aortic aneurysm rupture
   C. acute intestinal obstruction
   D. myocardial infarction
426. What is the average length of colon at an adult human?
   A. 4-8 sm
   В. 14-18 sm
   C. 24-28 sm
   D. 28-34 sm
427. What part is absent in rectum?
   A. upper-ampullar
   В. medium-ampullar
   C. lower-ampullar
   D. Anterior ampullar
428. Which unconditional stimulus causes the act of defecation?
   A. filling the rectum ampulla
   В. irritation of the anal canal
   C. habitual rhythm of defecation during a day
   D. All the answers are correct
429. What epithelium is the rectum ampulla covered with?
   A. stratified squamous
   В. single layer squamous
   C. glandular
   D. cubical
430. What epithelium is the anal canal covered with?
   A. stratified squamous
   В. single layer squamous
   C. glandular
   D. cubical
431.What is the boundary between the rectum ampulla and anal canal?
   A. external anal sphincter
   В. internal anal sphincter
   C. dentate line
   D. columns of Morgagni
432. Which of the following arteries is unpaired?
   A. upper rectal
   В. medium rectal
   C. lower rectal
433. Which of the rectal veins is a part of portal vein system?
   A. upper rectal
   В. medium rectal
   C. lower rectal
434. How is called a method of medical diagnosis when they perform a visual examination of the mucuous membrane of rectum and distal parts of sigmoid colon?
   A. rectoscopy
   В. irrigoscopy
   C. proctoscopy
   D. colonoscopy
435. What is the radiologic examination of the large intestine with retrograde introduction in it a radiopaque product?
   A. rectoscopy
   В. irrigoscopy
   C. proctoscopy
   D. colonoscopy
436. How is called a diagnostic medical procedure during which the endoscopist examines and evaluate the state of internal surface of the large intestine using a special probe?
   A. rectoscopy
   В. irrigoscopy
   C. proctoscopy
   D. colonoscopy
438. What is a hemorrhoid in structural terms?
   A. varix-dilatated vein
   В. modified artery aneurysms
   C. local hypertrophy of the perirectal tissue
   D. hyperplastic change of cavernous tissue of the large intestine
439. What is the most typical localization of enlarged internal hemorrhoids (by “dial” in a supine position):
   A. at 3,7, 11 hours
   В. at 3,6,9 hours
   C. at 6 and 12 hours
   D. localization is purely individual
440. Hemorrhoidal plexus are located more distal to the dentate line, in the anal canal, lined with anoderm, covered with stratified squamous epithelium is the hemorrhoid:
   A. external
   В. internal
441. Due to the peculiarities of innervations what hemorrhoids mostly have nociception?
   A. internal
   Б. External
442. To complications of hemorrhoid belong all the following except:
   A. bleeding
   В. prolapsed hemorrhoids
   C. Thrombosis of hemorrhoids
   D. infectious complication
   Е. rectocele
443.What stage of chronic hemorrhoid is characterized by the discharge of scarlet blood from the anus during the process of defecation without prolapsed hemorrhoids?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
444. What stage of chronic hemorrhoid is characterized by periodical prolapsed hemorrhoids from the anus so that it is necessary to set them right with hands (with or without bleeding)?
   A. 4
   В. 3
   C. 2
   D. 1
445. What stage of chronic hemorrhoid is characterized by constant prolapsed hemorrhoids from the anus together with mucous membrane of the rectum, impossibility to set them right into the anal canal using manual aids (with or without bleeding)?
   A. 4
   В. 3
   C. 2
   D. 1
446. What stage of chronic hemorrhoid is characterized by prolapsed hemorrhoids, but with their own setting right into the anal canal (with or without bleeding)?
   A. 1
   В. 2
   C. 3
   D. 4
447. What method is radical in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoid at 3-4 stage?
   A. infrared photocoagulation
   В. ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings
   C. hemorrhoidectomy
   D. disarterization of internal hemorrhoids under the control of the suprasomic dopplerometry
448. To minimally invasive methods of the chromic hemorrhoid treatment belong all the following except:
   A.infrared photocoagulation
   В. ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings
   C. hemorrhoidectomy
   D. sclerogenic treatment
   Е. hemorrhoidectomy according to Milligan-Morgan
449. What is the ability to control defecation and/or urination and restrain the stool and/or urine?
   A. obstipation
   В. continence
   C. incontinence
   D. constipation
451. How is called an acute inflammation of tissue located around the rectum, which is provided by the incidence from the rectal lumen?
   A. acute perirectitis
   В. acute periproctitis
   C. acute mesorectits
   D. pararectal abscess
452. Which of the following is not included in a clinical picture of acute periproctitis?
   A. rectal bleeding
   В. general symptoms of intoxication
   C. aching in rectum, in the anus area
   D. swelling and skin redness in the anus area or near the anus
453. The treatment of acute periproctitis:
   A. conservative, with big doses of antibiotics and NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
   В. only surgical
   C. conservative one, using compressed and ointment, and also physiotherapeutic methods
   D. minimally invasive operations under the ultrasound control
454. To complications of acute periproctitis belong all the following except:
   A. spread of pyoinflammatory process on the tissues and tissue spaces located next to it
   B. breakthrough of pus in the rectum, vagina, organs of urinary system followed by the formation of fistulas
   C. sepsis
   D. formation of rectal fistulas
   E. thrombosisofhemorrhoids
455. The cancer in what localization is characterized by the predominance in the clinical picture the effects of general intoxications over the disorders of passage of intestinal content?
   A. right side of segmented intestine
   В. left side of segmented intestine
   C. sigmoidecolon
   D. rectum
457. The large intestinal cancer of what localization is characterized by the longer asymptomatic period, less expressed and the rare pain syndrome with the formation of complete of partial intestinal obstruction in 84% of cases?
   A. right side of segmented intestine
   В. left side of segmented intestine
   C. sigmoide colon
   D. rectum
460. In what part of brain there is a “respiratory center”?
   A. hypophysis
   В. limbic system
   C. hypothalamus
   D. medulla oblongata
461. The symptom of “drumsticks” is the sign of:
   A. pulmonary gangrene
   В. acute abscess of a lung
   C. chronic purulent process in lungs
   D. nothing of the given above
462. What complication is not typical for chronic abscesses of lungs?
   A. secondary bronchectasies
   В. pulmonary bleedings
   C. septicopyemia
   D. amyloidosis of parenchymatous orgns
   Е. malignization
463A purulent ichorous necrosis of a considerable part of pulmonary tissue, in most cases of one or two lobes or even the whole lung, without distinct signs of demarcation, which has a tendency to the further diffusion and manifests itself with a severe general condition of a patient ; it is:
   A. pulmonary abscess
   В. pyopneumothorax
   C. pulmonary gangrene
   D. acute purulent pleurisy
464. What symptom is more constant in a clinical picture of the chronic pulmonary abscess?
   A. cough with purulent sputum
   В. fever
   C. dyspnea when doing physical activity
   D. dry cough
465. Nonspecific imflammation of pulmonary tissue which results in dissolution with the formation of purulo-necrotic cavities is:
   A. pulmonary abscess
   В. pyopneumothorax,
   C. pulmonary gangrene
   D. acute purulent pleurisy
466. What treatment mode if the principal in case of cancer of lung?
   A. surgical
   В. chemotherapy
   C. radiotherapy
467. The passage of purulent sputum mixed with the blood “full mouth” is typical for:
   A. cancer of a lung
   В. polisegmental pneumonia
   C. pulmonary abscess
   D. infarct pneumonia
   Е. purulent bronchitis
468. The most efficient method of sanitization of tracheobronchial tree is:
   A. catheterization of trachea through nose
   В. bronchofiberscopia
   C. transtracheal drainage
   D. vibratory massage of the chest
   Е. stimulation of cough using muco- and bronchial spasmolytics
469. How is called the operation of removing a lobe of a lung?
   A. segmentectomy
   В. lobotomy
   C. lobectomy
   D. pulmonectomy
470. The patient’s condition is serious. He has dyspneaand fever. On the radiogram of the chest there is a cavity with the liquid level in the projection of the upper lobe on the right. The most likely diagnosis is:
   A. pyopneumothorax
   В. bullous from of pulmonary destruction
   C. pulmonary abscess
   D. pyothorax
   Е. mediastinal emphysema
471. After the burst of acute solitary pulmonary abscess into the bronchus there can be observed the following symptoms except:
   A. cavity with the horizontal level on the radiogram
   В. temperature rise up to 390С and higher
   C. cough with a large amount of sputum and unpleasant smell
   D. improvement of a general condition
   Е. hemoptysis
473. Subpleural pulmonary abscess is more often complicated by:
   A. pyopneumothorax
   В. pulmonary bleeding
   C. hemoptysis
   D. sepsis
   Е. aspiration pneumonia
474. The pulmonary gangrene is characterized by:
   A. development of the disease when the organism is areactive
   В. absence of granulation bank on the border of the damage
   C. extensive necrosis of pulmonary tissue
   D. expressed intoxication
   Е. All the answers are right
476. Prolonged hemoptysis with dry cough makes us suspect:
   A. central lung cancer
   В. cavitary disease
   C. bronchiectasis
   D. pneumoconiosis;
   Е. chronicbronchitis
477. Which of the following is the complication of the lung cancer more often?
   A. dispnoea
   В. tenderness when tapping the chest and spine
   C. hemoptysis
   D. relapsing pneumothorax
478. Cancer of Pancoast is:
   A. central cancer of middle lobe
   В. peripheral cancer of a lower lobe
   C. peripheral cancer of the apex of lung
   D. central cancer of an upper lobe
   Е. cavitary form of a peripheral pulmonary cancer
479. To oncological counterindication for operation an case of lung cancer belong:
   A. presence of liver metastases
   В. diabetes
   C. postinfarction cardiosclerosis
   D. the age over 70
   Е. all the answers are right
480. In case of the cancer of the main bronchus there indicated:
   A. pulmonectomy
   В. lobectomy
   C. segmentectomy
   D. radiotherapy without operation
   Е. all the answers are wrong
481. The principal method for setting a diagnosis of the central lung cancer is:
   A. R-logical lung examination
   В. lung tomography
   C. computer tomography
   D. radiosotopic lung examination
   Е. tracheobronchoscopy + biopsy
482. Lung tissue is blood supplied by:
   A. pulmonaryartery
   Б. pulmonaryveins
   В. Bronchial arteries
483. The functions of lungs are the following:
   A. gas exchange
   В. thermoregulation
   C. protecrive
   Е. secretory
   F. all the functions above
484. Lung cancer metastasizes:
   A. limphogenously
   В. with implantation
   C. hematogenously
   D. limphogenously, hematogenously and with implantation
485. The most severe complication of the central lung cancer is:
   A. atelectase
   В. hypoventilation
   C.heavy pulmonary hemorrhage and paracancrous abscess forming pneumonia
   D. compression of the upper cava
   Е. obturative pneumonitis
486. To define the stage of the lung cancer it is necessary to have data about:
   A. localization and size of the tumor
   В. presence of regional metastases
   C. presence of distant metastases
   D. tumor extent along the bronchi
   Е. all the answers
487.What is the most widespread histological type of the lung cancer?
   A. adenocarcinoma
   Б. small-celled
   В. planocellular
   Г. nothing of the given above
488. What does belong to the criteria of inoperability in case of lung cancer?
   A. multiple metastases
   В. syndrome of upper cava
   C. cancerous pleurisy
   D. recurrent nerve paralysis
   Е. all the answers
   F. nothing of these answers
489. If on the radiogram there defined the hypoventilation of a segment, lobe or the whole lung, the doctor should first eliminate:
   A. benign tumor
   В. lung cancer
   C. lung emphysema
   D. foreign body
   Е. pulmonary cyst
490. Early detection of the lung cancer is possible when:
   A. examining external respirtion
   В. examining gaz composition of blood
   C. mediastinoscopy
   D. auscultation and percussion
   Е. mass fluorography
491. Who does have varicose vein disease more often?
   A. men
   В. women
   C. men and women with equal frequency
492. Which vein system is more often affected in case of various disease of lower limbs?
   A. system of an upper cava
   В. system of a lower cava
   C. system of a portal vein
   D. all the enumerated systems with equal frequency
493. In the genesis of various disease all the following matter except:
   A. obesity
   В. pregnancy
   C. Disorder of the hormonal state
   D. smoking
494To common complaints of patients with various vein disease of lower limbs belong all the following except:
   A. feeling of heaviness and bursting in gastrocnemius muscle
   В. presence of varicose-changed saphena
   C. chill in feet
   D. trancsient edema of a shank and feet
495. To external manifestations of various vein diseases belong all the following except:
   A. telangiectasia
   В. hyperpigmentation of shank skin
   C. trophic ulcer
   D. hyperkeratosis
496. Which instrumental method does have a main role in the diagnosis of defeats of lower limbs venous system?
   A. radio-angiography
   В. ultrasound Doppler examination
   C. sphygmomanometry
   D. magnetic resonance tomography
497. To the group of vein tonics belong all the following preparations except:
   В. troxerutin
   C. Clopidogrel
   D. horse chestnut extract
498. Which of the components of the conservative treatment of varicous disease allows to improve significantly the activity of muscle-venous shank pump, to reduce the swelling, heaviness and bursting pain in legs?
   A. compression therapy
   Б. taking topic vein-active preparations
   В. peroral course intake of vein tonics
   Г. Sclerotherapy
499. What is the main aim of surgical treatment of varicous disease of lower limbs?
   A. Removal of cosmetic defect
   Б. removal of the trunk of a large subcutaneous vein
   В. removal of abnormal venovenous shunt
   Г. restoration of venous ourflow in the system of superficial veins
500. How is called the operation – vein removal?
   A. venectomy
   Б. phlebectomy
   В. venesection
   Г. Crossectomy
501. How is called the operation of ligation and intersection of a great suphenous vein and its main affluxes in the area of their return in deep femoral veins?
   A. venectomy
   В. phlebectomy
   C. venesection
   D. crossectomy
502.The syndrome characterized by the venous outflow disorders, which leads to disorganization of regional system of microcirculation is the following:
   A. chronic venous insufficiency
   В. chronic venous obstruction
   C. syndrome of lower cava
   D. varicous disease of lower limbs
503. What leads to the appearance of abnormal, retrograde blood flow, which is the main factor of the microvasculature damage?
   A. incomplete work of muscular-venous pump
   В. valvular insufficiency
   C. extravascular compression
   D. obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries
504. Which of the following does not belong to the most important risk factors of the development of chronic venous insufficiency?
   A. pregnancy and childbirth
   В. heredity
   C. overweight
   D. chronic constipation
   Е. eating large amount of fat fried and spicy food
505. Post-thrombotic syndrome of lower limbs is the result of:
   A. thrombosis of superficial veins
   В. varix dilatation of superficial veins
   C. thrombosis of deep veins
   D. ligation of a great saphenous vein
   Е. valvular insufficiency of communicating veins
506. To complications of varicous disease of lower limbs belong all the following except:
   A.limb gangrene
   В. thrombophlebitis of superficial veins
   C. bleeding from the superficial veins
   D. trophic ulcer of shank
   Е. acute thrombophlebitis of varicous veins
507. What operation is fulfilled more often in case of ascendic thrombophlebitis of a great saphenous vein?
   A. operation of Babcock
   В. Operation of Narat
   C. operation of Trojanov- Trendelenburg
   D. phlebectomy
508. Name the most severe complication of thrombosis of deep veins of lower limbs:
   A. trophic ulcer of shank
   В. embolism of pulmonary arteries
   C. phlebitis of varix
   D. obliteration of deep veins
   Е. elephantiasis
509. Factors that contribute to improving of venous blood flow in lower limbs in the post-operational period are all the following except:
   A. early waking-up
   В. shin bandaging
   C. rised limb position
   D. long-term and strict bed confinement
   Е. contractions of gastrocnemius
510. The acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins is characterized by:
   A. significant limb swelling, pain in shins
   В. pain, hyperemia and induration along the veins
   C. shank swelling and soreness
   D. hyperemia, insignificant swelling and pain in shanks
511. Which of the following is the counterindications to laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
   A. acute calculous cholecystitis
   В. сhronic calculous cholecystitis with choledocholithiasis after endoscopic sphincterotomy
   C.generalized peritonitis
   D. previous operations in the upper areas of abdominal cavity
512. Which of the following is the counterindications to laparoscopic appendectomy?
   A. chronic appendicitis
   В. concomitant diabetes
   C. concomitant obesity
   D. indurated appendicular lump
513. Diagnostic laparoscopy is indicated in all the following cases except:
   A. Generalized peritonitis
   В. acute surgical pathology of unknown etiology
   C. Peritoneal symptoms of unknown etiology
   D. non penetrating abdominal trauma
   Е. tumor pathology (in order to exclude the generalization of the process(staging))
514. How is called a canula with cannula and mandarin used for pneumoperitoneum application when performing laparoscopic operations?
   A.Veress needle
   В. trocar
   C. Reverdin’s needle
   D. Deschamps’ needle
515. Choose the safest way for carboxiperitoneum application when performing laparoscopy on patients who earlier had operations on the abdominal organs:
   A. puncture of anterior abdominal wall with Veress needles
   В. direct puncture of abdominal wall with trocar
   C. open laparoscopy
516. The damage of which organ is more likely when applying carboxiperitoneum for laparoscopy operations?
   A. stomach
   В. intestine
   C. urinary bladder
   D. gallbladder
517Which of the following operations is more often performed with a laparoscopic way?
   A. appendectomy
   В. stomach resection
   C. cholecystectomy
   D. herniotomy
518. Outpouching of the wall of artery (more rare -vein) as a result of its thinning or distension is:
   A. varix
   В. aneurism
   C. angiodysplasia
   D. shunt
519. What is the normal concentration of the whole protein in blood serum of an adult person?
   A. 20-40 g/l
   В. 40-60 g/l
   C. 60-80 g/l
   D. 80-95 g/l
520. What is the normal hemoglobin content in blood serum of an adult man?
   A. 135-160 g/l
   В. 160-180 g/l
   C. 115-130 g/l
   D. 90-110 g/l
521 What is the normal hemoglobin content in blood serum of an adult woman?
   A. 145-160 g/l
   В. 120-140 g/l
   C. 100-115 g/l
   D. 90-100 g/l
522. What is the normal leukocyte content in blood serum of a healthy person?
   A. 4-9*109/l
   В. 2-4*109/l
   C. 9,5-11,5*109/l
   D. 1-2*109/l
523. What item is filled in the first in a medical history of a patient?
   A. patient anamnesis
   В. antecedent anamnesis
   C. complaints
   D. status praesens
524. What item in a medical history is traditionally filled in after describing the patient’s complaints?
   A. patient anamnesis
   В. antecedent anamnesis
   C. complaints
   D. status praesens
525. Which of the following suture materials is absorbable?
   A. silk
   В. prolen
   C. nylon
   D. cutgut
526. Which of the following suture materials is nonabsorbable?
   A. cutgut
   В. vicryl
   C. prolen
   D. PDS
527. Which of the following suture materials is natural?
   A. cutgut
   В. vicryl
   C. prolen
   D. PDS
528.Which of the following is detachable from colostomy?
   A. urine
   В. gastric juice
   C. bile
   D. largeintestinalcontent
529.Which control study is performed before removing the drainage of common bile duct after choledocholithotomy?
   A.percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
   В. ultrasound of the right subcostal area
   C. fistulography
   D. choledochoscopy
530. Which of the following in the main reason of postoperational peritonitis and lethality after the operation on stomach and intestine?
   A. bleeding
   Б. anastomotic leak
   В. infection on a postoperational wound
   Г. Eventration
531. Collapse of a part of lung is:
   A. atelectasis
   В. emphysema
   C. abscess
   D. pneumonia
532. The clinical picture of what postoperational complication is described: it usually develops on the 4-10rd day after the operation. A sudden dyspnea and collapse, cyanosis, hypotension, hemoptysis.
   A. myocardial infarction
   В. respiratory distress-syndrome
   C. thromboembolism of a pulmonary artery
   D. pneumonia
533.A clinical picture of what postoperational complication is described: abdominal distension, vomiting, constipation. Abdominal muscle tension, tympanitis, absence of intestinal murmur.
   A. acute gastric dilatation
   В. paralytic ileus
   C. spastic ileus
   D. internal hemorrhage
534. Endoscopic laser destruction of a tumor and setting of a bare metal stent in case of cancer of esophagus is the intervention:
   A. radical
   В. palliative
   C. conditioned-radical
   D. cytoreductive
535. What time after the first signs of acute appendicitis there begins to form a periappendiceal mass?
   A. first 2 days
   В. On the 7-9th day
   C. on the 3-4th day
   D. in an early period after appendectomy
536.The most common agent of pancreatogenic infection is:
   A. colon bacillus
   В. klebsiella
   C. staphylococcus
   D. anaerobe
537. According to the frequency the first among peritonitis sources is:
   A. acute cholecystitis
   В. acute appendicitis
   C. acute pancreatitis
   D. acute intestinal obstruction
   Е. suppurative inflammation of genital organs
538. Who has the cholelithiasis more often
   A. women
   В. men
   C. there is no big difference
   D. children
539.What drug is introduced in to the root of mesentery in order to restore its vitality?
   A. adrenalin
   В. chloride of calcium
   C. chloride of sodium
   D. novocaine
   Е. broad spectrum antibiotic
540. What radiologic symptom is typical for the perforation of hollow organ (when performing the survey radiography of abdominal organs)?
   A. Konig’s symptom
   В. Cloyber’s bowls
   C. “sickle” symptom
   D. this method is non-informative
541. In case of which inguinal hernia the hernial outpouching has an oblong form, localized along the inguinal canal and often goes down to the scrotum?
   A. direct
   В. oblique
   C. oblique hernia rectified with the course
   D. initial
542. TO predisposing factors of external abdominal hernias does not belong:
   A. heredity
   В. elderly age
   C. nature of alimentation
   D. body-build peculiarities
543.Which of the following does not belong to the signs of intestine vitality?
   A. lustrous serous membrane
   В. clearly sounded intestinal murmurs
   C. preserved peristalsis
   D. visible pulsation of intestine mesentery arteries
   Е. the intestine color is pink or pink with cyanotic
544.What diseases should the inguinal hernia be differentiated with?
   A. femoral hernia, dropsy of testicular membranes
   В. cyst of a spermatic cord, varicocele
   C. bubonadenitis, tumors in inguinal canal area
   D. nothing of the given above
   Е. all the answers are correct
545. Which of the following steps of hernitomy would you perform the first in case of the strangulated hernia?
   A. exposure and fixation of the strangulated organ
   В. assessment of the vitality of the strangulated organ
   C. dissection of the strangulated ring
   D. consequence of actions does not really matter
546.Who has femoral hernia more often?
   A. women
   В. men
   C. children
   D. all the enumerated groups have it with equal frequency
547.What is the posterior wall of stomach is separated with from the organs of retroperitoneal space?
   A. pancreas
   В. diaphragm
   C. omental bursa
   D. parietalperitoneum
548. What type of intestinal obstruction appears in case of strangulation of hernia?
   A. obturative
   В. mixed
   C. dynamic
   D. strangulated
549. What will be your approach in case of unassisted reduction of incarcerated hernia (at home, when transportating a patient)?
   A. emergency operation
   В. elective operation in a month
   C. hospitalization to the surgical hospital, dynamic observation
   D. out-patient treatment at a surgeon domiciliary
550.Abasement of internal organs not covered with parietal peritoneum through the defect as a result of the damage of abdominal wall under the skin or outside it is called:
   A. eventration
   В. hernia
   C. prolapse
   D. nothing of the given above
551. A palpable painless cholecele in case of jaundice is a positive symptom of:
   A. Murphy
   В. Obraztsov
   C. Voskresenskiy
   D. Courvoisier
   Е. Mayo-Robson
552. Which of the following does not belong to the methods of perioperative examination of biliary tracts?
   A. choledochoscopy
   В. cholecystography
   C. palpation of common bile duct
   D. cholangiography
553.What is the normal diameter of the common bile duct (according to the ultrasound data)
   A. 2-8 mm
   В. 2-8 sm
   C. 0,2-0,8 mm
   D. up to 1,8 sm
554. What criteria form the basis of the most acceptable classification of the acute cholecystitis?
   A. morphological changes
   В. clinical picture
   C. presence of complication
   D. prevalence of the pathological process
555. What is the distinctive feature of the sliding abdominal hernia structure?
   A. it does not have hernial content
   В. cicatrical changes in a hernia sac
   C. the content is the organ, partially covered with peritoneum
   D. multilocular hernia sac
556. What takes place in the men’s inguinal canal?
   A. epididymis
   В. spermatic cord
   C. femoral neurovascular fascicle
   D. all the answers are correct
557. What criteria form the basis of the most acceptable classification of the acute appendicitis?
   A. presence of complications
   В. clinical picture
   C. morphological changes
   D. prevalence of the pathological process
558. The treatment of the periappendiceal mass with no signs of suppuration is the following:
   A. conservative ( antibiotic therapy, physiotherapy)
   Б. separation of the periappendiceal mass with appendectomy
   В. opening and drainage of the periappendiceal mass
   Г. nothing of the given above
559. Which of the following drugs is not used for medicamental suppression of gastric secretion in case of ulcerous hemorrhage?
   A. omeprazol
   В. quamatel
   C. domperidon
   D. sandostatin
560. What is the most common type of the external abdominal hernia?
   A. umbilical hernia
   Б. inguinal hernia
   В. postoperative hernia
   Г. femoral hernia
   Д. midline hernia
561. Which of the following methods is the principal in the diagnostics of the source, type and nature of gastroduodenal hemorrhage?
   A. objective examination
   В. ERCP(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)
   C. radiography of stomach with contrast
   Е.biochemical blood analysis
562. In case of what type of obstruction there is observed a slowly progressing pain syndrome without clear localization?
   A. mixed
   В. obturative intestinal obstruction of the tumor genesis
   C. strangulated
   D. dynamic
563.What type of ileo-enteric anastomosis is more physiological?
   A. side by side
   В. end to side
   C. end to end
   D. side to end
564. Which of the following notions means the removal of gallbladder?
   A. cholecystectomy
   В. cholecystostomy
   C. cholangiostomy
   D. choledocholithotomy
565. A patient can’t take a breeth when performing a deep palpation in a right subcostal area – in case of cholecystitis it is a positive symptom of
   A. Korte
   В. Mutphy
   C. Кerr
   D. Georgievskiy – Mussy
566. In case of differential diagnostics of acute appendicitis and perforated gastric ulcer it is reasonable to prescribe firstly:
   A. FGDS fiberoptic gastroduodenoscopy
   В. irrigoscopy
   C. survey radiography of abdominal organs
   D. ultrasound of abdominal organs
567.What complication of the acute destructive appendicitis is the most severe and is accompanied by lethality up to 90%?
   A. pylephlebitis
   Б. intraabdominal adscesses
   В. diffuse purulent peritonitis
   Г. retroperitoneal abscesses
568. Choose the right sequence of small intestine parts:
   A. jejunum, duodenum, iliac
   Б. iliac, jejunum, duodenum
   В. duodenum, jujenum, iliac
   Г. duodenum, iliac, jujenum
569. Being a part of what anatomic lump does the common bile duct passe?
   A. Calot’s triangle
   В. hepatoduodenal ligament
   C. hepatogastric ligament
   D. quadrate lobe of liver
570. Which of the following notions means the presence of stones in common bile duct?
   A. cholecystitis
   В. cholecyctolithiasis
   C. cholelithiasis
   D. choledocholithiasis
571. The syndrom of Kocher-Volkovitch in case of acute appendicitis is:
   A. Pain increase in a right iliac area when giving a beat in left iliac area
   В. Pain increase in a right iliac area when straining the right iliopsoas muscle
   C. Changing of pain localization from the epigastric area or upper abdominal areas to the right iliac area
   D. Pain increase in a right iliac area when turning a patient to the left side
   Е. pain appearance in epigastric area
572. What is the radical intervention performed in case of cancer of head of pancreas?
   A. pancreaticoduodenal resection (Whipple operation)
   В. applying of biliodigestive anastomosis
   C. pancreatectomy
   Г. Choledocholithotomy
573. What diagnostic method is optimal for stone detecting in gallbladder?
   A. cholecystography
   В. throughcutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
   C. ultrasound of abdominal cavity
   D. duodenal intubation
574. What access is used more often in case of traditional appendectomy?
   A. inferomedian laparotomy
   В. according to Volkovitch- Dyakonov
   C. according to Lenander
   D. according to Pirogov
575. In case of what type of intestinal obstruction there rap?dly develop necrotic changes in the intestinal wall proximal to oobstacle place?
   A. obturative
   В. mixed
   C. dynamic
   D. strangulated
576. Tenderness when percussing the right costal margin with the sharp of the hand in case of acute cholecyctitis is a positive syndrome of:
   A. Georgievskiy-Mussy
   В. Grekov- Ortner
   C. Kerr
   D. Мurphy
577. What is the most common reason of the acute destructive appendicitis at old people?
   A. mechanical injury of the appendix mucuous membrane
   В. lesion with enterogenous infection
   C. vascular ischemic changes in a vermiform appendix
   D. nothing of the given above
578. What anatomic landmarks are used to find the McBurney’s points?
   A. navel and anterior upper spine of the right iliac bone
   В. projection of the tight outer inguinal ring and a navel
   C. navel and pubic synphisis
   D. xiphoid appendix and anterior upper spine of the right iliac bone
579. Which of the following notions mean the removal of stones from the common bile duct?
   A. cholecystostomy
   В. choledocholithotomy
   C. cholangiostomy
   D. cholecystectomy
580. In case of what type of strangulation there are two intestinal loops in the hernial sac and the connecting loop is localized in the abdominal cavity?
   A. elastic
   В. fecal
   C. antegrade
   D. retrograde
581. In case of intestinal loop strangulation the necrobiotic changes take place first of all in:
   A. serous intestinal layer
   В. mucuous layer
   C. submucuous layer
   D. muscle layer
582. The rupture of the wall of gastroesophageal junction with hemorrhage is called in other words:
   A. Dieulafoys’ syndrome
   В. Boerhaave’s syndrom
   C. Weiss- Mallory’s syndrom
   D. Budd- Chiari’s syndrome
583. How is called the operation –anastomosis applying between the gallbladder and duodenum?
   A. cholecystostomy
   В. cholecystoduodenostomy
   C. choledochoduodenostomy
   D. cholecystojejunostomy
584. Name the most common treatment mode of chronic calculous cholecystitis:
   A. laparoscopic cholecystectomy
   В. extracorporal shock-wave lithotripsy
   C. endoscopic papillosphincterotomy
   D. peroral dissolving therapy
   Е. “opened” cholecystectomy
585.What gaz is introduced in abdominal cavity in case of laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
   A. hyfrogen
   В. carbonic gaz
   C. argon
   D. oxygen
586. On the survey radiography of abdominal cavity in case of acute intestinal obstruction there can be seen the following:
   A. "niche"
   В. "filling defect”
   C. Coyber’s bowels
   D. free gaz in abdominal cavity
587. In diagnostics of acute appendicitis all the following methods matter except:
   A. colonoscopy, including the examination of blind gut
   В. clinical blood analysis
   C. laparoscopy
   D.rectal examination
   Е. vaginal examination
588. When a patient is in a dorsal position they press the abdominal wall with outstretched right hand fingers in a right ilioinguinal area and ask a patient to raise his right leg straightene D. If a patient feels pain in a right ilioguinal area when raising a leg, it is a positive symptom of:
   A. Cocher
   В. Obraztsov
   C. Voskresenskiy
   D. Razdolskiy
589.Diagnostic method which consists in examining the abdominal organs using endoscope, introduced through the incision of the anterior abdominal wall, is called:
   A. laparotomy
   В. laparostomy
   C. laparoscopy
   D. colonoscopy
590.How much bile does the liver of a healthy person produce per day?
   A. 500-700 ml
   В. 50-70 ml
   C. 5-7 liter
   D. 250-270 ml
591. The positive symptom of Courvoisier occurs more often in case of:
   A. холедохолитиазе choledocholithiasis
   В. Mirizzi syndrom
   C. sclerosing cholangitis
   D. acute cholangitis
   Е. cancer of the head of pancreas
592. The branches of what pair of cerebral nerve are recurrent laryngeal nerve?
   A. 8th
   В. 9th
   C. 10th
   D. 11th
593. How is called the operation – applying of stomach fistula?
   A. gastrostomy
   В. gastrotomy
   C. gastrorrhagia
   D. gastroscopy
594. Where does the common bile duct open?
   A. to liver
   В. to pancreas
   C. to gallbladder
   D. to duodenum
595. What diseases should the inguinal hernia be differentiated with?
   A. femoral hernia, dropsy of testicular membranes
   В. cyst of spermatic cord, varicocele
   C. bubonadenitis, tumors in the inguinal canal area
   D. all the answers are correct
   Е. nothing of the given above
596. Which of the diagnostic methods ensure the more exact diagnosis of gastric cancer?
   A. ultrasound
   В. radiography of stomach with contrasting
   C. fibergastroduodenoscopy
   D. fiberoptic gastroduodenoscopy with biopsy
597.The thyroid gland secretes all the following hormones except:
   A. thyrotrophic hormone
   В. thyroxin
   C. calcitonin
   D. triiodothyronine
598.Which of the following does not belong to the common hemorrhage symptoms?
   A. sudden weakness
   В. giddiness
   C. abdominal pain
   D. loss of consciousness
599.What is the average length of duodenum?
   A. 10-12 sm
   В. 120-135 sm
   C. 0,25-0,3 m
   D. 1-2 m
600. What duct should be ligated (clipped) and cut across when performing cholecystectomy?
   A. common hepatic duct
   В. common bile duct
   C. right hepatic duct
   D. cystic duct
601. How is called the operation – dissection of small intestine wall?
   A. enterotomy
   В. colotomy
   C. colostomy
   D. enterostomy
602. What are the parts of pancreas?
   A. head, body, legs
   В. fundus, body, neck
   C. top, body, fundus
   D.head, body, tail
603. What form does the duodenum have more often?
   A. ring-shaped
   В. angled
   C. horseshoe-shaped
   D. oblong
604.What passes in the women’s inguinal canal ?
   A. spermatic cord
   В. femoral neurovascular fascicle
   C. round ligament of ovary
   D. round ligament of uterus
605. The most likely source of hemorrhage from the upper parts of gastrointestinal tract at patients with hepatic cirrhosis is:
   A. varicosity of esophagus
   В. rupture of cirrhotic node
   C. rupture of the wall of gastro-esophageal junction
   D. acute gastric ulcer
606. The reason of mechanical jaundice can be all the following except:
   A. obturation of the common bile duct lumen with a stone
   В. haemolysis
   C. cholangiocellular carcinoma
   D. metastases into the lymph nodes of the porta hepatis
   Е. sclerosing cholangitis
607.The surgeon’s policy in case of simple (non complicated) acute cholecystitis is the following:
   A. conservative treatment of an attack, examination
   В. emergency laparoscopy, cholecystectomy
   C.emergency laparotomy, cholecystectomy
   D. referral to out-patient treatment to the general practitioner
608.To common symptoms of oncology diseases belong all the following except:
   A. amotivational weakness, fatigability
   В. decrease of body mass
   C. pale skin which further has an earth shade
   D. thirst
609. The common bile duct is made up with the fusion of the following ducts:
   A. right and left hepatic ducts
   В. cystic and right hepatic duct
   C. cystic and common hepatic duct
   D. cystic and left hepatic duct
610. Which of the following does not belong to endoscopic methods of hemostasis in case on gastroduodenal ulcerative hemorrhage?
   A. argon reinforced coagulation
   В.ligation of a bleeding vessel on the extent
   C. irrigation of the source of bleeding with the solution of caproferr
   D. surgical diathermy
611. Choose the right variant of the term “removal of vermiform appendix”
   A. appendoectomy
   В. apendectomy
   C. appendectomy
612. What anatomic structures make up the Calot’s triangle?
   A. cystic and common hepatic duct, right hepatic artery
   В. cystic and common bile duct, proper hepatic artery
   C. right hepatic duct, right hepatic artery, cystic artery
   D. common hepatic and common bile ducts, right hepatic artery
613. What symptoms do come into the picture in case of tumor development in forestomach?
   A. postprandial fullne
   В. anaemia
   C. dysphagy
   D. eructation with rotten stuff
614. Which of the following factors is not the risk factor of atherosclerosis development?
   A. smoking
   В. arterial hypertension
   C. heredity
   D. obesity
   Е. alcoholism
615. What stage of acute hemorrhoid is characterized by constant abasement of hemorrhoids from the anal canal together with the mucuous membrane of rectum, inability to set it into the anal canal using manual handling (with or without hemorrhage )?
   A. 4
   В. 3
   C. 2
   D. 1
616.What is the most widespread disease of the large intestine and rectum?
   A. cancer
   В. benign neoplasms
   C. paraproctitis
   D. hemorrhoid
   Е. diverticulosis
619. Name the alternative for palliative endoscopic (stenting, recanalization, dilatation et C.) manipulations in case of inoperable cancer of esophagus:
   A. esophagostomy
   В. extirpation of esophagus
   C. enterostomy
   D. gastronomy
620. The most likely reason of acute thrombosis of lower limb arteries is:
   A. obliterating thromboangiitis
   В. polycythemia
   C. punction and catheterization of the artery
   D. extravasal compression of the artery
   Е. obliteratingatherosclerosis
621. To Background diseases associated with the development of gastric cancer belong all the following except:
   A. chronic atrophic gastritis
   В. iron-deficient anemia
   C. chronic gastric ulcer
   D. pernicious anemia
623. What method can be the alternative to the surgical treatment of diffuse toxic goiter?
   A. treatment with radioactive iodine
   В. chemotherapy
   C. radiotherapy
   D. plasmapheresis and hemosorption
624. Which of the following does not belong to the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis?
   A. blood pressure fluctuation, heart rhythm disturbance
   В. muscle weakness
   C. increase in weight
   D. ovarian-menstrual cycle disturbance
625. How is called the operation, performed when it’s impossible to treat the illness and it is oriented on suffer relief of a patient or improving the function of the affected organ?
   A. radical
   В. relatively radical
   C. symptomatic
   D. palliative
626. Which of the following does not belong to the most typical symptoms of the cancer of esophagus?
   A. sialorrhea
   В. dry mouth
   C. not very intensive sternal pain with irradiation to the interscapular region when the food passes
   D. hoarse voice
627. How can be called a diffuse toxic goiter in other words?
   A. struma hashimoto
   В. Plummer’s disease
   C. Basedov and Graves’ diseases
   D.Riedel’s struma
628. Blue-violet spots on side walls of abdomen in case of acute pancreatitis is a positive syndrome of:
   A. Mayo-Robson
   В. Mondor
   C. Voskresenskiy
   D. Grey Turner
629. What vitamin deficiency develops after gastrectomy as a result of the loss of fundus glands located in the body and bottom area of stomach?
   A. В12
   В. D
   C. E
   D. В1
630.What is the continuation of blind gut?
   A. descending colon
   В. ascending colon
   C. transverse colon
   D. sigmoid colon
631.What organ is the head of pancreas adjacent to?
   A. to stomach
   В. to gallbladder
   C. to duodenum
   D. to liver
632. Which of the following does not belong to postoperational complication in a thyroid gland surgery?
   A. hemorrhage
   В. exophthalmos
   C. hypoparathyreosis
   D. damage of recurrent laryngeal nerves
633. The pulsation of what vessel should be defined on the boarder of internal and middle third of the inguinal ligament (if we divide the inguinal ligament into three parts )?
   A. common iliac artery
   В. internal iliac artery
   C. femoral vein
   D. femoral artery
634. Which of the following symptoms of acute appendicitis can be assessed when disease history taking?
   A. Bartomier- Mikhelson
   В. Sitkovskiy
   C. Cocher
   D. Obraztsov
635.How is called the operation –applying of the ileum fistula?
   A. ileotomy
   В. ileostomy
   C. jejunostomy
   D. enterostomy
636. If the esophagus is removed completely or partially, it can be substituted by all the following organs except:
   A. skin
   В. stomach
   C. small intestine
   D. ureter
637. What condition can be expected in case of restoration of blood flow in a long-term ischemic limb?
   A. steal syndrom
   В.“tourniquet” syndrome
   C. horse tail syndrome
   D. steppage ( equine gait)
638. How is called the part of stomach adjacent to the entrance(to the place when the esophagus turns to the stomach)?
   A. stomach body
   В. fundus
   C. cardiac orifice
   D. pylorus
639. How is called the operation of ligation and intersection of a great saphenous vein and her main tributarives in a place of its inflow into the deep femoral veins?
   A. venectomy
   В. crossectomy
   C. venesection
   D. phlebectomy
640. Which of the following diseases are more often at patients with arterial embolism?
   A. aortic aneurism
   В. vasorenal hypertension
   C. metabolic cardiomyopathy
   D. cardiac fibrillation
641. Which method is radical in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoid of 3-4th stage?
   A. infared photocoagulation
   Б. hemorrhoidectomy after Milligan- Morgan
   В. ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings
   Г. disarterization of internal hemorrhoids under the control of Doppler ultrasound
642. Which of the following serves as a manifestation of cancer of lung the most often?
   A. dispnea
   В. tenderness when percussing the chest and spine
   C. hemoptysis
   D. Horner’s syndrome
643. How is called a radiologic examination of the large intestine with retrograde introduction of rentgenocontrast preparation in it?
   A. irrigoscopy
   В. rectoscopy
   C. proctoscopy
   D. colonoscopy
644.In the rectum there is no such a part:
   A. upper-ampullar
   Б. postero-ampullar
   В. lower-ampullar
   Г. middle-ampullar
645. What vessels are affected more often in case of the Winiwarter-Buerger’s disease?
   A. aortic arch and brachiocephalic trunk
   В. thoracic aorta
   C. shank artery
   D. femoral artery
   Е. aortic bifurcatin
646. The acute thrombophlebitis of superficial veins is characterized by:
   A. significant limb edema, pain in shanks
   В. hyperemia, slight swelling and pain in shanks
   C. edema and shank painfullness
   D. pain, hyperemia and indurations along the veins
647. What should the acute appendicitis be reasonably differentiated with?
   A. perforated ulcer of duodenum
   В. acute gastroenteritis
   C. acute salpingo-oophoritis
   D. renal colic
   Е. all the answers are correct
648. Passage of purulent sputum with “full mouth” is typical for
   A. cancer of lung
   В. burst of pulmonary abscess
   C. Multisegmental pneumonia
   D. infarcted pneumonia
   Е. purulent bronchitis
649. Degenerate changes in tracheal cartilages, their thinning and softening – that is:
   A. tracheal stenosis
   В. tracheolysis
   C. tracheomalacia
   D. tracheostome
650. What state should be gained for adequate preoperative preparation before operation on thyroid gland in case of toxic goiter?
   A. euthyroidism
   В. thyrotoxicosis
   C. hypothyroidism
   D. there is no need in special preparation
652. What stage of chronic hemorrhoid is characterized by abasement of hemorrhoids but with independent setting in the anal canal (with or without hemorrhage)?
   A. 4
   В. 3
   C. 2
   D. 1
653. To palliative operation in case of gastric cancer belong all the following except:
   A. bypass gastronesteostomy
   В. laser recanalization of tumor
   C. cytoreductive gastric resection
   D. gastrectomy with splenectomy and lymph node dissection
654. What part of the esophagus is the longest?
   A. abdominal
   В. thoracic
   C. cervical
   D. all the parts are equal in length
655. Which of the following does not belong to manifestations of peripheric artery embolism?
   A. intermittent lameness
   В. limb blanching
   C. sensation disorders
   D. restricted mobility
   Е. pain in a limb
656. What innervates the recurrent laryngeal nerves?
   A. esophagus
   В. thyroid gland
   C. Vocal cords
   D. pharynx
657. Which of the following does not belong to enzymes of pancreas?
   A. nuclease
   В. trypsin
   C. lipase
   D. amylase
   Е. pepsin
658. Choose the correct spelling of the term “presence of concretion in common bile duct”?
   A. choledochocholithiasis
   В. cholelithiasis
   C. choledocholithiasis
   D. cholecystolithiasis
659. What radiological symptom can be defined on the survey radiography of abdominal organs in case of acute pancreatitis?
   A. «sentinel loop»
   В. Cloyber’s bowls
   C. “sickle” underthediaphragm
   D. enteral“arch”
660. How is called the operation – resection of half of the colon?
   A. hemicolectomy
   В. hemicolostomy
   C. hemicolectomy
   D. hemicolotomy
661. How is called the reconstructive operation of lower limbs with fistulization between the aorta and femoral arteries passing the obstacles to the bloodstreams?
   A. balloon angioplasty
   В. aorto-femoral shunting
   C. endarterectomy
   D. prosthesis of bifurcation of aorta
662. What symptoms do come to forefront more often in case of tumor in the antrum?
   A. aversion to all kinds of food
   В. dysphagy
   C. asymptomatic disease course on the background of anaemia
   D. feeling of repletion after having a meal
663. Unilateral damage of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is manifested clinically in a following way:
   A. stammering
   В. asphyxia
   C. loss of voice sonority
   D. there are no clinical manifestations in case of unilateral damage
664.Where does the bile inspissates due to absorption of water and electrolytes?
   A. in hepatocyte
   В. in common bile duct
   C. in duodenum
   D. in gallbladder
665. What forms the anterior wall of inguinal canal?
   A. transverse fascia
   В. aponeurosis of the abdominal external oblique muscle
   C. inguinal ligament
   D. lower edges of abdominal internal oblique muscle and transverse muscle of abdomen
666. In case of detection of the catarrhal appendicitis it is necessary to complete the operation with:
   A. nasogstrointestinal intubation
   В. sanitization and drainage of the abdominal cavity
   C. inspection of the ileum
   D. novocaine block of mesentery
667.How is called the exit part of stomach?
   A. forestomach
   В. pyloric
   C. body
   D. fundus
668. Which of the following does not belong to predisposing the factors of the development of cholelithiasis?
   A. male gender
   В. pregnancy, taking hormonal contraceptives
   C. pancreas diseases
   D. overeating, starvation, irregular nutrition
669. How is called the operation- applying of fistula between the cyst (of pancreas) and small intestine?
   A. omentobursostomy
   В. cystoenterotomy
   C. cystoenterostomy
   D. pancreatico-enterostomy
670. Which of the following complication do the patients with peritonitis have more often?
   A. eventration
   В. formation of intestinal fistulas
   C. thromboembolism of pulmonary artery
   D. pneumonia
   Е. formation of pyogenic abscess of abdominal cavity
671. Relaxation of anal sphincter and empty balloon-like rectal ampulla is a positive symptom of:
   A. «Obukhov’s hospital»
   В. Val
   C. Sklyarov
   D. Cloyber
672. Where is the third constriction of esophagus?
   A. where the esophagus adjoints to the arch of aorta
   В. where the larynx changes to esophagus
   C. place of passage through the esophageal opening
673. The indications to the surgical treatment of diffuse toxic goiter are the following except:
   A. neoplastic process in the thyroid gland on the background of diffuse toxic goiter
   В. inefficiency of thyreostatic therapy during the 1-1,5 years
   C. big-sized goiter, which cause the compression of neck organs
   D. exophthalmos of 3th stage
674. Which aortic branch provides the main blood supply of right areas of the large intestine?
   A. inferior mesenteric artery
   В. celiac trunk
   C. superior mesenteric artery
   D. iliac artery
675. The deficiency of what microelement is connected with the disorder of thyroid gland function?
   A. iodine
   В. potassium
   C. magnesium
   D. calcium
676.What color does the urine of a patient with mechanic jaundice become?
   A. colorless
   В. flaxen
   C. color of beer
   D. color of meat swill
677. What vessek should be ligated (clipped) in case of cholecystectomy?
   A. A.hepatica propria
   В. A.hepatica dextra
   C. A. gastroduodenalis
   D. A. cystica
678. What is indicated with the index T in the international classification of stomach cancer?
   A. presence of distant organ metastases
   В. prevalence of lymphogenic metastases along the levels of lymph node basis
   C. depth of invasion of the primary tumor of stomach
   D. histopathologycal differentiation
679. Name the parts of gallbladder
   A. fundus, body, common bile duct
   Б. fundus, body, neck
   В. apex, body, isthmus
   Г. greater curvature, lesser curvature, neck
680. Drainage of the common bile duct according to Cocher is:
   A.drainage of the common bile duct with a T-shaped drainage
   В. drainage of the common bile duct through the cystic duct
   C. drainage with a tube directed to porta hepatis
   D. Drainage with a tube directed to the duodenum
681.What is the hemorrhoid according to the structure?
   A. varix dilatated vein
   В. aneurysmatically changed artery
   C. hyperplastic change of cavernous rectal tissue
   D. local hypertrophy of perirectal fat
682. Which of the following complications of hernia is the most frequent and dangerous?
   A. phlegmon of hernial sac
   В. neoplasmes
   C. irreducibility
   D. coprostasis
   Е. strangulation
683. What type does the cholelithic obstruction belong to?
   A. dynamique
   В. spastic
   C. strangulated
   D. obturative
684. What anatomic structures does the root of lung consist of?
   A. primary bronchus, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
   В. trachea, primary bronchus, lobar bronchus
   C. primary bronchus, bronchial arteries, pulmonary veins
   D.trachea, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins
685. Which of the following preparations used for the treatment of the patients with obliterating diseases of lower limb vessels, belong to the group of disaggregants?
   A. heparin
   В. plavix
   C. pentoxifylline
   D. warfarin
686. How is called the medical diagnostic technique when there takes place the visual examination of the mucous membrane of rectum and distal parts of the sigmoid colon?
   A. anoscopy
   В. irrigoscopy
   C. colonoscopy
   D. proctoscopy
687.Which venous system is affected by the varicose disease more frequently?
   A. system of precava
   В. system of portal vein
   C. system of postcava
   D. all the systems with equal frequency
688. Which component of the conservative treatment of varicose disease improves the activity of the muscle-venous pump of shank, reduce swelling and cut short the heaviness and aching of legs?
   A. sclerosing therapy
   В. taking the topical vein active drugs
   C. peroral course taking of vein tonics
   D. compression therapy
689. Which of the following is the contraindication to laparoscopic appendectomy?
   A. chronic appendicitis
   В. solid periappendicial mass
   C. concomitant obesity
   D. concomitant diabetes
690.TO the group of thrombolytics belong:
   A. heparin
   В. warfarin
   В. plavix
   Г. urokinase
691. The damage of what organ is more possible in case of applying the carboxyperitoneum for laparoscopic operations?
   A. stomach
   В. gallbladder
   C. liver
   D. intestine
692. The normal haemoglobin content in blood serum of an adult man is the following:
   A. 90-110 g/l
   В. 115-130 g/l
   C. 135-160 g/l
   D. 160-180 g/l
693. Which part of the large intestine does the vermiform appendix belong to?
   A. rectum
   В. ascending colon
   C. transverse colon
   D. sigmoide colon
   Е. blind gut
694. The conglomerate of tightly matted together inflammated tissues, including the appendix itself and the surrounding blind gut, small intestine, omentum-is:
   A. periappendicular abscess
   В. Douglas abscess
   C. acute gangrenous appendicitis
   D. periappendiceal mass
695. The main symptoms of diffuse purulent peritonitis are the following except:
   A. abdominal pain
   В. bradycardia
   C. protective tension of abdominal muscles
   D. Bluemberg’s sign (rebound tenderness)
   Е. enteroparesis
696. The external manifestations of varicose disease of lower limbs can be the following except:
   A. telangiecstasia
   В. hyperpigmentation of shank skin
   C. hyperkeratosis
   D. trophic ulcer
697. Which branch does the stomach get the main blood supply from?
   A. truncus coeliacus
   В. A.mesenterica inferior
   C. A.mesenterica superior
   D. All the branches
698. The obliterating atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries is characterized by:
   A. telangiecstasia
   В. fulminant necrosis of foot
   C. intermittent claudication
   D. appearance of trophic ulcers in the knee joint area
   Е. concomitant thrombophlebitis of deep veins
699. Absence of pulsation of the abdominal aortic region as a result of the pancreas increase in size and edema of retroperitoneal tissue in case of acute pancreatitis is the positive symptom of:
   A. Voskresenskiy
   В. Мayo-Robson
   C. Grey Turner
   D. Mondor
   Е. Cullen
700. A patient is in a dorsal position; they perform light percussion of the anterior abdominal wall. When manipulating in the right ilioinguinal region there is a distinct painfulness. It is the positive symptom of:
   A. Cocher
   В. Voskresenskiy
   C. Rovsing
   D. Razdolskiy
458. Name the most common localization of distant metastases of colorectal cancer:
   A. liver
   В. brain
   C. lungs
   D. bones
456. What chronic disease should be excluded the first before treating the chronic hemorrhoid?
   A. chronic periproctitis
   В. acute hemorrhoid
   C. rectal cancer
   D. rectalpolyp
617. Which of the following treatment modes of obliterating atherosclerosis belong to endovascular?
   A. aorto-femoral shunting
   В. endarterectomy
   C. balloon angioplasty
   D. prosthetics of aortic bifurcation
378. What symptom can be determined when auscultating the lower limb in case of stenosis?
   A. sistolic murmur
   В. «cat's purr»
   C. diastolic murmur
   D. auscultation at this group of patients is not informative
622. Choose the most typical consequence of the truncal vagotomy:
   A. intractable constipation
   В. dysuria
   C. afferent loop syndrome
   D. diarrhea
651. What is the continuation of descending colon?
   A. ascending colon
   В. sigmoid colon
   C. blind colon
   D. ileum